Hey All,
Now Start Off I hope this is in the correct section..
Right Basically Starting up a Pserver for a game which will be agreed upon game list will be put at the bottom..
tbh im looking for a small team to work on a new pserver and hopefully can become really nice and the community on the server will grow and grow..
Personal info.
Name: Dave
Location: England
Age: 20
Experience in gaming: lol years...
You may wounder why i dont just make one myself well for that simple reason its just to much to do solo, each time i set up one on my own dosent take long till its all on top of me and i cant keep up..
so. to have a couple of guys by my side working as much as we can could hopefully make the ultimate gaming experience.
lastly.. the reason i am not saying a game i want to start working on, is because ive got a very wide range of games i would consider..
a few here so u get an idea
Lineage 2 - yes
Knight online - yes
mu online - mayby
dekaron / 2 moons - yes
silkroad - mayby
regnarok - last choice
there are some more but hard to think right now
P.S the plan i have is simple for hosting which will be done by my computer during testing then once the server goes public i have a dedicated server ready for hosting.
if you would like more info pm me or reply here
Thank you Melroth.