08/30/2017 |
22:13 - Deleted Posts |
22:13 - I see so many complaints about bot not working.
Dont be a cheap fuck, just buy the damn thing.
There was a problem on our part, we fixed it. If the bot (mbot/sbot) doesn't work for pe... |
02:27 - Deleted Posts |
02:27 - "STR FIRE/LIGHT = Debuff resistance buff"
thats a fcking great idea!
hm not bad idea for this new buff
Of course! :D
STR FIRE/COLD .. crit +7 Will this help the Blades?
O... |
03/09/2017 |
22:29 - Mr_Chocolate quoted pokethem in post Reality-The Entire Division l Cap 100 l CH Only l Long Term Jobbing l New Features Actually arthur jonathan try to slow down a server a bit
This is a good idea as well (no lucky avatar+5%prem).
definitely man. people are damn hyped now. slowing em down woul... |
22:01 - Deleted Posts |
22:01 - Mr_Chocolate quoted pokethem in post Reality-The Entire Division l Cap 100 l CH Only l Long Term Jobbing l New Features what's 8k resolution bro , sorry im an egyptian :S , btw the video is great
I know your an Egyptian kurwa maç. I catch u on ts
sounds fair for me, but +12 too much then, +10 probob... |
03/02/2017 |
18:56 - so what about that CH ballance change? it was a false rumor?
Light magic buff +1%, chn real meta now LUL Kappa |
18:44 - Callum quoted pokethem in post Exanic | Cap 100 | Job-based | 01.03.2017 | Updated so what about that CH ballance change? it was a false rumor?
They're looking to make the balance changes after this update. |
16:45 - Hakix_ quoted pokethem in post Exanic | Cap 100 | Job-based | 01.03.2017 | Updated Wow no way Ch need buff? May some1 mention that before?
1st players complained about chin chars being too strong... now they are too weak.. there are always players complaining abou... |
16:44 - Betran quoted pokethem in post Exanic | Cap 100 | Job-based | 01.03.2017 | Updated Wow no way Ch need buff? May some1 mention that before?
wanna bet about the balance they will create will fail as their gameservers fail from attacks ?:rolleyes: |
16:43 - Callum quoted pokethem in post Exanic | Cap 100 | Job-based | 01.03.2017 | Updated Wow no way Ch need buff? May some1 mention that before?
You're always welcome to go back to League of Legends if our updates aren't fast enough for you. We're doing the most that we... |
03/01/2017 |
19:09 - Betran quoted pokethem in post Exanic | Cap 100 | Job-based | 01.03.2017 | Updated 1 mastery lvl 1% dmg so 10lvl 10% only from mastery.
if i may ask, which lvl 1 mastery gives 1% ? my point was keep stock and don't try balance, because you if you reduce euro buffs... |
19:06 - 1 mastery lvl 1% dmg so 10lvl 10% only from mastery.
i mean i just bluffed smth
And u can only upgrade ur passive once every 10lvls ... so it would be 6% from passive and maybe like ... |
18:59 - bichenon buff not even worked ....
ayy lmao, and if you PVPed with me (J4ckD4NielS) i was a lvl 133 s/s ... so yeah not OP at all |
18:51 - subdawg quoted pokethem in post Exanic | Cap 100 | Job-based | 01.03.2017 | Updated I was here since the first beta, and you make a crap liek this 2h before the starts. I wait 3 days for beta changes and you just make this crap gz. not a enthusiast fucking joke.
wich... |
18:51 - Callum quoted pokethem in post Exanic | Cap 100 | Job-based | 01.03.2017 | Updated I was here since the first beta, and you make a crap liek this 2h before the starts. I wait 3 days for beta changes and you just make this crap gz. not a enthusiast fucking joke.
I'... |
18:47 - Callum quoted pokethem in post Exanic | Cap 100 | Job-based | 01.03.2017 | Updated so you just agreed you ahve no idea about this game... so fucking anoying
Clearly I'm talking with an enthusiast, so I'll evacuate this unwinnable argument and leave you with "if i... |
18:39 - Callum quoted pokethem in post Exanic | Cap 100 | Job-based | 01.03.2017 | Updated Almost equal to glavier wtf are you talking about??? Do you ever played vs a HA warrior with a glavie? you can't kill a good warrior, there is no fucking way....
Then make a good HA... |
18:34 - This actually make me mad.
"European has always been superior to Chinese in some ways (pt lvling, etc)"
So fuck it evry1 should play wizz and warrior cause they op. Nice opinion...
A... |