

Server Video:

Final Shadow Wallpaper:

How To Connect(GUIDE):

Server Rates
Exp Rate: 8x (Doubled on Weekends)
Drop Rate: 5x
Fairy Exp Rate: 100x
Party Exp Rate: 8x
Drop Rate: 5x
Fairy Exp Rate: 100x
Party Exp Rate: 8x
Server Information
Welcome to my final shadow advertisement. We've been up for 2years so far and will be up longer. Or custom weapon appreals,cloth appreal's are made by our server.Our server is well balance leading to alot of players being online at once. Final Shadow is a Pirate King Online(PKO)/Tales of Pirate(TOP) private server created by gamers for gamers just like you. It is free to play and a private gathering of PKO/TOP enthusiasts. Maintained by experienced GM and techies alike, we hope to form a community of genuine PKO/TOP lovers. Go on, register, have fun and you will know what we mean, it's all about the community. Most importantly, enjoy the game. After all, that's the reason why Final Shadow is created-A genuine PKO/TOP lovers who's here just for fun.Our rates are perfect meaning a much larger amount of players playing. You wont hit lvl 100 in 1 day so relax make friends,lvl,pk, and making chaos to become the Pirate King!
Server Features
- Some new quests
- New NPCs (like the PetShop-NPC where you can buy Rations for your Fairy in-game)
- New Maps: Chaos Argent, All Mirage maps, Abaddon 5+
- Mentor/disciple system
- Manufacturing system
- Cooking system
- Crafting system
- Analyzing system
- Fairy breeding system
- Rebirth is working (the quest and the skills)
- Sacred War and Mini Sacred War
- No Roll Back
- No Lag
- Dedicated Server
- No Server Wipes
- 100% Translated
- Winter maps
- New Client
- New Forum layout and features
- Customized Appreal's
- Servers 2 Year Anniversary
Screen Shots

Server Specifications
Processor Speed: Core2 Quad 2.8GHz
Connection: 100Mbps port
Hard Drive: 320GB SATA2