is it:
Ancestra 4.0 (project stoped ):
what it have:
-Public paddocks.(manual)
-PVP no PVM.
-Great Speed no lagg's.
-Invoque and fast paced PVP.
Brazilien Emulator.
Such as Ancestra.
By the way the ancestra project was stoped to 4.0 but i have the 4.1.
it was released the day it finished but the day after they've stoped publishing and took back all the links and deleted them.
because they make a awsome work but for nothing generaly.
I've got a chance and saved a link to download Ancestra 4.1
what it gots new?
-Alignement( like normale dofus by NPC)
-Guilde (like normale dofus by NPC)
-Dungeon's debug.
-Almost all maps debug.
-NPC (with answears)
-House system i will fix it with my team.
here is the link to buy it: (befor you buy it PM me)

And press thanks.