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Runescape Pking Timer Help

Discussion on Runescape Pking Timer Help within the Private Server forum part of the General Gaming Discussion category.

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Runescape Pking Timer Help

Hi, I need Help With Coding A Pking Timer For My Runescape Private Server using Java

Basically What I need Is A Timer That Starts And Runs For 30 Seconds After people Leave The Wilderness People Can Pk Them Untill The Timer Runs Out, Then They Cannot Be Pked Outside Of Wilderness, I have A Basic Script, But I Really Need Help With This, Private Message Me Or Add Me At To Discuss Ideas And Rewards For Helping me With This. The Script We Came Up With is Attached At The Bottom Of This Post.
Attached Files
File Type: txt timer[1].txt (1.3 KB, 0 views)
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