Originally Posted by thaidu0ngpr0
add it here right bro?
my discord
Can bro give me some detailed instructions, actually I'm just starting to do it
int CPSMission::OnPacketRecv(MsgStreamBuffer* MsgBuffer)
if(MsgBuffer->Opcode ==0x1666)
//you call here
//Returning 1 means packet is accepted & read, 0 means fail & afair client may crash if you do return 0
//Also, if you're planning to read original packets, set TotalReadBytes to 0 after you finish reading, because sro_client will re-read this stuff and if any byte were read before, it'll crash because it attempts to read over max bytes limit.
return reinterpret_cast<int(__thiscall*)(CPSMission*, MsgStreamBuffer*)>(0x0084CAB0)(this, MsgBuffer);