Hi guys, i have foundet the SharkEmu v0.8.2.2 in the net
All another guys are posting Emulators for money!
Including CMS and Emulator!!!
Included files:
- SharkEmu v0.8.2.2
- SharkEmu CMS
- SharkEmu Database RC3
Feature: Spanish tutorial, is it coming by the first start from the emulator!
(Addention: I dont have started the Emulator yet!)
CMS Live Demo:
Downloadlink: Status:
Container Passwort: domipoppe
Virustotal Link:
Alleged Virus: WS.Reputation.1
Status: 1/42 (2.4%)
(Google the Virus the answer is: Symantec scann the .rar and by Symantec are .rar files viruses!)
Warning: Do not make mirrors!
Ok, if you want to spend my 32 Elite Gold click:
Thanks for listening!
Sry for my bad english i am german!