09/10/2022 |
10:26 - Deleted Posts |
02:56 - Deleted Posts |
08/27/2022 |
17:43 - tincs quoted Ax3lak0s in post 4Classic Gold #close request
Do you have the option to close the thread yourself? I see it at the top of my threads, under "Thread Tools". |
08/19/2019 |
16:14 - NavigatorCreed quoted Ax3lak0s in post 4Story mobile Do you guys not have phones?
Yeah Diablo Immortal ..............
so back to the topic:
It's a not funny joke? |
08/11/2017 |
22:34 - Mikrole quoted Ax3lak0s in post 4Story - something big is not coming So, ehm... what has any of what you guys talk about to do with the Official 4Story server's "Something big is coming"? :P
Nothing, it always ends like this. |
11/13/2016 |
09:52 - They asked in their forum for dungeon suggestions so i guess we will see something new in this sector with decent drops (?) I am pretty sure it will not be a Raid but a challenging dun... |
11/12/2016 |
22:59 - Mikrole quoted Ax3lak0s in post [ Potentional info ] What will come in the 27.12 update They asked in their forum for dungeon suggestions so i guess we will see something new in this sector with decent drops (?) I am pretty sure it will not be a Raid but a challenging dun... |