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megaman4999 megaman4999 is offline

Senior Member

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 31
  1. TheKtsho
    01/02/2024 03:15 - permalink
    hey megaman how are you mahdy
  2. Scuwry
    08/11/2023 12:23 - permalink
    sup bro, is there any server worth playing those days ? since your an expert on reviewing sro servers
  3. mitmitice1
    01/14/2021 21:10 - permalink
    lazy huh? i got life. good like shit ass.
  4. vemtoo
    03/31/2020 06:35 - permalink
    Is it you Cryo or something like that in the past?
  5. Djukic123
    01/31/2020 12:39 - permalink
  6. spongez
    06/04/2019 21:32 - permalink
  7. Mystogan.
    12/05/2018 16:41 - permalink
    We are currently a team of 5 on this server. If you want to join us please feel free to join Discord. You can get Silks on this server from trading, and we are now farming at Ongs we have 2 spots left in our farm party.

    Level 80
    Chinese & European
    Chinese: 240 - European: 160

  8. bende16
    06/30/2018 20:44 - permalink
  9. _LEGEND_R_
    06/27/2018 18:19 - permalink
    Hi Can You Delete a Quate on Topic and make a New one bcome we changed a system
  10. *TomaH
    12/10/2017 00:56 - permalink
    dude stop banned please i just use 1 topic everyday i don't make any spamming ! Thank you <3 its not spamming mate

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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 03:45
  • Join Date: 06/17/2011


Showing Friends 1 to 3 of 3


19:27 - tombalaci46 mentioned megaman4999 in post Creddy PVP-Remaster | 110 | EU&CH | LONG TERM | NEW EVENTS | 11 YEARS | 2022 UPDATE
...player lvlup if the old players doesnt wanna help new players? since i wanted to come due to 10years+ online :) unlike pserver these days where they close after 2-3months megaman4999 check new update :pimp:
22:44 - nefta24 mentioned megaman4999 in post 白 SHIROI | 15D | CAP130 | FUN | FREE AVATAR + ANGEL + PREMIUM | ISRO FILES
megaman4999 Pwlv me
05:04 - sarkoplata mentioned megaman4999 in post Creddy PVP-Remaster | 110 | EU&CH | LONG TERM | NEW EVENTS | 11 YEARS | 2022 UPDATE the first page. sarkoplata please check it again. Our domain was changed few years ago when DAZIUNDA incident happened, forgot to update them. Thanks, it's fine now. megaman4999 Well I appreciate that but you can keep it, you had an effort after all it's not free. If you don't want to use it just discard it :) Job PC should be 1, server should h...
21:19 - tombalaci46 mentioned megaman4999 in post Creddy v-PvP | 110 | EU&CH | LONG TERM | AMAZING EVENTS | SINCE 9 YEARS | G.O 11.09
megaman4999 i builded those dungeons for Creddy. So as i remember those 3 dungeons dealing damage based on your max HP.
17:05 - xGandolfx mentioned megaman4999 in post MARVS Online | 100 CAP - CH ONLY - LONG TERM - REAL PLAY TO WIN SYSTEM - G.O 1-7-2020
Epvp Signutre Event #1 Winners :mofo:: - kenio89 - fyther - GeneralReptar - megaman4999 - mohamedtag - nightry - Kugyo Please send me an message in Discord or here to our Game Masters with your Character Name to get your reward :) Reward is: 250 Silks Note...
03:28 - Old_School mentioned megaman4999 in post LEON ONLINE | CAP 80 | CHINESE ONLY | OLD SCHOOL | SILK/H | G.O 25.10.2019
megaman4999 why you player dg +11
11:44 - Deleted Posts
11:44 - Deleted Posts
09:11 - hexcode mentioned megaman4999 in post Warriors Way Online | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Non Bot | Zero Edits
has anyone killed medusa here? Hello megaman4999 there is a couple players with full 'Soul Reaver' sets on server.The set is mage only with recipe from White Viper killing.The only still not killed unique is Roc. Regards ...
09:53 - hexcode mentioned megaman4999 in post Warriors Way Online | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Non Bot | Zero Edits
...when im offline??? Hello Casque, the time is counting only when the character is online. Regards why not 20% since 10% doesnt really increase damage anyways Hello megaman4999, the value is selected after a lot of test made from our game developers.The value increase is small on low levels and this is normal,bu t its good for higher levels.The incr...
02:21 - !Apple mentioned megaman4999 in post Silkroad R - 125Cap - 14D - Csro-r Files - Free2play
Good Job megaman4999 but server info short..
12:24 - Deleted Posts
12:24 - notHype* mentioned megaman4999 in post Spectre Reborn | The Realistic Fiction | New Events & Dungeons | Cap 100 - CH you will see that the system and events outweigh the fact that it's chinese only. Sadly, we cannot satisfy everyone... but we try! Best of luck and have a good day. -Hype megaman4999 Instead of complaining here and trying to divert people from joining, you can simply suggest edits for the server in our Discord server. :lul:
09:14 - hexcode mentioned megaman4999 in post Warriors Way Online | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Non Bot | Zero Edits
what about creating a csro-r files server w/o bot? :D Hello megaman4999 , i am not server manager or game developer , i am just care of community stuff and basic users feedback. Regards They wont create a new server ever again. i hope someone ...
16:09 - hexcode mentioned megaman4999 in post Warriors Way Online | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Non Bot | Zero Edits
if you played vsro files and hunted titans then its the same spawn spot for white knight and princess uniques Hello megaman4999 probably some spot can be concur the spawn position that you mention it, but in current winter unique monsters event the spots are manually added by our game developers. ...
16:17 - hexcode mentioned megaman4999 in post Warriors Way Online | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Non Bot | Zero Edits
hexcode can you add the same balance from sro-r to here? Hello megaman4999 , WWO is not SROR-R based server, the game is version equivalent: 'Legend IV: Tomb of Qin-Shi Emperor' with a lot additional quest (over 70)added. Regards
11:39 - hexcode mentioned megaman4999 in post Warriors Way Online | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Non Bot | Zero Edits
any news for 110cap with fgw system? and honor moon weapon has original moon sox glow? Hello megaman4999, there is no FGW in the server base that we are using. The weapon glows are with default colors for this game version. Regards
03:23 - hexcode mentioned megaman4999 in post Warriors Way Online | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Non Bot | Zero Edits
btw where can i find the shop to use job points? :D Hello megaman4999 you can buy items with Job Points from every job NPC (trader /hunter /thief) - buy job item menu. Regards Our FB page was deleted again due copyright issues claimed by D...
16:35 - mich7777 mentioned megaman4999 in post 1
megaman4999 its working now if u use the link above
15:35 - mich7777 mentioned megaman4999 in post Iron-Online | CHN/EU -100 Cap | New System Coin|New Skill's-Grand Opening 21/03/2018
megaman4999 Is your launcher working?


20:18 - alexrap2010 quoted megaman4999 in post Aligator-Sro | 11D |CH/EU | Chest System |Coin |Job | Events
so how many time did u re-open this project?! 5 times per year :pimp:
16:03 - Djukic123 quoted megaman4999 in post VSRO.FUN | 110 CAP | EU&CH | MINIMAL EDITS | SERVER FOR FUN ONLY | REAL FREE TO PLAY
magic pop has 1-11d sox You playing this server? its only 1-8dg magic pop!
10:36 - Hypnos¥ quoted megaman4999 in post Silkroad Online vs Generated Prompts
old sro is better than remodel No doubt
19:41 - Zenger Gaming quoted megaman4999 in post ZENGER-R ONLINE | ISRO FILES | CAP 90 & EU/CH | HARD RATES | PROGRESSIVE | G.O 22/11
wheel system was and will be pay2win always Wheels not only come from item mall , every activity in the game drop Wheels What is the PC and IP limit? 4/4 dont forget about ...
11:41 - ! MAC quoted megaman4999 in post ZENGER-R ONLINE | ISRO FILES | CAP 90 & EU/CH | HARD RATES | PROGRESSIVE | G.O 22/11
dont forget about vip buffs its for donaters only in isro file and it seems like its enabled in this server disabled here
09:31 - qunqor0990 quoted megaman4999 in post AEGON ONLINE: TIME TO MOVE FROM 20 CAP TO 40 CAP! JANUARY 3, 2025
i dont think back in time there was system and edits like this :D get your fact straight :) Thank you for your comment, but I respectfully disagree. If you'd like to learn more abo...
20:37 - Thunder Online quoted megaman4999 in post Thunder Online | CAP 110 | PLAY2WIN 1000$ GIFTS | D11 | PVE | OLD SCHOOL | GO 29/11
since lvl110 uniques got 1spawn spot so im guessing afk botting at them is allowed? Botting at the special unique spots is not allowed. They got only 1 spawn point, that´s why its forb...
09:48 - veniceronline quoted megaman4999 in post VENICE-R ONLINE | 90 CAP EU & CH | 1x Rate | ISRO - R FILES | G.O. 15.11.2024 !
got proof for hwid that it works based what you say in your info? because to add pc limit filter to isro-r rigid require devkit for $300-500 or joymax source code You can experience th...
21:09 - Pr0x! quoted megaman4999 in post ELECTUS (WINTER GAIA) 04.10.2024|110 CAP|WEEKLY $ REWARDS FOR ACTIVITY RANKS|$20,000
why should jobbing a free system to play require prem aka a pay2play item? as rareshutz15 is trying to get some answer about it but you are talking about how to make silk by doing dunge...
22:01 - Deleted Posts
22:01 - Legacy669 quoted megaman4999 in post Silver Sro | Since 2014 |80 Cap Only CH| Equalized |Old School|G.O 18.10.2024 21:00 !
elinize sağlık çok güzel bir server gözüküyor.Herkese Başarılar.Server İçin bol şans nick: Only4You elinize saglik beklemedeyiz Nick SilentSea Ho...
22:22 - COSTEXXL quoted megaman4999 in post NCSRO.COM NOSTALGIA (R) | OLDSCHOOL | ISRO-R | NEW FEATURES
since he already banned me from discord for posting the turth so i will post it here, he says "Pc limit 4, Ip Limit 8" but there isnt IP/PC limit and here is my proof
12:35 - Pyramids quoted megaman4999 in post CLASS SRO|CAP 110 CH ONLY|CUSTOM FILTER|NEW GAMEPLAY|FREE2PLAY|Go 04.10
same edits/system as other servers whats so new about this? try us in beta to check what new custom filter, but you haven't provided any information or details. :rolleyes: it's eas...
18:52 - ArcaneMax quoted megaman4999 in post ArcaneMax | 140 Cap | Open Market | $1000 Prize Pool | GO 27.12
14d moon to sun upgrade? Yes, Scroll Upgrade
15:23 - Worshiper quoted megaman4999 in post Unlimited Online | CAP 110 | OPEN MARKET | OLD SCHOOL | LONG TERM | G/O 05/09/2024
another wipe? :D A new beginning with a new adventure :bandit: look nice, good luck IGN: SlyderFrost glad to see you around ;) OUR SERVER WILL BE ONLINE AFTER 1 HOUR FROM NO...
05:54 - buso68 quoted megaman4999 in post Unlimited Online | CAP 110 | OPEN MARKET | OLD SCHOOL | LONG TERM | G/O 05/09/2024
same and i was doing shopping for 1hour max and i checked my bot unique log and i saw this and players were 110 after i came back from afk so i left in a instant since its the same mistak...
02:56 - HolyRoad quoted megaman4999 in post HolyRoad Online | D14 - Pvp - Cap 130 - Free Items - Play2Win - Advanced
nice job using another game picture character for your advertising :D :D :D Just tell me which image and i'll delete it :) All images in this topic designed by me.
03:31 - ArcaneMax quoted megaman4999 in post ArcaneMax | 140 Cap | Open Market | $1000 Prize Pool | GO 27.12
re-opened all isro dungeons? Yes, I have all the dungeons, but I cannot open them. Some players find that there are too many of them and say that they are bored and that they cannot br...
18:00 - Dallin¥ quoted megaman4999 in post SROTIMES | CAP 110 | EU & CH | New Features | Old School | G.O 05/07
i think exp rate is 100x not 10x because players reached lvl101+ within 24hours exp rate is 10x, we have multiple activities which give players alot of exp during 1 to 101 such as grin...
19:05 - beramusonline quoted megaman4999 in post Beramus - Bomonti | 120 Cap EU/CH | War of League | Open Market | G.O 28.06
why is the font size so dam small to read? and this is so dam boring We realized this later, our graphic designer friend Elitepvpers could not get t...

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