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New PServer Creation

Discussion on New PServer Creation within the Private Server Advertising forum part of the Private Server category.

Old   #1
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New PServer Creation

Hey All,

Now Start Off I hope this is in the correct section..

Right Basically Starting up a Pserver for a game which will be agreed upon game list will be put at the bottom..

tbh im looking for a small team to work on a new pserver and hopefully can become really nice and the community on the server will grow and grow..

Personal info.
Name: Dave
Location: England
Age: 20
Experience in gaming: lol years...

You may wounder why i dont just make one myself well for that simple reason its just to much to do solo, each time i set up one on my own dosent take long till its all on top of me and i cant keep up..

so. to have a couple of guys by my side working as much as we can could hopefully make the ultimate gaming experience.

lastly.. the reason i am not saying a game i want to start working on, is because ive got a very wide range of games i would consider..

a few here so u get an idea

Lineage 2 - yes
Knight online - yes
mu online - mayby
dekaron / 2 moons - yes
silkroad - mayby
regnarok - last choice

there are some more but hard to think right now

P.S the plan i have is simple for hosting which will be done by my computer during testing then once the server goes public i have a dedicated server ready for hosting.

if you would like more info pm me or reply here

Thank you Melroth.
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Old 10/25/2009, 22:10   #2
elite*gold: 0
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I believe dekaron would be pretty cool since there are only around 15 (if not less) "good" servers around, good luck with your project.
fenice92 is offline  
Old 10/25/2009, 22:51   #3
elite*gold: 0
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thank you ya was thinking dekaron but i really wanna try discuss this with a team cause i think most these games could do with a nice new fresh server..

hardest part is finding some reliable guys ;p
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Old 10/25/2009, 23:41   #4
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i wish i had knowledge to help you.... you cannot imagine how this would be my dream!!

What kind of learning you need to raise a server ?
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Old 10/26/2009, 00:03   #5
elite*gold: 0
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hehe well to tell you the truth you dont have to be the worlds number 1 programmer ... basically the team effort would be split into deifferent sections

for example. me someone else would be working on patches/updates everything server side..

then have somone else that could be active on forums/websites posting announcements and updates and basically keeping everything running smooth..

the could have ingame support so if your not very good with the scripting and such aslong as u got some knowledge about the game we choose to create a place for you could be ingame giving help and support..

theres loads of things that people can get involved with...

who knows u might also build on some knowledge at the same time so bonus all round
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Old 10/26/2009, 01:06   #6
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Oh.. i like this answer.... i think that the best job for me is GM, because i can't do programming. I love so much doing event, respond to player question. Personnaly i think that there is too much dekaron server, i'm not sure that you will get a lots of people because other server are on since a long time ago. My best mmorpg so far is Cabal for the gameplay, i like the combo.

Well if you need a GM, just pm me and tell me witch game you are planning to do
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Old 10/26/2009, 01:16   #7
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well ill have to have a good look into it really not sure what game i should choose so after i can get a few peeps together we can discuss pros and cons about each game and take it from there..

possibly depending on how many people want to help out could turn into a multi-game community in a few days time my dedi server subscription will re-new and the offer they give is a discount on every server u order meaning i will have access to 3 dedicated servers for 1 year so possible to have 3 private servers running of 3 different games in the near future..

its all good !
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Old 10/26/2009, 01:54   #8
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or maybe 9dragons,not in your list but believe alot of people would play it! =)
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Old 10/26/2009, 02:07   #9
elite*gold: 0
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hmm ive had a few ppl say dekaron only thing that is pulling me away from it is my skills in dekaron are limited and im not sure i will find a team as willing to bring the server forward as much as me but we shall see just waiting to find the right guys for the job
Melroth is offline  

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