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Temphis Temphis is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 56
  1. Anonymouse99
    07/25/2017 14:13 - permalink
    Hey hast du noch VPN Keys?
  2. wshbr
    08/31/2015 20:54 - permalink
    Huhu, vielleicht möchtest du ja noch bei meinem Gewinnspiel mitmachen. Infos dazu findest du in meiner Signatur. Heute ist der letzte Tag
  3. #H4x0r
    07/04/2015 20:00 - permalink
    normale psc^^
  4. Deepismagic
    04/25/2015 22:49 - permalink
    Falls Du nicht bereits teil genommen hast, diesmal gibt es bei meiner Verlosung 1000 e*Gold zu gewinnen
  5. Deepismagic
    04/03/2015 11:56 - permalink
    Du darfst gerne an meiner Verlosung teil nehmen.
  6. Deepismagic
    03/05/2015 14:46 - permalink
    Auch Du mein treuer Freund bist herzlich eingeladen an meiner Verlosung teil zu nehmen

  7. A+K
    01/12/2015 21:02 - permalink
    Ahweeurrgh(mein Ton versucht nachzuschreiben als ich das gelesen habe), was bedeutet des im Klartext? Hab ich noch nie gehört :x
  8. A+K
    01/11/2015 17:19 - permalink
    Na wie gehts dir so?
  9. A+K
    01/09/2015 23:26 - permalink
    Generell vor 12 ^_^ | Schreib dir den Namen auf... (ich kann Ihn mir zum Beispiel nicht merken/Spreche es immer falsch aus) - Das Ding hat bei mir schon wahre Wunder bewirkt :3
  10. A+K
    01/09/2015 23:06 - permalink

    Kriegst in jeder Apotheke. Unsere in Regensburg stellt diese sogar selber her.
    Preislich klein ~6€ | Mittel ~11€ | Groß ~18€ jenach Marke usw. Hilft so gegen alles

    Kaufe immer Pelargonium Urtinktur (Eigenherstellung. Kann anders heißen bei dir)


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  • Last Activity: 01/11/2018 19:18
  • Join Date: 07/08/2012


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08:57 - microxx quoted Temphis in post 100€ BTC for 120€ PSC/Amazon
I'm selling 120€ PSC/Amazon for 100€ BTC. offline psc from where? think i can do for you. pm me if you still need
22:26 - LuckyPunch777 quoted Temphis in post [Biete] PSC/Amazon [Suche] BTC/Überweisung
Ich biete psc & amazon karten und suche btc oder überweisung, bitte mit angebot melden. Kann dir 1:0,95 Überweisung anbieten, Interesse nur an PSC.
14:27 - Sc4rf4c3 quoted Temphis in post Archlord Awake - The return of Archlord (Webzen oficial)
They will probably never ever relaunch Archlord 1. It so sad because there's no other MMORPG with this PvP-System and those Skills-Systems. Archlord is just perfect, and they wasted a...
16:56 - Warfield quoted Temphis in post Archlord Awake - The return of Archlord (Webzen oficial)
Currently downloading it. Let's see. Even the fact that they used AL content for their own games is kinda sad. Just shows how great Archlord actually was. True. Remember that MU Le...
13:31 - Burokelis quoted Temphis in post Archlord Awake - The return of Archlord (Webzen oficial)
Why are they fucking doing this. Just re-launch Archlord (1) and you'll be fine. Why would they destroy a game with this overused MMO System. I got so hyped when I saw the thread and ...
14:14 - mellz10 quoted Temphis in post mellz | graphics
...t/images/150627/5usdnv9f.jpgQulta Logo + YT Banner HP Banner Thread Twitch Panels Streampack
03:27 - JinnTwoKay quoted Temphis in post [Release] Macro w/ Source
I tried the macro and even changed the time between each skill and it worked very good for me. Remember that your connection to the server is very important for a good overall gamepla...
17:38 - CrAcKSHoT quoted Temphis in post [NEW] hope for brighter Archlord future
"plan on buying original files from webzen" Enjoy throwing multiple thousands on the table without any knowledge in programming perhaps. Do you really think that 50k would be enough...
13:57 - raduelvis1 quoted Temphis in post [NEW] hope for brighter Archlord future
"plan on buying original files from webzen" Enjoy throwing multiple thousands on the table without any knowledge in programming perhaps. 50k should be a good starting point ^^
12:48 - JinnTwoKay quoted Temphis in post [Release] Macro w/ Source
He explained what he did. Just read his full post and you'll gain the same speed. its not the speed thats the problem, its that the skills are being casted twice at some times whic...
19:42 - Shabii quoted Temphis in post Bitcoins http://ep...
15:59 - Sir Kackfleck quoted Temphis in post MarienWar: The Truth
ich bin der jenige, der sich nicht Herr Kackfleck nennt. Ich geb da was drauf, wenn es dich stört dann hör auf zu lesen und ignorier den Thread. Darum, weil es aktuell ist und ein T...
11:48 - toxiicdev quoted Temphis in post MarienWar: The Truth
Hey guys, you may know me as [GM]Kore from MarienWar, who was a GM there some days ago. I was helping them with management like Events, new ideas and fixes + updates. Then I left th...
15:04 - snafu quoted Temphis in post Left MarienWar | Open for New Stuff
So, I was coding for them, I told them that I don't want to get paid. So their gift for me was HW Banning me because a mod was insulting me lol. MW will be down soon. I'll release ...
19:57 - Deleted Posts
19:55 - NrSoldat quoted Temphis in post MarienWar: Reborn Chapter [PRIVATE SERVER]
I left the team and I got HW Banned, I'll leak some Infos and more stuff about Unknown & MW soon :) Grammar King. Und Unknown hat sich viel mehr zuschreiben lassen, als nur irgendwe...
19:45 - NrSoldat quoted Temphis in post MarienWar: Reborn Chapter [PRIVATE SERVER]
I left the team and I got HW Banned, I'll leak some Infos and more stuff about Unknown & MW soon :) Ohne witz ich kann es nicht mehr hören, du hast dir sehr viel rausgenommen bei Mar...

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