How To Change Name Server in Game Come See Pic PK2 Server Vsro
Discussion on How To Change Name Server in Game Come See Pic PK2 Server Vsro within the SRO PServer Guides & Releases forum part of the SRO Private Server category.
[vSRO Server Files] Interesting acts of in-game experience 05/17/2013 - SRO Private Server - 2 Replies Hello. I'm writing and writing problems no1 cares so maybe here I will get help.
As I can see it's unique problem.
I can start server, login and "play".
Okay so the problem is:
So sweet and fun to play at this server. What could cause this problem?
[VSRO]Server running but can't connect to the game 10/21/2011 - SRO Private Server - 0 Replies I've managed to get all the files working, but now I can't connect to the game. I try to start the game from the same PC where I'm running the files on.
I use edxloader and put my ip4 ip in the first box with port 15779. Then when the game starts the server appears to be in "check"
How can I "fix" this and be able to connect to the game.
Nvm, fixed it SMC -> Server control -> rightclick on shard -> start service.
[HELP] HOW change name server vsro (Sroland) 09/30/2011 - SRO Private Server - 7 Replies hello guys how are u today.
i hopy all fine i need some help how can i change name server sroland and how can i add silk in account wait answer