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SWTOR Emotes

Discussion on SWTOR Emotes within the SWTOR Guides & Strategies forum part of the Star Wars: The Old Republic category.

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SWTOR Emotes

A list of every emote there is in SWTOR

Emote - - - - Example - 1st Person

/accuse - - - - You accuse everyone around you.
/angry - - - - You tremble with anger.
/apologize - - - - You apologize to everyone.
/applaud - - - - You applaud.
/applause - - - - You applaud.
/attacktarget - - - - You tell everyone to attack.
/backflip - - - - You do a flip.
/beckon - - - - You beckon everyone over to you.
/beg - - - - You beg to everyone.
/belch - - - - You belch.
/blink - - - - You blink.
/blow - - - - You blow a kiss.
/blush - - - - You blush.
/boggle - - - - You boggle at the situation.
/bonk - - - - You bonk yourself on the head.
/bored - - - - You sigh with boredom.
/bow - - - - You take a bow.
/bowformal - - - - You bow with great formality.
/bowrespect - - - - You bow respectfully.
/brandish - - - - You brandish your weapon.
/bravo - - - - You applaud.
/brb - - - - You let everyone know you'll be right back.
/burp - - - - You burp.
/bye - - - - You bid everyone farewell.
/cackle - - - - You cackle uncontrollably.
/calm - - - - You calm yourself.
/catchup - - - - You tell everyone to catch up!
/cheer - - - - You cheer.
/chew - - - - You eat a hearty meal.
/chuckle - - - - You let out a boisterous chuckle.
/clap - - - - You clap.
/clubdance - - - - You show everyone your moves.
/cold - - - - You shiver with cold.
/comfort - - - - You need to be comforted.
/commend - - - - You commend everyone, "Well done!"
/confused - - - - You look confused.
/cong - - - - You congratulate everyone.
/congrats - - - - You congratulate everyone.
/congratulate - - - - You congratulate everyone.
/console - - - - You need to be consoled.
/contemplate - - - - You contemplate the situation at hand.
/cough - - - - You cough.
/cower - - - - You cower in fear.
/cringe - - - - You cringe.
/crossarms - - - - You stand impatiently.
/cry - - - - You cry.
/curious - - - - You gaze curiously around you.
/dance - - - - You dance excitedly.
/dissappoint - - - - You frown with disappointment.
/doh - - - - You can't believe you just did that!
/done - - - - You're done here.
/doubleguns - - - - You let everyone know you'll keep your eyes on them.
/drink - - - - You raise a drink and propose a toast.
/duck - - - - You duck.
/eat - - - - You eat a hearty meal.
/excited - - - - You are excited.
/facepalm - - - - You can't believe that just happened.
/farewell - - - - You bid everyone farewell.
/fear - - - - You're afraid.
/feast - - - - You eat a hearty meal.
/fidget - - - - You fidget impatiently.
/fistbump - - - - You are too skilled for everyone here.
/flagdown - - - - You try and get everyone's attention.
/flap - - - - You flap your arms wildly.
/flee - - - - You yell, "Run Away! Run Away!"
/flex - - - - You flex for the audience.
/flinch - - - - You flinch.
/flip - - - - You do a flip.
/flirt - - - - You flirt with everyone.
/flourish - - - - You flourish your weapon in front of everyone.
/followme - - - - You tell everyone to follow you.
/food - - - - You let everyone know that you are hungry.
/frown - - - - You frown.
/getdown - - - - You show everyone how to move.
/giggle - - - - You giggle.
/glad - - - - You express happiness.
/glare - - - - You glare with contempt.
/gloat - - - - You gloat to anyone that would listen.
/golfclap - - - - You clap politely.
/goodbye - - - - You bid everyone farewell.
/goodjob - - - - You commend everyone, "Good job!"
/grats - - - - You congratulate everyone.
/greet - - - - You greet everyone.
/greetings - - - - You greet everyone.
/grin - - - - You grin.
/groan - - - - You groan.
/grovel - - - - You grovel before everyone.
/handstand - - - - You do a handstand.
/happy - - - - You express happiness.
/healme - - - - You call out for healing.
/hello - - - - You greet everyone.
/helpme - - - - You cry out for help!
/hey - - - - You call out, "Hey!"
/hi - - - - You greet everyone.
/hug - - - - You could use a hug.
/hungry - - - - You let everyone know that you are hungry.
/impatient - - - - You fidget impatiently.
/incoming - - - - You call out, "Incoming!"
/insult - - - - You make a rude gesture.
/introduce - - - - You introduce yourself to all.
/joke - - - - You tell a joke.
/kiss - - - - You blow a kiss.
/kneel - - - - You kneel down.
/laugh - - - - You laugh.
/lay - - - - You lie down.
/laydown - - - - You lie down.
/lie - - - - You lie down.
/liedown - - - - You lie down.
/listen - - - - You listen intently.
/lol - - - - You laugh.
/look - - - - You look around.
/love - - - - You love everyone.
/mad - - - - You tremble with anger.
/meditate - - - - You meditate.
/mock - - - - You mock everyone.
/mourn - - - - You mourn.
/nerfherder - - - - You call everyone a nerfherder!
/no - - - - You tell everyone, "No".
/nod - - - - You nod.
/notdroids - - - - You assure everyone that these are certainly not the droids being sought.
/observe - - - - You gaze off into the distance.
/oor - - - - You announce that you have low resources!
/openfire - - - - You give the order to open fire.
/overthere - - - - You tell everyone it's over there.
/panic - - - - You panic.
/paper - - - - You throw "Paper."
/paranoid - - - - You see something.
/peer - - - - You peer out.
/pest - - - - You shoo everyone away.
/pity - - - - You pity those around you.
/plead - - - - You plead in desperation.
/point - - - - You point out something.
/poke - - - - You poke everyone.
/ponder - - - - You ponder what will happen next.
/praise - - - - You offer praise to everyone.
/puzzled - - - - You look puzzled.
/question - - - - You question everyone.
/raise - - - - You raise your hand.
/raving - - - - You are fume at everyone.
/rdy - - - - You let everyone know that you are ready!
/ready - - - - You let everyone know that you are ready!
/rock - - - - You throw "Rock."
/rofl - - - - You roll on the floor laughing.
/rude - - - - You make a rude gesture.
/salute - - - - You salute everyone.
/scared - - - - You appear afraid.
/scissors - - - - You throw "Scissors."
/scratch - - - - You scratch.
/sexy - - - - You strut seductively in front of everyone.
/shakefist - - - - You tremble with anger.
/shiver - - - - You shiver.
/shock - - - - You're shocked!
/shoo - - - - You shoo everyone away.
/shrug - - - - You shrug.
/shy - - - - You smile shyly.
/sigh - - - - You let out a heavy sigh.
/silly - - - - You tell a joke.
/sit - - - - You sit down.
/slap - - - - You slap empty space.
/sleep - - - - You fall in a deep slumber.
/smile - - - - You smile.
/smirk - - - - You smirk.
/snicker - - - - You snicker.
/sob - - - - You sob.
/sorry - - - - You apologize to everyone.
/spit - - - - You spit.
/stare - - - - You stare off into the distance.
/stretch - - - - You stretch your muscles.
/strong - - - - You flex for the audience.
/surprised - - - - You are surprised!
/surrender - - - - You surrender to everyone.
/talk - - - - You talk to everyone.
/tap - - - - You tap your foot impatiently.
/taunt - - - - You taunt everyone.
/tease - - - - You tease everyone.
/thank - - - - You thank everyone.
/thanks - - - - You thank everyone.
/thirsty - - - - You let everyone know that you are thirsty.
/threat - - - - You threaten everyone around you.
/threaten - - - - You threaten everyone around you.
/thumbsdown - - - - You give everyone a thumbs down.
/thumbsup - - - - You give everyone a thumbs up.
/tickle - - - - You are tickled.
/tired - - - - You sigh with exhaustion.
/ty - - - - You thank everyone.
/victory - - - - You cheer in victory.
/wait - - - - You tell everyone to wait.
/warmup - - - - You get ready for anything.
/wave - - - - You wave at everyone.
/weep - - - - You cry.
/welcome - - - - You welcome everyone.
/whine - - - - You whine at the situation.
/whistle - - - - You whistle merrily.
/wicked - - - - You grin with a wolfish smile.
/wickedly - - - - You grin with a wolfish smile.
/wink - - - - You wink coyly.
/woot - - - - You cheer.
/yawn - - - - You yawn.
/yay - - - - You are filled with happiness!
/yes - - - - You nod in agreement.
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Old 07/21/2013, 15:37   #2
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Old 05/08/2018, 23:17   #3
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swtor emotes

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