Hi Guys, I was able to do fly hack in RF ONLINE Cerberus but i had this problem
whenever i was already flying and when i move i kept on falling down again! can you help me or tell me what's the problem? or did i make mistake?
please check the youtube video link
[Selling] DB Global End Game Account, Story done, events all done. 02/19/2019 - Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Trading - 1 Replies All Payment via Paypal. If you don't have paypal, I will provide different payment methods so don't worry ;)
More Contact info at the end of post with Lightning Respond!
the price Right now is 140-$
I'm selling my dokkan global account.
Why you ask? I just don't have time to play the game anymore, got bored of the game and I urgently need the money.
Playing everyday to get the login days and the orbs.
(Read Description)
I spent a lot on this account, 750+ total login days and...
I'm 99% done with being 1% done :P 11/29/2014 - Dekaron Private Server - 6 Replies So I've got a lot set up so far. A handful of VM's running server 2008 r2 with enough memory and processors to even need to worry about server resources.
TL;DR for this is the server appears to be running, and my client does show that it is connecting to the server, but I can't log in even though I can see the users in my database.
The error I receive is on the client when attempting to connect to the server after supplying log in info it says connecting, logging in.... then invalid ID
well done people well done 12/05/2008 - Dekaron - 5 Replies i just though nows a good time to say WELL DONE, i havent seen any vacing going on, not on any maps. as long as this keeps up we wont have to keep making as many new crcbypass updates, is it to much to say everybody on these fourms are starting to be "responsible" hackers?
if we stop helping people VAC hack public maps we will slow the noobs from doing damage to our fun. Its also good going to df and knowing that no one is going to hack it, and the same for python castle and the maze, so...