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Best Dofus Emulator

Discussion on Best Dofus Emulator within the Off Topic forum part of the Off-Topics category.

View Poll Results: The Best Dofus Emulator.
Ancestra. 61 63.54%
SharkEmu. 17 17.71%
others. 18 18.75%
Voters: 96. You may not vote on this poll

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Best Dofus Emulator

What do you think about best dofus Emulator?

is it:

Ancestra 4.0 (project stoped ):
what it have:
-Public paddocks.(manual)

-PVP no PVM.
-Great Speed no lagg's.
-Invoque and fast paced PVP.
Brazilien Emulator.
Such as Ancestra.

By the way the ancestra project was stoped to 4.0 but i have the 4.1.
it was released the day it finished but the day after they've stoped publishing and took back all the links and deleted them.
because they make a awsome work but for nothing generaly.

I've got a chance and saved a link to download Ancestra 4.1
what it gots new?
-Alignement( like normale dofus by NPC)
-Guilde (like normale dofus by NPC)
-Dungeon's debug.
-Almost all maps debug.
-NPC (with answears)
-House system i will fix it with my team.

here is the link to buy it: (befor you buy it PM me)

And press thanks.
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Old 05/23/2010, 16:28   #2
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So what you think?you have any other Emulator to suggest?
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Old 06/27/2010, 21:06   #3
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Actually if you take a look at the source code of BrEmu is quite different from Ancestras. Sure the layout is the same Java etc but they really modded the source. It's also slower than ancestras. Ancestras is really fast on a 8 GB + RAM With a good internet connection but it's not a source you can host at home. Most french people stick with ancestras just due to the fact that dedicated servers for them are really cheap. Exon dedicated server 24 GB RAM, 1 GBP/s line was 120 dollars. SharkEmu is surely the most stable, With low resources. Ancestras servers have been able to hold 1500 At caps according to french forums and server status pages I've seen. And on that PowerEmu, Its based off SharkEmu.

Stop trying to sell other peoples work,
Ancestras 4.1 Free Its an OPEN SOURCE project.
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Old 06/28/2010, 00:46   #4
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Originally Posted by spade12 View Post
Actually if you take a look at the source code of BrEmu is quite different from Ancestras. Sure the layout is the same Java etc but they really modded the source. It's also slower than ancestras. Ancestras is really fast on a 8 GB + RAM With a good internet connection but it's not a source you can host at home. Most french people stick with ancestras just due to the fact that dedicated servers for them are really cheap. Exon dedicated server 24 GB RAM, 1 GBP/s line was 120 dollars. SharkEmu is surely the most stable, With low resources. Ancestras servers have been able to hold 1500 At caps according to french forums and server status pages I've seen. And on that PowerEmu, Its based off SharkEmu.

Stop trying to sell other peoples work,
Ancestras 4.1 Free Its an OPEN SOURCE project.
Wow jeez who sayed i SELL other people works i have my own team that i code my own emulator and for you're Intention Mr Bremu is modded from Ancestra and French people buy Exon because they actualy only pay 10euro a month for it and i dont host at home i have my own dedicated Company So please dont take a wrong idea about us.
Have a nice day.

And sorry to say that i never sayed im sell Ancestra 4.1 i sayed Ancestra 4.2 its made by a team of my friend and was released for couple of days but stoped duo to project ancestra stoped its 4.2!! NOT 4.1 its different so please read carefully next time .

Have a nice day.
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Old 06/28/2010, 01:50   #5
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Then please explain what new functions exist on your server. Besides the nothing you've presented.

-House system i will fix it with my team.
Meaning its NOT functional. Which means your not presenting ANYTHING that hasn't been released on any dofus Forum.

-Alignement( like normale dofus by NPC)// Released On Brit Dofus
-Guilde (like normale dofus by NPC) // Released on Brit Dofus
-Dungeon's debug. // Debug because only part of the dungeons were released on Brit Dofus
-Mounts. //Came default with the source
-Almost all maps debug. //By Simply placing the key 2512512412. And you've not given any examples
-NPC (with answears)// What Answers do the NPC's have? What does this even mean? Again Most NPC packs were released on YOU GUESSED IT Brit dofus.

//Also if you read CAREFULLY you will notice all I've said is that it was modded heavily. I never stated it wasn't the same source. It is, That much we know from Brit Dofus. But It's almost a different source due to the massive edits and "Stability" They've tried to add. It's less stable than ancestras but again you didn't read what I said previously.

If its 4.2 explain why he says
By the way the ancestra project was stoped to 4.0 but i have the "4.1".
Your not providing any information to prove anything.

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Old 06/28/2010, 13:04   #6
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4.2 jeez not 4.0 not 4.1 need to UNDERSTAND 4.2 was out for a couple of days but they stoped all the downloads ******* link because the project stoped and in ancestra 4.2 theres ALLL yes ALLL except House's.
and wat servers you talk about?
i INSTALL the private servers for you including the missing features in ancestra 4.1 theres is no many features ! why dont you understand....
test yourself
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Old 07/26/2010, 12:21   #7
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Old 11/02/2010, 16:01   #8
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yeah nice way creating a new account and try to spam to get verified.
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Old 11/26/2010, 08:31   #9
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Can someone tell me where to find a guide on how to use the ancestra emulator?
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