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- About Walter.Jr
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- Austria
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- School ;)
02/14/2018 |
02:16 - McKenzie123 quoted Walter.Jr in post BoostingHQ.com - Fast boosts - Master/Challenger players - Good prices - Fast I added you in discord, please accept me! Yeah i came to the live chat but I went off
Hey, added you!
Just ordered d5 - d4 let's see how it goes
Won't letcha down! |
02:16 - Deleted Posts |
02/13/2018 |
00:41 - PousSquad quoted Walter.Jr in post [NA] Rare Club Tag Invites & Ownership Aren't those all the club tags from tarzened stream, that you can join after subbing for 5$?
Nope these clubs are all under sole ownership of myself. I know of the club tags you're t... |
02/04/2018 |
11:25 - Excalibur™ quoted Walter.Jr in post Need 2 smurf botted accounts Hit me up if you have :-)
add me on skype misaex97 |
11/10/2016 |
14:48 - microxx quoted Walter.Jr in post [S] BTC [H] Paypal +20% Account is verified, let me know
How much do you need? |
07/07/2016 |
23:44 - En3rgy18 quoted Walter.Jr in post [Biete] 100€ Amazon Acc [Suche] 20€ PayPal Keine Infos , kommt Unseriös rüber . Was soll man von dir halten ?
Vorallem 100€ gg 20€ Paypal .
Mehr Infos bitte .
Ich meine damit das ich nur halt bis 100 Euro biete also d... |
23:44 - Deleted Posts |
07/06/2016 |
21:26 - En3rgy18 quoted Walter.Jr in post Paysafecard 20€ = PayPal 20$ Why would he go first he has 626 ratings you got 0 and are newly registered lol.
Ich brauche es weil ich mir was holen möchte |
03/26/2016 |
05:42 - n1k1315 quoted Walter.Jr in post Challenger Eloboosting Service didn't know that the hextech system existed already in 6.3 Watchout guys the screens are Photoshoped
turkey server
bump |
03/25/2016 |
09:02 - Lenny quoted Walter.Jr in post 606 SKINS✔ | EUWEST✔ | GOLD✔ | ORIGINAL EMAIL✔ Is it a account from a Riot employee?
nah it is a normal one, he would not have the original mail otherwise since it is on riot's side |
03/22/2016 |
15:59 - Vital Elo Boost quoted Walter.Jr in post Vital Elo Boost | ELO BOOSTING SERVICE - Trusted Service ★ Professional ★ Quickly https://i.imgur.com/1Sb1CmC.jpg
Elite LoL & TFT ELO Boosting service
Vital ELO Boo... |
03/21/2016 |
15:26 - Prof. Dr. Heisenberg quoted Walter.Jr in post [Cheap,Trusted,Safe & Fast✔] e*G ◄-► PP/Ü/BTC/S - Steam & PSC http://i.epvpimg.com/FJpheab.jpg
In Stock / All Time Up to Date
elite*Gold in Stock: 325
PayPal in Stock: 8,00
My "35" elite*Gold => Your "1,0... |
03/02/2016 |
16:26 - Matafix quoted Walter.Jr in post [B] Spammer / Automatic Spam Tool [S] E*gold Hallo Leute,
ich möchte euch meinen Spammer für alle möglichen Chats vorstellen.
► Das Tool kostet einmalig und kann lebenslang verwendet werden.
► Das Tool... |
13:01 - Alexeus10 quoted Walter.Jr in post Share Online biz Premium Link Generator http://i.epvpimg.com/8pHeaab.png
Was bringt mir ein Premium Link Generator?
Mit Hilfe meines Premium Link Generators ist es euch möglich,
Dateien von dem One Click Hoster "Sha... |