you need to parse the client side chat packet to see who is the sender
if gm user do the func
ex like all chat msg type in all chat /settime 3,Hello World
by using string split you can get the time and the msg
split(' ') the white space before the num of the time
string[] xpass = message.Split(' ');
now we can get the time how??
xpass[0] will return /settime
xpass[1] will return 3,Hello World
string[] xpass2= xpass[1].ToString().Split(',');
xpass2[0] will return 3
xpass2[1] will return Hello World
now you need to make fun that like timer/thread
to send notice every time
int time=0; // you will set this
static async void NoticeCommand()
while (true)
Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time)); // on seconds