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Error While parsing a Spawn Packet

Discussion on Error While parsing a Spawn Packet within the SRO Coding Corner forum part of the Silkroad Online category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 53
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 308
Received Thanks: 86
Error While parsing a Spawn Packet

While i'm parsing a spawn packets i got some erros i didn't knew why it come Although it working fine in another program which i extracted the code from it

Full code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SilkroadSecurityApi;
using System.Threading;
using System.Drawing;
#pragma warning disable
namespace UnixEvents
    class CharSpawn
        public static Packet CharPacket;
        public static byte[] skip_charid;
        public struct CAVE_
            public bool char_incave;
            public byte xsector;
            public float zcoord;
            public float xcoord;
        public static CAVE_ cave = new CAVE_();
        public static List<string> explist = new List<string>();
        public static int Level;
        public static int maxLevel;
        public static ulong exp;
        public static ulong expmax;
        public static ulong Gold;
        public static uint SkillPoints;
        public static uint AvailableStatPoints;
        public static byte Zerk;
        public static uint CurrentHP;
        public static uint CurrentMP;
        public static byte itemscount;
        public static byte inventoryslot;
        public static byte questspending;
        public static ushort questscompleted;
        public static uint ID;
        public static uint AccountID;
        public static int X;
        public static int Y;
        public static string PlayerName;
        public static string guildName;
        public static ushort STR;
        public static ushort INT;
        public static uint MaxHP;
        public static uint MaxMP;
        public static uint some;
        public static uint model;
        public static byte volh;
        public static float speed;
        public static byte data_loaded = 0;

        public static bool groupspawnIsSpawn = false;
        public static int spawnAmount = 0;
        public static bool groupspawn = false;

        public static void parseSpawn(Packet packet)
                #region Main
                CharSpawn.some = packet.ReadUInt32(); // ServerTime 
                CharSpawn.model = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Model
                CharSpawn.volh = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Volume and Height - scale -
                CharStrings.Level = packet.ReadUInt8(); // CurLevel
                CharStrings.MaxLevel = packet.ReadUInt8(); //MaxLevel
                int maxlvl = (int)CharStrings.Level - 1;
                CharStrings.Exp = packet.ReadUInt64(); // ExpOffset
                packet.ReadUInt32(); //SP bar SExpOffset
                CharStrings.Gold = packet.ReadUInt64(); //RemainGold
                CharStrings.SkillPoints = packet.ReadUInt32(); //RemainSkillPoint
                CharStrings.StatPoints = packet.ReadUInt16(); //RemainStatPoint
                packet.ReadUInt8();//Zerk?!! RemainHwanCount
                packet.ReadUInt32(); // GatheredExpPoint
                CharStrings.CurrentHP = packet.ReadUInt32();
                CharStrings.CurrentMP = packet.ReadUInt32();
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //AutoInverstExp
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //DailyPK
                packet.ReadUInt16(); //TotalPK
                packet.ReadUInt32(); //PKPenaltyPoint
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //HwanLevel
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //FreePVP           //0 = None, 1 = Red, 2 = Gray, 3 = Blue, 4 = White, 5 = Gold

                #region Items
                CharSpawn.inventoryslot = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Inventory.Size
                CharSpawn.itemscount = packet.ReadUInt8();  // Inventory.ItemCount
                for (int y = 0; y < CharSpawn.itemscount; y++)
                    byte slot = packet.ReadUInt8(); //  item.Slot
                    uint RentType = packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RentType
                                                         /* if (RentType == 1)
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime 
                                                          else if (RentType == 2)
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16(); // item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16();  //item.RentInfo.CanRecharge
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.MeterRateTime 
                                                          else if (RentType == 3)
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanRecharge
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime 
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PackingTime  

                    uint item_id = packet.ReadUInt32();
                    int index = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(item_id);
                    if (index > -1)
                        string type = Items_Info.itemstypelist[index];
                        string name = Items_Info.itemsnamelist[index];
                        //Console.WriteLine("ID " + item_id + " |Type : " + type + " |Name : " + name + " |Slot : " + slot); Char Items
                        // Console.WriteLine("______________ Current Type : " + type); Current Type Search
                        if (type.StartsWith("ITEM_CH") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_ROC_CH") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_ROC_EU") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EU") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_MALL_AVATAR") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_ETC_E060529_GOLDDRAGONFLAG") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_CH") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_EU") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_AVATAR_W_NASRUN") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_AVATAR_M_NASRUN"))
                            byte item_plus = packet.ReadUInt8();
                            byte blueamm = packet.ReadUInt8();
                            for (int i = 0; i < blueamm; i++)
                            packet.ReadUInt8(); //Unknwon
                            packet.ReadUInt8(); //Unknwon
                            packet.ReadUInt8(); //Unknwon
                            byte flag1 = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Flag ?
                            if (flag1 == 1)
                                packet.ReadUInt8(); //Unknown
                                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Unknown ID ? ADV Elexir ID ?
                                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Unknwon Count
                        else if ((type.StartsWith("ITEM_COS") && type.Contains("SILK")) || (type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_COS") && !type.Contains("_C_")))
                            // orginial mn 8er De wala Else
                            if (GlobalControl.Types.grabpet_spawn_types.IndexOf(type) != -1 || GlobalControl.Types.attack_spawn_types.IndexOf(type) != -1)
                                byte flag = packet.ReadUInt8();
                                if (flag == 2 || flag == 3 || flag == 4)
                                    packet.ReadUInt32(); //Model
                                    if (GlobalControl.Types.attack_spawn_types.IndexOf(type) == -1)

                                byte flag = packet.ReadUInt8();
                                if (flag == 2 || flag == 3 || flag == 4)
                                    packet.ReadUInt32(); //Model
                                    if (GlobalControl.Types.attack_spawn_types.IndexOf(type) == -1)
                        else if (type == "ITEM_ETC_TRANS_MONSTER")
                        else if (type.StartsWith("ITEM_MALL_MAGIC_CUBE")) //
                            ushort count = packet.ReadUInt16();
                            if (type.Contains("ITEM_ETC_ARCHEMY_ATTRSTONE")) // || type.Contains("ITEM_ETC_ARCHEMY_MAGICSTONE"))
                            if (type == "ITEM_EVENT_RENT_GLOBAL_CHATTING")
                                CharStrings.GlobalsTypeSlot.Add(type + "," + count + "," + slot);


                if (CharStrings.GlobalsTypeSlot.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string TTType in CharStrings.GlobalsTypeSlot) // Loop through List with foreach.
                        Program.UpdateLogs("Inventory Globals : " + TTType,Color.Red);

                    Program.UpdateLogs("Warrning : Bot Charachter Dosent Have ITEM_EVENT_RENT_GLOBAL_CHATTING", Color.Red);

                   // ConnTestConsole.Program.AutoRefill();

                /*foreach (string TTType in CharStrings.GlobalsTypeSlot) // Loop through List with foreach.
                        Console.WriteLine("Laaaast : " + TTType);


                #region Avatars
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // AvatarInventory.Size
                int avatarcount = packet.ReadUInt8(); // AvatarInventory.ItemCount
                for (int i = 0; i < avatarcount; i++)
                    packet.ReadUInt8(); //Slot
                    uint AvatarRentType = packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RentType
                    int index = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(AvatarRentType);
                    if (index > -1)
                        string type = Items_Info.itemstypelist[index];

                    /*if (AvatarRentType == 1)
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime  
                    else if (AvatarRentType == 2)
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanRecharge
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.MeterRateTime  
                    else if (AvatarRentType == 3)
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanRecharge
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime 
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RentInfo.PackingTime  


                    byte item_plus = packet.ReadUInt8();
                    byte blueamm = packet.ReadUInt8();
                    for (int a = 0; a < blueamm; a++)
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //Avatars End


                int mastery = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Mastery Start
                while (mastery == 1)
                    packet.ReadUInt32(); // Mastery ID
                    packet.ReadUInt8();  // Mastery LV
                    mastery = packet.ReadUInt8(); // New Mastery Start / List End
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Mastery END

                uint skilllist = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Skill List Start
                //MessageBox.Show("" + skilllist);
                while (skilllist == 1)

                    uint skillid = packet.ReadUInt32(); // Skill ID
                    skilllist = packet.ReadUInt8(); // New Skill Start / List End
                    Program.UpdateLogs(" __ HEre " + skilllist,Color.Red);

                   // Char.addSkill(skillid);

                #region Skipping Quest Part

                Packet charid = new Packet(3020);
                byte idpart1 = charid.ReadUInt8();
                byte idpart2 = charid.ReadUInt8();
                byte idpart3 = charid.ReadUInt8();
                byte idpart4 = charid.ReadUInt8();
                while (true)
                    if (packet.ReadUInt8() == idpart1)
                        if (packet.ReadUInt8() == idpart2)
                            if (packet.ReadUInt8() == idpart3)
                                if (packet.ReadUInt8() == idpart4)

                //CharSpawn.ID = packet.ReadUInt32();
                byte xsec = packet.ReadUInt8();
                byte ysec = packet.ReadUInt8();

                float xcoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                float zcoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                float ycoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                //MessageBox.Show(xsec + " | " + ysec + " ||| " + xcoord + " " + ycoord + " " + zcoord);
                /*if (positionTools.InCave(ysec))
                    cave.char_incave = true;
                    cave.xsector = xsec;
                    cave.zcoord = zcoord;
                    cave.xcoord = xcoord;
                    cave.char_incave = false;
                //CoordXY ingameCoords = ConvertCoord.toGame(xsec, ysec, (uint)xcoord, (uint)ycoord);
                //positionTools.setPosition(ingameCoords.x, ingameCoords.y);
                //MessageBox.Show(xsec + " | " + ysec + " ||| " + xcoord + " " + ycoord + " " + zcoord + Environment.NewLine + ingameCoords.x + " | " + ingameCoords.y);
                packet.ReadUInt16(); // Position
                int move = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Move ?? Maybie Useless
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Run
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //DeathFlag
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //Movement Flag
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //Berserker Flag
                //Char.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Walking Speed
                //Char.RunSpeed = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Running Speed
                CharStrings.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadSingle() * 1.1f; //Walking Speed
                CharStrings.RunSpeed = packet.ReadSingle() * 1.1f; //Running Speed
                CharStrings.ZerkSpeed = packet.ReadUInt32() * 1.1f; //Berserker Speed
                CharStrings.PlayerName = packet.ReadAscii();
                Program.UpdateLogs(CharStrings.PlayerName, Color.Red);
                //string alias = packet.ReadAscii(); // ALIAS

            catch (Exception ex)
                Program.UpdateLogs("Error Parsing CharSpawn Packet" + ex.Message ,Color.Red);


        public static void START_ParseChar(Packet packet)
            //  CHARACTER
            //  NPC
            //      NPC_FORTRESS_STRUCT
            //      NPC_MOB
            //      NPC_COS
            //      NPC_FORTRESS_COS   

                uint model = packet.ReadUInt32();
                //Console.WriteLine(" the Unique ID : " + model.ToString());
                int index = Mobs_Info.mobsidlist.IndexOf(model);

                if (index != -1)
                    if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("CHAR"))
                        //CharSpawn.ParseChar(packet, index);
                        Thread t = new Thread(() => ParseChar(packet, index));
        public static void ParseChar(Packet packet, int index) // 3015 single spawn
            string name = string.Empty;
            uint UniqueID = 0;

                int trade = 0;
                int stall = 0;
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Volume/Height scale
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // HwanLevel
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //PVPCape           //0 = None, 1 = Red, 2 = Gray, 3 = Blue, 4 = White, 5 = Orange
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // AutoInverstExp  //1 = Beginner Icon, 2 = Helpful, 3 = Beginner & Helpful
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Max Slots Inventory.Size
                int items_count = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Inventory.ItemCount
                for (int a = 0; a < items_count; a++)
                    uint itemid = packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RefItemID
                                                       /*if (itemid >= 80000 && itemid <= 80504) // edits for bypass For Choas
                                                           byte plus = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Item Plus
                                                           //Console.WriteLine("Bypass item Done");
                    int itemindex = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(itemid);
                    if (Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_CH") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_EU") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_FORT") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_ROC_CH") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_ROC_EU"))
                        byte plus = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Item Plus
                    if (Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_EU_M_TRADE") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_EU_F_TRADE") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_CH_M_TRADE") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_CH_W_TRADE"))
                        trade = 1;

                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Max Avatars Slot Inventory.Size
                int avatar_count = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Inventory.ItemCount
                for (int a = 0; a < avatar_count; a++)
                    uint avatarid = packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RefItemID
                    int avatarindex = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(avatarid);
                    byte plus = packet.ReadUInt8();// Avatar Plus
                    if (avatarindex == -1)
                        //Globals.UpdateLogs("Error on avatars !!! Avatar ID: " + avatarid);

                int mask = packet.ReadUInt8(); //HasMask
                if (mask == 1)
                    uint id = packet.ReadUInt32(); //mask.RefObjID
                    string type = Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[Mobs_Info.mobsidlist.IndexOf(id)];
                    if (type.StartsWith("CHAR"))
                        packet.ReadUInt8(); //Mask.Scale
                        byte count = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Mask.ItemCount
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RefItemID
                  else if(obj.TypeID2 == 2 && obj.TypeID3 == 5)
        4   uint    HP
        4   uint    RefEventStructID
        2   ushort  State
                 * */
                UniqueID = packet.ReadUInt32(); // Char Unique Spawn ID

                /* //Position
                 ushort RegionID = packet.ReadUInt16(); //Position.RegionID
                 float posX = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Position.X
                 float posY = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Position.Y
                 float posZ = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Position.Z
                 ushort posAngle = packet.ReadUInt16(); //Position.Angle
                byte xsec = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Position.RegionID
                byte ysec = packet.ReadUInt8();
                float xcoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                float ycoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadUInt16(); // Position

                byte move = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Moving  //  Movement.HasDestination
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Running  // Movement.Type

                if (move == 1)
                    xsec = packet.ReadUInt8();
                    ysec = packet.ReadUInt8();
                    if (ysec == 0x80)
                        xcoord = packet.ReadUInt16() - packet.ReadUInt16();
                        ycoord = packet.ReadUInt16() - packet.ReadUInt16();
                        xcoord = packet.ReadUInt16();
                        ycoord = packet.ReadUInt16();
                    packet.ReadUInt8(); // No Destination
                    packet.ReadUInt16(); ; // Angle

                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Alive
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown

                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Walking speed
                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Running speed
                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Berserk speed

                int active_skills = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Buffs count
                                                        //Spawns.characters[s_index].buffs = new Spawns.Characters_.Buffs_[100];
                                                        // {
                for (int a = 0; a < active_skills; a++)
                    uint skillid = packet.ReadUInt32();
                    int buffindex = Skills_Info.skillsidlist.IndexOf(skillid);
                    //Spawns.characters[s_index].buffs[a].name = Skills_Info.skillsnamelist[Skills_Info.skillsidlist.IndexOf(skillid)];
                    string type = Skills_Info.skillstypelist[buffindex];
                    packet.ReadUInt32(); // Temp ID
                    if (type.StartsWith("SKILL_EU_CLERIC_RECOVERYA_GROUP") || type.StartsWith("SKILL_EU_BARD_BATTLAA_GUARD") || type.StartsWith("SKILL_EU_BARD_DANCEA") || type.StartsWith("SKILL_EU_BARD_SPEEDUPA_HITRATE"))
                /* }
                     Console.WriteLine("Unknown Parsing Skill");
                // string
                name = packet.ReadAscii();
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan;
                Program.UpdateLogs("Player Arround Unique ID: " + UniqueID + " Player Name: " + name,Color.Red);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                //Everything.CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID.Add(name + "," + UniqueID.ToString());
                for (int i = 0; i < CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID.Count; i++) // Loop through List with foreach.
                    if (CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID[i].StartsWith(name))
                        int AlreadyIndex = CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID.IndexOf(CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID[i]);
                CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID.Add(name + "," + UniqueID.ToString());

                /*//Spawns.characters[s_index].charname = name;
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Job type
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Job level
                int cnt = packet.ReadUInt8();
                if (cnt == 1)
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                stall = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Stall flag
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                string guild = packet.ReadAscii(); // Guild
                //Spawns.characters[s_index].guildname = guild;
                if (trade == 1)
          ; // Guild ID
          ; // Grant Name
                    if (stall == 4)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Program.UpdateLogs("Error Spawn Unique ID: " + UniqueID + " Player Name: " + name + ex.Message ,Color.Red);
                Program.UpdateLogs("Spawn" + ex.Message + " Count: " + packet + ex.Message, Color.Red);

        public static void begin(Packet packet)
                //Globals.sendToClient = false;
                byte action = packet.ReadUInt8();
                //Console.WriteLine("Action : " + action);
                if (action == 1)
                    groupspawnIsSpawn = true;//spawn
                else if (action == 2)
                    groupspawnIsSpawn = false;//despawn
                //spawnAmount = Convert.ToInt16(packet.ReadUInt16());
                spawnAmount = (int)packet.ReadUInt16();
                //Console.WriteLine("Spawn Amount : " + spawnAmount);
                groupspawn = true;
            catch(Exception ex) { Program.UpdateLogs("Error Start Record Amount Of Group Spawn " + ex.Message,Color.Red); }

        public static void end(Packet packet)
            groupspawn = false;

        public static void GroupeSpawn(Packet packet)
                /*if (groupspawnIsSpawn)//group spawn
                /*for (int i = 0; i < spawnAmount; i++)
                #region DetectType
                uint model = packet.ReadUInt32();
                int index = Mobs_Info.mobsidlist.IndexOf(model);
                int itemsindex = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(model);
                //MessageBox.Show(index.ToString() + itemsindex.ToString());

                if (itemsindex != -1)
                    #region ItemsParsing
                    //Parse.ParseItems(packet, itemsindex);
                if (index != -1)
                    #region PetsParsing
                    if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("COS"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("COS : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParsePets(packet, index);
                    #region NPCParsing
                    else if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("NPC"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("NPC : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParseNPC(packet, index);
                    #region CharParsing
                    else if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("CHAR"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("CHAR : " + index);
                        //ParseChar(packet, index);
                        // new from annoying
                        Thread t = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.ParseChar(packet, index));
                    #region MobsParsing
                    else if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("MOB"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("MOB : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParseMob(packet, index);
                    #region PortalParsing
                    else if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].Contains("_GATE"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("_GATE : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParsePortal(packet, index);
                    #region OtherParsing
                        // Console.WriteLine("OtherParsing : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParseOther(packet, index);
                // }
                // }
            catch(Exception ex) { Program.UpdateLogs("Error Parse group Spawn" + ex.Message,Color.Red); }

Agent Part
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_CHARDATA:
                                    Program.UpdateLogs("[Notify]: " + Program._Char + ": Spawned successfully !", Color.Green);
                                    Thread t = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.parseSpawn(current));
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_GROUPSPAWNB:
                                    Thread t2 = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.begin(current));
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_GROUPSPAWNEND:
                                    Thread t3 = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.end(current));
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_GROUPESPAWN:
                                    Thread t4 = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.GroupeSpawn(current));
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_SINGLESPAWN:
                                    Thread t5 = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.START_ParseChar(current));
Error which i got:
Error Start Record Amount Of Group Spawn Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
Error Parse group Spawn
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Old 05/08/2018, 17:04   #2
B1Q's Avatar
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i don't recall 3015/3019 having "skills,detailed inventory" of player
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Old 05/08/2018, 23:47   #3
Isoline*'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by Mr.Awesome1337 View Post
While i'm parsing a spawn packets i got some erros i didn't knew why it come Although it working fine in another program which i extracted the code from it

Full code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SilkroadSecurityApi;
using System.Threading;
using System.Drawing;
#pragma warning disable
namespace UnixEvents
    class CharSpawn
        public static Packet CharPacket;
        public static byte[] skip_charid;
        public struct CAVE_
            public bool char_incave;
            public byte xsector;
            public float zcoord;
            public float xcoord;
        public static CAVE_ cave = new CAVE_();
        public static List<string> explist = new List<string>();
        public static int Level;
        public static int maxLevel;
        public static ulong exp;
        public static ulong expmax;
        public static ulong Gold;
        public static uint SkillPoints;
        public static uint AvailableStatPoints;
        public static byte Zerk;
        public static uint CurrentHP;
        public static uint CurrentMP;
        public static byte itemscount;
        public static byte inventoryslot;
        public static byte questspending;
        public static ushort questscompleted;
        public static uint ID;
        public static uint AccountID;
        public static int X;
        public static int Y;
        public static string PlayerName;
        public static string guildName;
        public static ushort STR;
        public static ushort INT;
        public static uint MaxHP;
        public static uint MaxMP;
        public static uint some;
        public static uint model;
        public static byte volh;
        public static float speed;
        public static byte data_loaded = 0;

        public static bool groupspawnIsSpawn = false;
        public static int spawnAmount = 0;
        public static bool groupspawn = false;

        public static void parseSpawn(Packet packet)
                #region Main
                CharSpawn.some = packet.ReadUInt32(); // ServerTime 
                CharSpawn.model = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Model
                CharSpawn.volh = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Volume and Height - scale -
                CharStrings.Level = packet.ReadUInt8(); // CurLevel
                CharStrings.MaxLevel = packet.ReadUInt8(); //MaxLevel
                int maxlvl = (int)CharStrings.Level - 1;
                CharStrings.Exp = packet.ReadUInt64(); // ExpOffset
                packet.ReadUInt32(); //SP bar SExpOffset
                CharStrings.Gold = packet.ReadUInt64(); //RemainGold
                CharStrings.SkillPoints = packet.ReadUInt32(); //RemainSkillPoint
                CharStrings.StatPoints = packet.ReadUInt16(); //RemainStatPoint
                packet.ReadUInt8();//Zerk?!! RemainHwanCount
                packet.ReadUInt32(); // GatheredExpPoint
                CharStrings.CurrentHP = packet.ReadUInt32();
                CharStrings.CurrentMP = packet.ReadUInt32();
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //AutoInverstExp
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //DailyPK
                packet.ReadUInt16(); //TotalPK
                packet.ReadUInt32(); //PKPenaltyPoint
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //HwanLevel
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //FreePVP           //0 = None, 1 = Red, 2 = Gray, 3 = Blue, 4 = White, 5 = Gold

                #region Items
                CharSpawn.inventoryslot = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Inventory.Size
                CharSpawn.itemscount = packet.ReadUInt8();  // Inventory.ItemCount
                for (int y = 0; y < CharSpawn.itemscount; y++)
                    byte slot = packet.ReadUInt8(); //  item.Slot
                    uint RentType = packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RentType
                                                         /* if (RentType == 1)
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime 
                                                          else if (RentType == 2)
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16(); // item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16();  //item.RentInfo.CanRecharge
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.MeterRateTime 
                                                          else if (RentType == 3)
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                                                              packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanRecharge
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime 
                                                              packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PackingTime  

                    uint item_id = packet.ReadUInt32();
                    int index = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(item_id);
                    if (index > -1)
                        string type = Items_Info.itemstypelist[index];
                        string name = Items_Info.itemsnamelist[index];
                        //Console.WriteLine("ID " + item_id + " |Type : " + type + " |Name : " + name + " |Slot : " + slot); Char Items
                        // Console.WriteLine("______________ Current Type : " + type); Current Type Search
                        if (type.StartsWith("ITEM_CH") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_ROC_CH") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_ROC_EU") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EU") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_MALL_AVATAR") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_ETC_E060529_GOLDDRAGONFLAG") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_CH") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_EU") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_AVATAR_W_NASRUN") || type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_AVATAR_M_NASRUN"))
                            byte item_plus = packet.ReadUInt8();
                            byte blueamm = packet.ReadUInt8();
                            for (int i = 0; i < blueamm; i++)
                            packet.ReadUInt8(); //Unknwon
                            packet.ReadUInt8(); //Unknwon
                            packet.ReadUInt8(); //Unknwon
                            byte flag1 = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Flag ?
                            if (flag1 == 1)
                                packet.ReadUInt8(); //Unknown
                                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Unknown ID ? ADV Elexir ID ?
                                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Unknwon Count
                        else if ((type.StartsWith("ITEM_COS") && type.Contains("SILK")) || (type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_COS") && !type.Contains("_C_")))
                            // orginial mn 8er De wala Else
                            if (GlobalControl.Types.grabpet_spawn_types.IndexOf(type) != -1 || GlobalControl.Types.attack_spawn_types.IndexOf(type) != -1)
                                byte flag = packet.ReadUInt8();
                                if (flag == 2 || flag == 3 || flag == 4)
                                    packet.ReadUInt32(); //Model
                                    if (GlobalControl.Types.attack_spawn_types.IndexOf(type) == -1)

                                byte flag = packet.ReadUInt8();
                                if (flag == 2 || flag == 3 || flag == 4)
                                    packet.ReadUInt32(); //Model
                                    if (GlobalControl.Types.attack_spawn_types.IndexOf(type) == -1)
                        else if (type == "ITEM_ETC_TRANS_MONSTER")
                        else if (type.StartsWith("ITEM_MALL_MAGIC_CUBE")) //
                            ushort count = packet.ReadUInt16();
                            if (type.Contains("ITEM_ETC_ARCHEMY_ATTRSTONE")) // || type.Contains("ITEM_ETC_ARCHEMY_MAGICSTONE"))
                            if (type == "ITEM_EVENT_RENT_GLOBAL_CHATTING")
                                CharStrings.GlobalsTypeSlot.Add(type + "," + count + "," + slot);


                if (CharStrings.GlobalsTypeSlot.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string TTType in CharStrings.GlobalsTypeSlot) // Loop through List with foreach.
                        Program.UpdateLogs("Inventory Globals : " + TTType,Color.Red);

                    Program.UpdateLogs("Warrning : Bot Charachter Dosent Have ITEM_EVENT_RENT_GLOBAL_CHATTING", Color.Red);

                   // ConnTestConsole.Program.AutoRefill();

                /*foreach (string TTType in CharStrings.GlobalsTypeSlot) // Loop through List with foreach.
                        Console.WriteLine("Laaaast : " + TTType);


                #region Avatars
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // AvatarInventory.Size
                int avatarcount = packet.ReadUInt8(); // AvatarInventory.ItemCount
                for (int i = 0; i < avatarcount; i++)
                    packet.ReadUInt8(); //Slot
                    uint AvatarRentType = packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RentType
                    int index = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(AvatarRentType);
                    if (index > -1)
                        string type = Items_Info.itemstypelist[index];

                    /*if (AvatarRentType == 1)
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime  
                    else if (AvatarRentType == 2)
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanRecharge
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.MeterRateTime  
                    else if (AvatarRentType == 3)
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanDelete
                        packet.ReadUInt16(); //item.RentInfo.CanRecharge
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodBeginTime
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RentInfo.PeriodEndTime 
                        packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RentInfo.PackingTime  


                    byte item_plus = packet.ReadUInt8();
                    byte blueamm = packet.ReadUInt8();
                    for (int a = 0; a < blueamm; a++)
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //Avatars End


                int mastery = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Mastery Start
                while (mastery == 1)
                    packet.ReadUInt32(); // Mastery ID
                    packet.ReadUInt8();  // Mastery LV
                    mastery = packet.ReadUInt8(); // New Mastery Start / List End
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Mastery END

                uint skilllist = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Skill List Start
                //MessageBox.Show("" + skilllist);
                while (skilllist == 1)

                    uint skillid = packet.ReadUInt32(); // Skill ID
                    skilllist = packet.ReadUInt8(); // New Skill Start / List End
                    Program.UpdateLogs(" __ HEre " + skilllist,Color.Red);

                   // Char.addSkill(skillid);

                #region Skipping Quest Part

                Packet charid = new Packet(3020);
                byte idpart1 = charid.ReadUInt8();
                byte idpart2 = charid.ReadUInt8();
                byte idpart3 = charid.ReadUInt8();
                byte idpart4 = charid.ReadUInt8();
                while (true)
                    if (packet.ReadUInt8() == idpart1)
                        if (packet.ReadUInt8() == idpart2)
                            if (packet.ReadUInt8() == idpart3)
                                if (packet.ReadUInt8() == idpart4)

                //CharSpawn.ID = packet.ReadUInt32();
                byte xsec = packet.ReadUInt8();
                byte ysec = packet.ReadUInt8();

                float xcoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                float zcoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                float ycoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                //MessageBox.Show(xsec + " | " + ysec + " ||| " + xcoord + " " + ycoord + " " + zcoord);
                /*if (positionTools.InCave(ysec))
                    cave.char_incave = true;
                    cave.xsector = xsec;
                    cave.zcoord = zcoord;
                    cave.xcoord = xcoord;
                    cave.char_incave = false;
                //CoordXY ingameCoords = ConvertCoord.toGame(xsec, ysec, (uint)xcoord, (uint)ycoord);
                //positionTools.setPosition(ingameCoords.x, ingameCoords.y);
                //MessageBox.Show(xsec + " | " + ysec + " ||| " + xcoord + " " + ycoord + " " + zcoord + Environment.NewLine + ingameCoords.x + " | " + ingameCoords.y);
                packet.ReadUInt16(); // Position
                int move = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Move ?? Maybie Useless
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Run
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //DeathFlag
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //Movement Flag
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //Berserker Flag
                //Char.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Walking Speed
                //Char.RunSpeed = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Running Speed
                CharStrings.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadSingle() * 1.1f; //Walking Speed
                CharStrings.RunSpeed = packet.ReadSingle() * 1.1f; //Running Speed
                CharStrings.ZerkSpeed = packet.ReadUInt32() * 1.1f; //Berserker Speed
                CharStrings.PlayerName = packet.ReadAscii();
                Program.UpdateLogs(CharStrings.PlayerName, Color.Red);
                //string alias = packet.ReadAscii(); // ALIAS

            catch (Exception ex)
                Program.UpdateLogs("Error Parsing CharSpawn Packet" + ex.Message ,Color.Red);


        public static void START_ParseChar(Packet packet)
            //  CHARACTER
            //  NPC
            //      NPC_FORTRESS_STRUCT
            //      NPC_MOB
            //      NPC_COS
            //      NPC_FORTRESS_COS   

                uint model = packet.ReadUInt32();
                //Console.WriteLine(" the Unique ID : " + model.ToString());
                int index = Mobs_Info.mobsidlist.IndexOf(model);

                if (index != -1)
                    if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("CHAR"))
                        //CharSpawn.ParseChar(packet, index);
                        Thread t = new Thread(() => ParseChar(packet, index));
        public static void ParseChar(Packet packet, int index) // 3015 single spawn
            string name = string.Empty;
            uint UniqueID = 0;

                int trade = 0;
                int stall = 0;
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Volume/Height scale
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // HwanLevel
                packet.ReadUInt8(); //PVPCape           //0 = None, 1 = Red, 2 = Gray, 3 = Blue, 4 = White, 5 = Orange
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // AutoInverstExp  //1 = Beginner Icon, 2 = Helpful, 3 = Beginner & Helpful
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Max Slots Inventory.Size
                int items_count = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Inventory.ItemCount
                for (int a = 0; a < items_count; a++)
                    uint itemid = packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RefItemID
                                                       /*if (itemid >= 80000 && itemid <= 80504) // edits for bypass For Choas
                                                           byte plus = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Item Plus
                                                           //Console.WriteLine("Bypass item Done");
                    int itemindex = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(itemid);
                    if (Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_CH") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_EU") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_FORT") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_ROC_CH") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_ROC_EU"))
                        byte plus = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Item Plus
                    if (Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_EU_M_TRADE") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_EU_F_TRADE") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_CH_M_TRADE") || Items_Info.itemstypelist[itemindex].StartsWith("ITEM_CH_W_TRADE"))
                        trade = 1;

                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Max Avatars Slot Inventory.Size
                int avatar_count = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Inventory.ItemCount
                for (int a = 0; a < avatar_count; a++)
                    uint avatarid = packet.ReadUInt32(); // item.RefItemID
                    int avatarindex = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(avatarid);
                    byte plus = packet.ReadUInt8();// Avatar Plus
                    if (avatarindex == -1)
                        //Globals.UpdateLogs("Error on avatars !!! Avatar ID: " + avatarid);

                int mask = packet.ReadUInt8(); //HasMask
                if (mask == 1)
                    uint id = packet.ReadUInt32(); //mask.RefObjID
                    string type = Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[Mobs_Info.mobsidlist.IndexOf(id)];
                    if (type.StartsWith("CHAR"))
                        packet.ReadUInt8(); //Mask.Scale
                        byte count = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Mask.ItemCount
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            packet.ReadUInt32(); //item.RefItemID
                  else if(obj.TypeID2 == 2 && obj.TypeID3 == 5)
        4   uint    HP
        4   uint    RefEventStructID
        2   ushort  State
                 * */
                UniqueID = packet.ReadUInt32(); // Char Unique Spawn ID

                /* //Position
                 ushort RegionID = packet.ReadUInt16(); //Position.RegionID
                 float posX = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Position.X
                 float posY = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Position.Y
                 float posZ = packet.ReadUInt32(); //Position.Z
                 ushort posAngle = packet.ReadUInt16(); //Position.Angle
                byte xsec = packet.ReadUInt8(); //Position.RegionID
                byte ysec = packet.ReadUInt8();
                float xcoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                float ycoord = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadUInt16(); // Position

                byte move = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Moving  //  Movement.HasDestination
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Running  // Movement.Type

                if (move == 1)
                    xsec = packet.ReadUInt8();
                    ysec = packet.ReadUInt8();
                    if (ysec == 0x80)
                        xcoord = packet.ReadUInt16() - packet.ReadUInt16();
                        ycoord = packet.ReadUInt16() - packet.ReadUInt16();
                        xcoord = packet.ReadUInt16();
                        ycoord = packet.ReadUInt16();
                    packet.ReadUInt8(); // No Destination
                    packet.ReadUInt16(); ; // Angle

                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Alive
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown

                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Walking speed
                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Running speed
                packet.ReadUInt32(); // Berserk speed

                int active_skills = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Buffs count
                                                        //Spawns.characters[s_index].buffs = new Spawns.Characters_.Buffs_[100];
                                                        // {
                for (int a = 0; a < active_skills; a++)
                    uint skillid = packet.ReadUInt32();
                    int buffindex = Skills_Info.skillsidlist.IndexOf(skillid);
                    //Spawns.characters[s_index].buffs[a].name = Skills_Info.skillsnamelist[Skills_Info.skillsidlist.IndexOf(skillid)];
                    string type = Skills_Info.skillstypelist[buffindex];
                    packet.ReadUInt32(); // Temp ID
                    if (type.StartsWith("SKILL_EU_CLERIC_RECOVERYA_GROUP") || type.StartsWith("SKILL_EU_BARD_BATTLAA_GUARD") || type.StartsWith("SKILL_EU_BARD_DANCEA") || type.StartsWith("SKILL_EU_BARD_SPEEDUPA_HITRATE"))
                /* }
                     Console.WriteLine("Unknown Parsing Skill");
                // string
                name = packet.ReadAscii();
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan;
                Program.UpdateLogs("Player Arround Unique ID: " + UniqueID + " Player Name: " + name,Color.Red);
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                //Everything.CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID.Add(name + "," + UniqueID.ToString());
                for (int i = 0; i < CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID.Count; i++) // Loop through List with foreach.
                    if (CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID[i].StartsWith(name))
                        int AlreadyIndex = CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID.IndexOf(CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID[i]);
                CharStrings.CharNameANDuniqueID.Add(name + "," + UniqueID.ToString());

                /*//Spawns.characters[s_index].charname = name;
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Job type
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Job level
                int cnt = packet.ReadUInt8();
                if (cnt == 1)
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                stall = packet.ReadUInt8(); // Stall flag
                packet.ReadUInt8(); // Unknown
                string guild = packet.ReadAscii(); // Guild
                //Spawns.characters[s_index].guildname = guild;
                if (trade == 1)
          ; // Guild ID
          ; // Grant Name
                    if (stall == 4)
            catch (Exception ex)
                Program.UpdateLogs("Error Spawn Unique ID: " + UniqueID + " Player Name: " + name + ex.Message ,Color.Red);
                Program.UpdateLogs("Spawn" + ex.Message + " Count: " + packet + ex.Message, Color.Red);

        public static void begin(Packet packet)
                //Globals.sendToClient = false;
                byte action = packet.ReadUInt8();
                //Console.WriteLine("Action : " + action);
                if (action == 1)
                    groupspawnIsSpawn = true;//spawn
                else if (action == 2)
                    groupspawnIsSpawn = false;//despawn
                //spawnAmount = Convert.ToInt16(packet.ReadUInt16());
                spawnAmount = (int)packet.ReadUInt16();
                //Console.WriteLine("Spawn Amount : " + spawnAmount);
                groupspawn = true;
            catch(Exception ex) { Program.UpdateLogs("Error Start Record Amount Of Group Spawn " + ex.Message,Color.Red); }

        public static void end(Packet packet)
            groupspawn = false;

        public static void GroupeSpawn(Packet packet)
                /*if (groupspawnIsSpawn)//group spawn
                /*for (int i = 0; i < spawnAmount; i++)
                #region DetectType
                uint model = packet.ReadUInt32();
                int index = Mobs_Info.mobsidlist.IndexOf(model);
                int itemsindex = Items_Info.itemsidlist.IndexOf(model);
                //MessageBox.Show(index.ToString() + itemsindex.ToString());

                if (itemsindex != -1)
                    #region ItemsParsing
                    //Parse.ParseItems(packet, itemsindex);
                if (index != -1)
                    #region PetsParsing
                    if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("COS"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("COS : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParsePets(packet, index);
                    #region NPCParsing
                    else if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("NPC"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("NPC : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParseNPC(packet, index);
                    #region CharParsing
                    else if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("CHAR"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("CHAR : " + index);
                        //ParseChar(packet, index);
                        // new from annoying
                        Thread t = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.ParseChar(packet, index));
                    #region MobsParsing
                    else if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].StartsWith("MOB"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("MOB : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParseMob(packet, index);
                    #region PortalParsing
                    else if (Mobs_Info.mobstypelist[index].Contains("_GATE"))
                        //Console.WriteLine("_GATE : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParsePortal(packet, index);
                    #region OtherParsing
                        // Console.WriteLine("OtherParsing : " + index);
                        //Parse.ParseOther(packet, index);
                // }
                // }
            catch(Exception ex) { Program.UpdateLogs("Error Parse group Spawn" + ex.Message,Color.Red); }

Agent Part
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_CHARDATA:
                                    Program.UpdateLogs("[Notify]: " + Program._Char + ": Spawned successfully !", Color.Green);
                                    Thread t = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.parseSpawn(current));
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_GROUPSPAWNB:
                                    Thread t2 = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.begin(current));
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_GROUPSPAWNEND:
                                    Thread t3 = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.end(current));
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_GROUPESPAWN:
                                    Thread t4 = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.GroupeSpawn(current));
case (ushort)Opcode.SERVER_PacketsOpcodes.SERVER_SINGLESPAWN:
                                    Thread t5 = new Thread(() => CharSpawn.START_ParseChar(current));
Error which i got:
Error Start Record Amount Of Group Spawn Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
Error Parse group Spawn
dont know from where you copied this code, but its horrible lol starting a thread for every different bytes, this is just a sorrow to my eyes, do things properly, catch the packet on real-time with a your own environment, then parse it as it were.
ultimately this causes the excpetion because you are trying to read a byte(s) that does not exist.
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Old 05/09/2018, 07:01   #4
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Originally Posted by eitai123 View Post
dont know from where you copied this code, but its horrible lol starting a thread for every different bytes, this is just a sorrow to my eyes, do things properly, catch the packet on real-time with a your own environment, then parse it as it were.
ultimately this causes the excpetion because you are trying to read a byte(s) that does not exist.
erros has been solved by remove the threads
but still cann't read UQ and name but i realized that when he parse items he got the index = -1 and the index must be more than -1 so it cann't parse any thing but in another prog he read the all index in char inventory so it read the spawn packet correctly,i still don't know why my prog couldn't parse correctly

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Old 05/09/2018, 07:57   #5
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Originally Posted by Mr.Awesome1337 View Post
erros has been solved by remove the threads
but still cann't read UQ and name but i realized that when he parse items he got the index = -1 and the index must be more than -1 so it cann't parse any thing but in another prog he read the all index in char inventory so it read the spawn packet correctly,i still don't know why my prog couldn't parse correctly

In theory, there could be many "bad" scenarios when your reading more bytes that you actually have, it could be the multi threading environment because execution context is determined by the thread pool manager, and you cant really know for sure what happens and in which order on runtime, that being said it is highly unlikely, in most cases its just you, reading more bytes then you have, regardless of any threading context.

You can simply check the amount of bytes available for that particular packet by calling the .GetBytes() method and then use the extension method .Length

I wouldnt advise you to learn from that pattern, its wrong in so many ways,
but then again its just me.
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Old 05/09/2018, 14:07   #6
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Originally Posted by eitai123 View Post
In theory, there could be many "bad" scenarios when your reading more bytes that you actually have, it could be the multi threading environment because execution context is determined by the thread pool manager, and you cant really know for sure what happens and in which order on runtime, that being said it is highly unlikely, in most cases its just you, reading more bytes then you have, regardless of any threading context.

You can simply check the amount of bytes available for that particular packet by calling the .GetBytes() method and then use the extension method .Length

I wouldnt advise you to learn from that pattern, its wrong in so many ways,
but then again its just me.
it's not the length that he should check it's the packet structure say the length returns 0 but there's still the uniqueid/charname to read. that could lead to problems if he's using this for an event

side note: .Length is not a method it's a property
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Old 05/09/2018, 19:54   #7
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Originally Posted by B1Q View Post
it's not the length that he should check it's the packet structure say the length returns 0 but there's still the uniqueid/charname to read. that could lead to problems if he's using this for an event

side note: .Length is not a method it's a property
As i said the packet structure is sometimes can be unpredictable, different events causes different packet structures and if you're setting a fixed amount of data to read and the packet does not contain more then the amount of bytes your reading, its gonna throw an exception.
You check the amount of data available before you read, needless to say that most of the packet structures are not released nor accurate, and i doubt that most people here will attempt to figure them out.

Thats just my way of doing things, ofc that up to decide what do to.
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Old 05/10/2018, 05:56   #8
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Originally Posted by eitai123 View Post
As i said the packet structure is sometimes can be unpredictable, different events causes different packet structures and if you're setting a fixed amount of data to read and the packet does not contain more then the amount of bytes your reading, its gonna throw an exception.
You check the amount of data available before you read, needless to say that most of the packet structures are not released nor accurate, and i doubt that most people here will attempt to figure them out.

Thats just my way of doing things, ofc that up to decide what do to.
there's no way the packet structure can be "unpredictable" if you parsed every situation in which a player spawns nearby.
you understand a player can be in the middle of a 3019 along with items/monsters that's the point of a group spawn packet.

i remember someone releasing the 3015 & 3013 packets i think it was DexterSoul or might be someone else.
parsing the packet is quite easy really but this guy is just trying to make it work with just copying & pasting from other tools which i do not support.
i'm withdrawing from this topic
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Old 05/10/2018, 10:34   #9
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Originally Posted by eitai123 View Post
As i said the packet structure is sometimes can be unpredictable, different events causes different packet structures and if you're setting a fixed amount of data to read and the packet does not contain more then the amount of bytes your reading, its gonna throw an exception.
You check the amount of data available before you read, needless to say that most of the packet structures are not released nor accurate, and i doubt that most people here will attempt to figure them out.

Thats just my way of doing things, ofc that up to decide what do to.
If you're trying to read more bytes than the stream contains, your previous reading operation(s) has/have already returned invalid data. It's better to throw an exception and fix the structure where it really failed instead of masking it. It might not be as critical in most packets, but it definitively is for 0x3013, 0x3015/0x3019 as a single invalid operation renders all future data invalid, thus creating unknown entities.

Furthermore I'm personally not a fan of...
if packet.Length == 5 then ReadThis else ReadThat
...where in almost all packets there is an identifying byte.

The exception being packets where it's depending on entities reference data such as...
else if ((type.StartsWith("ITEM_COS") && type.Contains("SILK")) || (type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_COS") && !type.Contains("_C_")))
...where you should rather compare against the TypeIDs (as shown in my release) in order to reduce wrongly named objects made by private server "developers".

If you're eager to deliver a product to your players, you shouldn't shy away from the work involved in coding or parsing packets properly, otherwise you're just contributing to the money-grabbing nemesis of this game.

But it's up for you to decide what to do
DaxterSoul is offline  
Old 05/10/2018, 20:10   #10
elite*gold: 53
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Originally Posted by DaxterSoul View Post
If you're trying to read more bytes than the stream contains, your previous reading operation(s) has/have already returned invalid data. It's better to throw an exception and fix the structure where it really failed instead of masking it. It might not be as critical in most packets, but it definitively is for 0x3013, 0x3015/0x3019 as a single invalid operation renders all future data invalid, thus creating unknown entities.

Furthermore I'm personally not a fan of...
if packet.Length == 5 then ReadThis else ReadThat
...where in almost all packets there is an identifying byte.

The exception being packets where it's depending on entities reference data such as...
else if ((type.StartsWith("ITEM_COS") && type.Contains("SILK")) || (type.StartsWith("ITEM_EVENT_COS") && !type.Contains("_C_")))
...where you should rather compare against the TypeIDs (as shown in my release) in order to reduce wrongly named objects made by private server "developers".

If you're eager to deliver a product to your players, you shouldn't shy away from the work involved in coding or parsing packets properly, otherwise you're just contributing to the money-grabbing nemesis of this game.

But it's up for you to decide what to do
thanks for your help and your advice
i have solved it and i will do as you say
Mr.Awesome1337 is offline  

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