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SWTOR Stats Guide
Discussion on SWTOR Stats Guide within the SWTOR Guides & Strategies forum part of the Star Wars: The Old Republic category.
12/19/2011, 11:09
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 44
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SWTOR Stats Guide
It's essential to know you character's stats and more important, how each stat will boost your character's dps, armor, HP and so on.
The Stats vary slightly from different games so its important to find out what does what for you.
A good micro-management of your char's stats is probably the most important char development strategy in a MMORPG and Star Wars: The Old Republic is no different.
If you're a new player in the MMO scene, you need to know there are 2 sets of stats, primary stats (base stats) and secondary stats.
Primary Stats are basically the core of your character, understanding these stats, will help you efficiently increase your character's output (damage, healing) and resistance (armor, HP). Although SWTOR is offering a great deal of customization to your character and its companions, managing your stats is really what makes you different from all other players. So, let's see some stats, shall we?
Primary Stats
- Strength (STR) - Increases your melee damage
- Presence (PR) - Boosts your companion's health, dps and healing
- Aim (A) - Increases your ranged damage
- Cunning (C) - Increases your tech damage
- Endurance (END) - Increases your character's HP
- Willpower (WP) - Increases your force damage.
Secondary Stats
- Power - Gives melee, force and tech damage
- Force/Tech Power - Gives force or tech power (not ranged/melee)
- Alacrity - Increases the haste for spell casting/channeling
- Critical Rating - Increases melee, force and tech crit rating
- Accuracy - Gives +hit and also grants armor/spell penetration
- Absorption - Percent of damage absorbed
- Surge - Increased critical damage
- Armor - Reduces physical and kinetic damage (Kinetic=Tech and Force powers)
- Defense - Increases Parry/Deflect (Deflect is a ranged parry)
- Shield - Increases chance to be shielded on attack
- Glance Rating - Block Rating
- Expertise - PvP stat
We did some math, taking in calculation every possible info (official screenshots, gameplay videos etc), we came up with some figures, but we decided not to post them since BW will play with them over and over until the game comes out. So no, no figures now sorry...
What's important to remember is that any class needs to have 2 primary stats maxed out, the priority being main class stat, then Endurance and last Presence (if you tend to use your companion alot). If you're a dedicated healing class, probably the order will be Presence, Endurance and some optional dps stat. The secondary stats will greatly boost your primary stats but that depends entirely on multiple factors such as level cap. Veteran MMO players know what I'm talking about, bosting a stat beyond capping is a nono aka fail.
Hope you got a general idea about stats in SWTOR, as you've probably figured it out, the stats are fairly simplistic and pretty straightforward.
07/21/2013, 15:28
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 836
Received Thanks: 320
**** that's gonna be real usefull at low level! Thanks.
05/08/2018, 23:21
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 24
Received Thanks: 0
**** that's gonna be real usefull at low level! Thanks.
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