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Walter.Jr Walter.Jr is offline

Senior Member

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 44
  1. DrekanosARTZ
    07/08/2015 12:00 - permalink
    Es besteht großes Interesse für dein Steamguthaben , bitte melde dich doch
  2. Z123z112
    06/05/2015 18:59 - permalink
    Can you please get me that BotRK exploit please"??? Please send it to
  3. hussi130
    02/27/2015 18:44 - permalink
    hey kann dir 1180 egold für die AK vulcan geben!
  4. Shoubo
    02/21/2015 15:54 - permalink
  5. Katzenstreu
    02/19/2015 20:32 - permalink

    Da hat jemand ein Problem.
  6. ~iTzzMe~
    02/02/2015 20:50 - permalink
    Add me on skype: mackon99(no dot)
    wanna talk bout your lol acc
  7. Ascarios
    01/11/2015 20:34 - permalink
    Bitte noch bewerten:
  8. ♥JanS♥
    01/08/2015 17:39 - permalink
    Noch Keys da ?
  9. ♥JanS♥
    01/05/2015 19:06 - permalink
    Keys sind ja schon weg

    Dann schick e*G back
  10. Money™
    01/01/2015 16:56 - permalink
    15 usd = 12.39€ = 867.3 e*g

About Me

  • About Walter.Jr
    Telefonverifiziert ✔
    School ;)


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  • Last Activity: 02/19/2022 18:22
  • Join Date: 02/14/2013


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02:16 - McKenzie123 quoted Walter.Jr in post - Fast boosts - Master/Challenger players - Good prices - Fast
I added you in discord, please accept me! Yeah i came to the live chat but I went off Hey, added you! Just ordered d5 - d4 let's see how it goes Won't letcha down!
02:16 - Deleted Posts
00:41 - PousSquad quoted Walter.Jr in post [NA] Rare Club Tag Invites & Ownership
Aren't those all the club tags from tarzened stream, that you can join after subbing for 5$? Nope these clubs are all under sole ownership of myself. I know of the club tags you're t...
11:25 - Excalibur™ quoted Walter.Jr in post Need 2 smurf botted accounts
Hit me up if you have :-) add me on skype misaex97
14:48 - microxx quoted Walter.Jr in post [S] BTC [H] Paypal +20%
Account is verified, let me know How much do you need?
23:44 - En3rgy18 quoted Walter.Jr in post [Biete] 100€ Amazon Acc [Suche] 20€ PayPal
Keine Infos , kommt Unseriös rüber . Was soll man von dir halten ? Vorallem 100€ gg 20€ Paypal . Mehr Infos bitte . Ich meine damit das ich nur halt bis 100 Euro biete also d...
23:44 - Deleted Posts
21:26 - En3rgy18 quoted Walter.Jr in post Paysafecard 20€ = PayPal 20$
Why would he go first he has 626 ratings you got 0 and are newly registered lol. Ich brauche es weil ich mir was holen möchte
05:42 - n1k1315 quoted Walter.Jr in post Challenger Eloboosting Service
didn't know that the hextech system existed already in 6.3 Watchout guys the screens are Photoshoped turkey server bump
09:02 - Lenny quoted Walter.Jr in post 606 SKINS✔ | EUWEST✔ | GOLD✔ | ORIGINAL EMAIL✔
Is it a account from a Riot employee? nah it is a normal one, he would not have the original mail otherwise since it is on riot's side
15:59 - Vital Elo Boost quoted Walter.Jr in post Vital Elo Boost | ELO BOOSTING SERVICE - Trusted Service ★ Professional ★ Quickly Elite LoL & TFT ELO Boosting service GET YOUR LOL AND TFT ELO BOOST WITH SAFE AND RELIABLE BOOSTING & COACHING SERVICE IN 2023!​ Vital ELO Boo...
15:26 - Prof. Dr. Heisenberg quoted Walter.Jr in post [Cheap,Trusted,Safe & Fast✔] e*G ◄-► PP/Ü/BTC/S - Steam & PSC In Stock / All Time Up to Date ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ elite*Gold in Stock: 325 PayPal in Stock: 8,00 My "35" elite*Gold => Your "1,0...
16:26 - Matafix quoted Walter.Jr in post [B] Spammer / Automatic Spam Tool [S] E*gold
Hallo Leute, ich möchte euch meinen Spammer für alle möglichen Chats vorstellen. Preise/Angebot ► Das Tool kostet einmalig und kann lebenslang verwendet werden. ► Das Tool...
13:01 - Alexeus10 quoted Walter.Jr in post Share Online biz Premium Link Generator Was bringt mir ein Premium Link Generator? Mit Hilfe meines Premium Link Generators ist es euch möglich, Dateien von dem One Click Hoster "Sha...

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