05/06/2021 |
21:11 - |
07/13/2018 |
05:10 - ImAGoodHacker mentioned kiwisaft in post World Wide Elo Boosting We have a discord full of elite members on the forum boosting in our discord
Hyper ELO
CEO Rapid
We 5 are helping league of legends players Boosting/Coaching
Feel Free To Join |
06/01/2019 |
20:53 - KinahTrader24 quoted kiwisaft in post ⚜️Diverse Aion Accounts/ Full Ulti / Legi Verwandlungen [FAST ⏱ | TRUSTED ✔️]⚜️ Preis für den Jäger?
Weiß ich nicht kannst mir ja was Anbieten. |
05/30/2019 |
11:42 - einen Künstler
Für meine Eigenmarke
Biete Paypal
Für alle weiteren Informationen
Kann man mich bei Skype und Discord kontaktieren
Discord: siba#1640
Skype: kiwisafts
Kann’s übernehmen |
05/21/2019 |
01:40 - Deleted Posts |
01:40 - kostalord1 quoted kiwisaft in post Suche PayPal Gebe off PSC 20€ DE wie viel würdet ihr fur 60€ offline PSC geben in paypal?
17€ PP FF
hab insgesammt 60€ psc wieviel paypal gibst du? |
05/06/2019 |
15:04 - League Of Legends At 360° quoted kiwisaft in post Hiring Boosters D1+ EuWest Add me Skype for Detailed Information
VPN & Offline Mode Required
Main Account needs to be atleast D1+ on EuWest Server
If you need 3v3 boosters i'm up,... |
04/06/2019 |
14:35 - cooco83 quoted kiwisaft in post [NA & EU] Does Teleport not Work ?
The name is Teleporter not Teleport Device
I followed your guide step by step
please help :3
It work fine. You should use the name of the Teleporter in... |
08/14/2018 |
21:30 - ItsFrankey quoted kiwisaft in post D1-Master | LOOKING FOR Hey mate,
we can help you out.
Best Service & Cheapest Price
Skype Kiwisafts
Discord Siba#1640
"Cheapest price" |
08/17/2017 |
10:51 - ImpulzEUW quoted kiwisaft in post Searching acc d5+ Hey mate,
can help you out !
My Signature will guide you to my thread!
German professional player | Legit & fast
Sehe keine accounts bei dir auf der Seite :/ |
04/06/2017 |
18:07 - Foredoomed quoted kiwisaft in post [EUW] Unranked/Unverified Smurf Account Hey m8,
can help you out !
Skype Kiwisafts
German professional player | Legit & fast
Looking for an unranked smurf account, not a boost. |
03/07/2017 |
21:00 - syxzu quoted kiwisaft in post Support Coaching|EUW Hey m8,
can help you out !
Skype Kiwisafts
German professional player | Legit & fast
Whats the price? :) |
01/28/2017 |
13:57 - RampageAOT quoted kiwisaft in post DUOQ P1 to D5 EUW Hey mate,
can help you out.
Make sure to Click the Skype button!
German boost service with guaranteed customer satisfaction.
Price? |
01/24/2017 |
17:14 - lollypop456 quoted kiwisaft in post Looking for plat V to plat IV duo'q Hey mate,
can help you out.
Make sure to Click the Skype button!
German boost service with guaranteed customer satisfaction.
50e for division... |
01/17/2017 |
07:40 - Hey mate,
Can help You out.
Skype Kiwisafts
added you on skype |
01/16/2017 |
19:33 - aTinkajunt quoted kiwisaft in post DIA Acc on EUW Added
im not active on skype could you pm here pls? |
01/08/2017 |
15:55 - clapped. quoted kiwisaft in post Buying League of Legends Account Hey,
Got couple Accs
Add me Skype Kiwisafts
hi i have no skype, pm me with account details and ill have a look :) |
13:59 - taco. quoted kiwisaft in post EUW Acc with some ADC's for max. 10€ or TR Acc for 25€ Hey got Couple Accs
Skype Kiwisafts
added |
13:25 - MaJest1K quoted kiwisaft in post 2 duoQ net wins silver V Hey m8,
Add me Skype Kiwisafts
added |
12/26/2016 |
19:16 - MagicBaSe quoted kiwisaft in post Placement Games (Ger) Hey kann ich machen 4 von 5 wins garantiert sonst gibst Geld zurück
Skype Kiwisafts
Wie viel ? |
12/22/2016 |
22:45 - Hey, hätte da was.
Skype Kiwisafts
Nice Try aber bist nicht trusted -> kb auf scam.
I sell one, check my thread: |
12/19/2016 |
20:22 - Signatur
Skype Kiwisafts
sorry low TBM and the prices a bit high =) GL in future. |