To all who are using Dual Core Processor or 64x 06/08/2010 - Soldier Front Philippines - 0 Replies If you are using an AMD 64x or Dual Core processor and it freezes after downloading the map, just download and install this update for your processor:
This will help you solve the hang problem on SF. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Just copy The link below And search it: ities/
Hope i Helped..
Dual Core or Quad Core for Multi-Clienting Games 10/31/2009 - Technical Support - 0 Replies So I have recently found a buyer for my old processor and now and looking around to upgrade my processor for something with VT support. I know that the general rule is that higher clocked dual cores will outperform lower clocked quad cores in gaming. However this is only makes the assumption that you are gaming with a single game running.
What I intend to do is run multiple games at once such as Mabinogi (2-3 clients) and Aion. I am still wondering whether this rule will still apply.
NO▲MORE▲FLOWER▲SPAM▲ 05/12/2009 - Conquer Online 2 - 13 Replies its very annoying how the bulkers spam my screen with fucking flowers
I could care less if so and so recieves 99 lillies 800 times a day.
can anyone put a simple fix for this? delete a ini file?
anything so i dont have to have this fking TQ clutter flower pollution
on my screen all day.
→ Hiyoal ← maybe u can do this for me
↑↑↑↑↑ you seem very active...
Vista 64 + quad core. 06/07/2008 - Kal Online - 8 Replies Is there anyway to make revo 8.3 + rootkit work on vista ultimate 64 and quad core processor ?
I am even ready to pay if someone tell me how.
Quad core and any uce. 05/06/2008 - Kal Online - 3 Replies Hei i put vista down for a while and install XP again but uce still don't work ... Is there any way to make uce work on quad core ?