Ps4 hardline 05/29/2015 - Battlefield - 0 Replies Hi Leute ich hab das Problem das ich einfach keine Camera Coins bekomm.
Es geht nicht so leicht durch den verhör wie am pc -,-
Suche da jemanden der auf einem leerem Server bisschen "Boosten" will.
Müssten mind zu 3. sein . Vielleicht finden sich ein paar.:mofo:
[Selling] BF 4 and BF Hardline 04/28/2015 - Origin Trading - 0 Replies Hello
Willing to sell my origin account with BF 4 and BF Hardline. My starting price is 42 USD but I am willing to negotiate(quite alot) on the price. Both of them are standard editions.
The character on BF 4 is around level 80+ with everything unlocked. The BF Hardline multiplayer was not played.
My main reason for selling this is because I decided to buy this on playstation as the number of servers there are alot more and most of my frens are playing it on that console as well.
[Selling] [B]BF:Hardline[S]PP 03/28/2015 - Origin Trading - 0 Replies As the title says i want to trade a Battlefield Hardline key for 45€ Paypal.
Offers in this thread or pm.
[Buying] BF Hardline Key 03/26/2015 - Origin Trading - 0 Replies Macht mir ein angebot
Zahle in BTC