[V]erkaufe 3 Metin2 Account blank 06/21/2012 - Metin2 Trading - 1 Replies Die Acccounts gehen auf allen Servern da sind keine charakter drauf emali pw habe ich für alle 3 10€ psc :)
sell acount s4 league Ap [3120 Eg or 120 € by paypal] 09/18/2011 - S4 League Trading - 0 Replies hello to all I sold an account S4League a € 120 by paypal or Gold Elite 3120 ~ ~ Weapon Crow Bloody Taser Aya Laser cat Hand Gun 1 DHA-41 ~ ~ Skill HP 15 ~ ~ Set Underway set White rabbit Monocle ~ Ap, Pen, Coin, coupon ~ P = 135 Pen = 869.403 Coin 168 + 6 = Coupon = 571 ~ ~ Lvl Lvl = 18 ~ ~ Screen I'm going after the meter scren Here I finished if you want the account evnoyer me a message on skype: Sr.sunior973
Sorry for my bag english