There are NPC in cube that sells Tallons. If we buy 9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999,9999 then 1817, price of this all will be 20k+, but when we buy it talons not appear in inventory.... Somebody know what to do ?
cube init fehler 11/11/2010 - Metin2 Private Server - 4 Replies ich hab ein fehler das mein server net starten will hier der log
SYSERR: Jan 27 01:23:47 :: Cube_init: <cube_init> fail
SYSERR: Jan 27 01:23:47 :: Blend_Item_init: <Blend_Item_init> fail
SYSERR: Jan 27 01:34:50 :: Analyze: Handshake phase does not handle packet 71 (fd 17)
SYSERR: Jan 27 01:34:50 :: Process: SEQUENCE 86a4400 mismatch 175 != 32 header 71
SYSERR: Jan 27 02:25:05 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in use
SYSERR: Jan 27 02:31:29 :: hupsig: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM signal has...
Cube Loader 08/15/2010 - SRO Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 10 Replies Download:
Send big files the easy way. Files too large for email attachments? No problem!
- Multiclient
- NoDC
- Nude patch
[Tool]Cube Maker 07/03/2010 - Metin2 PServer Guides & Strategies - 9 Replies Hi,
mein Cube.txt Maker: acp.png
In der Cube.txt stehen die Items die man braucht um z.B. Pfirsichsaft herzustellen ;)
Assault Cube 06/19/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies da mein alter thread untergegangen ist hier nochmal :facepalm: :
kann man in assault cube irgendwie abstellen dass beim schießen das fadenkreuz immer höher geht?