Dekaron Nemesis

Exp: 2500x
Drop: 1500x
Dil: 1500x
A7 wings, armors, wepons
Fortify Rates
1-6 100%
7 95%
8 90%
9 85%
10 80%
11 75%
12 50% with 45% chance of breaking
100% socket rates
Max stats: 10,000
TELE Hack is allowed
Rebirth Wings with awsome stats
Free 50% Crit Gems every month for winner of the events

Exp: 2500x
Drop: 1500x
Dil: 1500x
A7 wings, armors, wepons
Fortify Rates
1-6 100%
7 95%
8 90%
9 85%
10 80%
11 75%
12 50% with 45% chance of breaking
100% socket rates
Max stats: 10,000
TELE Hack is allowed
Rebirth Wings with awsome stats
Free 50% Crit Gems every month for winner of the events