Searching for a NEW ! dekaron private server ! 03/31/2011 - Dekaron Private Server - 5 Replies Hey guys i´m searching for a new Dekaron private server... want to be GM in your server ! i´m playing more than 3 years and was GM in 3 servers
(9 months)
so if your searching for a good GM contact me
ICQ: 573365205
MSN: [email protected]
searching for a private server 09/12/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 3 Replies Conquer (the tq one) has started to get on my nerves.I was thinking of joining a private server,but i am looking for a non hamachi one,preferably with commands (though i dont mind without commands either).BUT I really dont frikin want to download a new client for the server,is their a way to join a private server which meets the above requirments?
P.S:I tried making a copy of the conquer folder,and then replace the sever.dat on the new co folder but dint work probably because of the patch...
[Live Support] Searching for a private server or got question? 10/13/2008 - CO2 Private Server - 12 Replies well i made a own Live Support CoIntron 1.0 i want to help people with all kind of stuff about private servers, or conquer, or are you searching for a good server i can help you to?
Live Support Link:
Searching Private Server 09/08/2008 - SRO Private Server - 8 Replies Hi! :)
I'm searching a SilkRoad Private server with high rate's (i mean 50x and higher) anyone know's some ? :D
Searching for a good private server 07/23/2008 - Conquer Online 2 - 4 Replies Actually, i am trying to find a good private server...
I am more than 3 days just searching for a server with at least a nice staff.
If anyone knows one please tell me....
And, btw, dont play CoRequiem, it sucks, i did a very nice patch to them for free and the owner just ignored me, and if here has any GM who wants me to give it "Start Appearence" patch, just say and i will give it in trade of some cps :D....
I know that here has a list, but i want to know if u guys know any very...