- Exp: 4000x
- Drop Rate: 550x
- DIL Rate: 750x
- Max Level: 250
- Max Reborn: 30
- 15 Stats per level
- Weekly events
- +12 System
- Action7 Armor (Coming Soon)
- Donation Gear
- Memberships Get Discounts off of D-Coins, Donation Gear, Donation Packages, +MORE.
- Buy Argates at D-Shop.
- Lv200+ Armor|Lv200+ Weapons| New Classes(Under Development)
Upgrade Rates:
- +1 - 100%
- +2 - 99%
- +3 - 92%
- +4 - 87%
- +5 - 83%
- +6 - 79%
- +7 - 72%
- +8 - 67%
- +9 - 63%
- +10 - 59%
- +11 - 52%
- +12 - 47%
Available Positions:
- Host (Half Of Donation Money, Co-Owner/ Admin)
- GameMaster
- Developer
- Designer Team
- Moderators
!We are currently looking for these type of people!
Apply in our forums!
Faster we fill our Team / Staff Faster this Server goes LIVE! If you are wiling to help us please, post about this server looking for more GM,DEV,MOD, Ect in other forums, websites, anything!
edited by trane.