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KaMeR1337 KaMeR1337 is offline

Metin2 Hax0r

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 365
  1. teynurs
    05/17/2022 20:09 - permalink
    Can you give me the source codes of WaitHack? Or I want to know the logic. I want to write the codes for myself in pservers. but I couldn't figure out the logic of WaitHack. Can you help ?
  2. vavava67
    05/22/2021 17:09 - permalink
    siema, potrzebuje czegos na pl'a konkretnie x7 albo cos w tym stylu jest dostepne?
  3. werow
    01/15/2021 01:56 - permalink
    Please update
  4. ruchaczmatek123
    01/08/2021 04:25 - permalink
    Siema Kamer, jakbyś miał czas i mógł coś zdziałać aby Twój multihack działał na zagranicznym serwerze HammerMT2 bo tam wszystko jest poblokowane, byłbym wdzięczny.
  5. KiLLaFoRnIA
    11/06/2020 18:02 - permalink
    Your hack has been detected by cheat blocker (Permanent Bann)
  6. steefcio
    11/02/2020 20:49 - permalink
    Cześć Kamer potrzebny mod na tam nic nie działa. W Tobie jedyna nadzieja <3 pomocy!
  7. JonasDeltaDark
    10/21/2020 07:24 - permalink
    hey dude what time do u think u will update the mod
  8. JonasDeltaDark
    10/19/2020 17:05 - permalink
    hey will u maybe update your mod <3
  9. JonasDeltaDark
    09/09/2020 18:27 - permalink
    Updated for Gameforge servers, please rebuild & download again.
  10. Wingelsdorf
    08/21/2020 13:43 - permalink
    Hi Kamer,

    i ahve download your Multihack and then come Download a new version? I have the new version... have you a Discord Server for updates your hacks?

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  • Last Activity: 01/20/2023 20:22
  • Join Date: 05/31/2008


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14:21 - foolsidol mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
doesn't work KaMeR1337 can u explain how to solve?
14:21 - Deleted Posts
02:01 - zeng6 mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
KaMeR1337 pls update this.
12:06 - Metinista mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
Now don't work. Wait KaMeR1337 for update guys.
19:36 - Redroom74 mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
client not supported KaMeR1337
14:14 - timiy mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot can use gameforge builtin auto attack, no need mod for that UPDATED MOD I'm playing on the server where there is no auto attack option built in the server. :confused: KaMeR1337
14:04 - ulou mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
Hi KaMeR1337, is it any possibility to add support for server?
12:00 - MaxChri mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
...tector but if you are using this hack you should be carefully. :) In official servers the gms are watching you from a far distance. The detector is useless in this case. KaMeR1337 Btw. what means "show name" as gm detection?
14:40 - Mi4uric3 mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
KaMeR1337 does your mod generate any files in arbitrary folders which might cause the detection even after reinstalling the game and the mod?
11:44 - TheTigerRo mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [Release] m2k-Mod [Pserver]
Is there any possibility to integrate KaMeR1337 hackbar into Pserver aswell?
16:30 - noahrmal mentioned KaMeR1337 in post [ByeBye] m2k-Mod Source + Other Stuff
...s and job. Thanks to [uLow]Beni who helped me all the time with a lot of different things (pyLoader, Instantpickup, cython protection and many more) Thanks to KaMeR1337 who helped me sometimes (e.g. the export of c++ code) Thanks to _asm for the support and the m2botlib which I used a short time for some features
16:08 - noahrmal mentioned KaMeR1337 in post Such Mosha acc´s/vk S.13yang
...studies and job. Thanks to [uLow]Beni who helped me all the time with a lot of different things (pyLoader, Instantpickup, cython protection and many more) Thanks to KaMeR1337 who helped me sometimes (e.g. the export of c++ code) Thanks to _asm for the support and the m2botlib which I used a short time for some features


15:15 - timiy quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
#works now but we need AUTO ATTACK back Kamer reactivation of my mod, works only on GF servers. FEATURES: Level bot Auto Potion Skill Bot Walk/attack Speed hack Wait Hack Fast...
18:56 - timiy quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
reactivation of my mod, works only on GF servers. FEATURES: Level bot Auto Potion Skill Bot Walk/attack Speed hack Wait Hack Fast Attack Wall Hack Auto Pickup ......
19:07 - Deleted Posts
19:07 - mt2dmos quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
Ive installed it but now how i use it, can someone explain to me? I got mod to be working at game, but when i toggle on bravery caps and auto pickup nothing appens tested and it works ...
06:41 - cstoto1 quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
in c++ dont work lure hack? lure hack dont not work
18:44 - timiy quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot can use gameforge builtin auto attack, no need mod for that UPDATED MOD I'm playing on the server where there is no auto attack option built in the server. :confused: KaMeR1337
01:51 - florian0 quoted KaMeR1337 in post AoBScan result
now i dont know how to read address from this call: Calls (& Jumps) use indirect addressing. This means the value stored in the instruction-bytes is no...
22:03 - tomtom9943840 quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
reactivation of my mod, works only on GF servers. FEATURES: Level bot Auto Potion Skill Bot Walk/attack Speed hack Wait Hack Fast Attack Wall Hack Auto Pickup ......
10:46 - x0ubalssis quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
downlaod again i fixed that thank yooooooooou!
09:37 - berserk1994 quoted KaMeR1337 in post hi
I extracted it on the metin2 folder and when i run the launch it doesn't open the usual window. Does your open like the older versions? is it still disabled? reactivation of my mo...
09:37 - Deleted Posts
19:32 - ocen45 quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
added new launcher, maybe it will help start mod does it work on private servers? No
16:55 - karadasso quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
whats your windows? Problem solved. It was Anti-virus block. Now it works like a charm, even better than the old launcher. Ty Kamer :handsdown:
15:28 - josecarlos97 quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
whats your windows? Thank you karadasso for your answer Kamer can you put again the farm bot (search metins) on? Like For exemple ,you can only Ativate the search if you are pla...
13:48 - karadasso quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
whats your windows? Windows10 pro 1909
09:58 - moonfang97 quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
whats your windows? Doesn't work for me also I am using win10
12:58 - - Mystic quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
thats not the problem, check windows system date if is correct I don't know what happened but i deleted the old file and downloaded again and now it's working. Maybe was some error dur...
12:44 - - Mystic quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
and you see the new launcher? maybe using old I was using the old launcher and then updated to new version. I launched metin2 and the message appeared. I saw that the new download d...
12:33 - deneyselkedi quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
tested and it works, no messsage about new version some options -like auto pickup- does not work on Fullscreen
12:16 - - Mystic quoted KaMeR1337 in post [Release][GF]Kamer mod - level, fish, farm bot
added new launcher, maybe it will help start mod New version not working. Only show a message that a new version is available and the hack menu does not show.

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