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Sox Drops are preset. not random

Discussion on Sox Drops are preset. not random within the Silkroad Online forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old   #1
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be4 u star reading plz just stick to the topic n the credit for the info goes to hubris from 0x33(public member)

thousands others think its random

its all preset from the time u make your character.

if it was computer randomization. it would be unfair.Y would have some guy grinding at the same level. for mad long those sp farmers. ask them. if they got a lot of drops. of sos som or sun i bet they have. now have they gotten any sos drops when they closed their gap and strived for lvl 80? i gurantee its not likely. someone could go at lvl 80 for 4 years. He's/she's missed all his/her drops. H/Shee will never get another soX drops. I use this program that sniffs sro_client packets and read it using hex editor u can see what sro_client is telling your computer what monsters to spawn. as with the people in your area will recieve the same data and tells me what monsters will spawn with drops on them. so everything from alchemy, tabs elixers. to weapons and special items drops. just me botting with pure int characaters. Its hard to kill them if your botting cause hes well AI... The drop most likely requires you to take on a mob that spawns around you or runs towards you or a giant that has higher attack rating therefore pumbling yo more then other giants. "hence Crits" the "Special items" drops mostly requires you to beat on higher lvls. to get that same or higher lvl drop, the thing that u can say about this what does it mean when u are grinding or even kill a lower lvl. well at that EXP range you are to kill one your lvl and get a drop your lvl. the programming tells you to kill a certain monster in your area.
and reward with your drop. So if you kill a lower lvl unit. you'll get a drop of that lvl, missing your higher lvl preset, its all Based on C++ programming. code trhat says if item monster 1023425< example gets killed. by you in exp range 309,897-310,300
give item drop of 2452156< example that range gives you another chance of a giant or champoion or regular monster to have yur drop if you get ksd from the last one.

before i got hti program that does this i never got an sos drop before posibly cause i grinded read lvls and orange levels. and botted orange levels and the giant and a mob would kill me therefore losing my drop. once you die from that monster that has the drop. the code cancels your drop. and you move on to your next lvl of preset.

from experience. ( are subjecct to change based on first weapon and type of protector you wear that sets a certain preset for you)
these are what drops my program has told me what will drop what some i have missed but told me what the lvl and monster is do drop. in Partial Detail

lvl 16 White tigers (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 20-23 chakjis (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 24 hyongno Ghost (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 32 BLood Death FLowers (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 33-34 Scorpions
lvl 36-38 Yeowa (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 42-43 Small/Bunwhang(champ regular or giant.)
lvl 46-47 Ujiji/Mujiji (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 52 Penon (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 56 Sonar/planar (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 58 Ishades (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 62 Edimmu/Shakran (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 64-66 Dark/death Karra (champ regular or giant.)
lvl 74-76 Shaman Giant (champ regular or giant.)
^ lvl 74-76 are your 8d soX drop for 8D

stay with the topic n post ur opinion about this....
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Old 06/02/2007, 21:13   #2
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[qoute]if it was computer randomization. it would be unfair.[/quote]
It is, i've only got 3 sox drops in 1 whole year...
And a friend of mine got like 4 sos drops on 1(!) day! (at the bunwhangs)
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Old 06/02/2007, 21:22   #3
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i got my firts sos yesterday but it was female T_T atlest i made profit out of it it all comes wen u dont need it
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Old 06/02/2007, 22:20   #4
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So what your saying is basicly. Silkroad determines how much exp you get per kill. The less exp the better the drop. And thats why sp farmers get better drops becasue they get less exp? Is that what ur saying?
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Old 06/02/2007, 22:27   #5
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sp farmers get better drops cause they are fighting stuff they can kill easily. So you kill 100 things in the time it would take you to normally kill 10 things. Of course you get more SOX stuff
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Old 06/02/2007, 22:29   #6
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Yah good point.. But they are lower lvl monsters so they would get rubbish drops? Oh i dont know :P W/E I'm out of this thread i wana have FUN
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Old 06/02/2007, 22:40   #7
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it commonly known that if u fight lower lvl mobs the drop rate increases this is what i and the guild have noticed although i have gotten an sos drop from something that was red to me
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Old 06/02/2007, 23:32   #8
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So whats your point?
I think that yes, it is indeed preset and not random. I was actually talking to Hubris the other day about his program. The one mentioned that reads the packets sent by sro, which you can see with hex editor. It shows where all the missed sox are according to him and he showed me his collection which were alot. Although he was banned shortly after.

So yah all the drops could be preset, and it seems pretty whimsical but if the drops are. Then the fallible idea of predicting where they are is like a dream come true.
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Old 06/03/2007, 01:38   #9
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Ishades at 58 - 61??? at 58 ishades are green man :S are u sure thats right?
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Old 06/03/2007, 02:03   #10
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i just got a SOM female tasset lvl 46 =o i was just talking to my friends and found it at flowers ( *** i wish it was male-.-)
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Old 06/03/2007, 04:11   #11
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Originally posted by sabathangel@Jun 2 2007, 20:50
from experience. ( are subjecct to change based on first weapon and type of protector you wear that sets a certain preset for you)
*****, wat a load of BS

ur saying it's determined from time i make my all the chars i make i start off with same avatar, and clothing weapon (goldfarmers)

pretty much it's all fuking "RANDOM", get it through ur fuking head...stop saying i have a program that said i'm getting sosun at blahblahblah...cuz u aint got nothing

from experience, the faster/more you kill, the more chances of sox drops

lvl 78 pure str (starter on new server) - was slow at killing, cuz had nooby gear all the time, since was at the top of the pack & there wasn't gear always ready for it---it barely got 1 sos 52 ring from penon fighters

lvl 77 pure int (goldfarmer) - i made it once my starter char got lvl 7x, and i had most gear ready for it to switch to at every lvl, i didn't do any quest or watever...i would just leave it at a mob until the mob goes blue then go to another mob---couple 3d/4d sos drops, 1 5d sos drop, 1 6d sos drop, and just recently a sosun 64 shield drop

lvl 77 pure int (goldfarmer) - same as the one above, had everything ready for it to go through lvls---couple 3d/4d sos drops, 1 5d sos drop, 1 5d som drop, 1 6d sos drop, 1 7d som drop, 1 8d sos drop...hopefully it gets a sun drop 1 of these days ^^

lvl 73 pure int (goldfarmer) - same as the two above---couple 3d/4d sos drops, 2 5d sos drop, 4 6d sos drop (all within days of each other), 1 7d sos drop

IT'S ALL DAM RANDOM, my pure int kills way faster and their chances of sox drops are way higher
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Old 06/03/2007, 04:21   #12
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not neccesarily lower monster drop lower sos...since i got 1 sword 42,blade 42 and shield by farming at blackrobber archer,which is mob around level 36..

and while at earth ghost, alot of my friend and me get the same sos head garment level 35...lower mob is it?

and from this fact i also doubt it is random...same sos stuff except the stuff gender
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Old 06/03/2007, 04:26   #13
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Originally posted by muyo@Jun 3 2007, 04:21
not neccesarily lower monster drop lower sos...since i got 1 sword 42,blade 42 and shield by farming at blackrobber archer,which is mob around level 36..

and while at earth ghost, alot of my friend and me get the same sos head garment level 35...lower mob is it?

and from this fact i also doubt it is random...same sos stuff except the stuff gender
so ur saying it's radom when you begin your reply...then somehow at the middle to the end, you conclude that it's not random, *****

it's random => it's not random, i wonder how u came up w/ that, lol
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Old 06/03/2007, 04:28   #14
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BS!!! I'm plaiyn for about 2 year and still no sox... Wenever I want a sox I have to buy it :S
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Old 06/03/2007, 04:58   #15
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silkroads just gay.

but yet i still play it :SSS
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