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Versani Versani is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. kinimod88
    04/19/2022 18:10 - permalink
    hey add me on dc Kenjizje#5849
  2. golddrop123
    05/04/2020 21:06 - permalink
    Nice guy!
  3. Saaja
    09/20/2017 17:36 - permalink
    Für Versani, von Saaja
  4. Lyn
    07/03/2017 20:11 - permalink
    rate pls :-)
  5. BosniaWarlord
    07/02/2017 22:50 - permalink
    Hast ne pn


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  • Last Activity: 11/16/2024 18:05
  • Join Date: 12/26/2010


02:47 - 悪地城 mentioned Versani in post Global Zaria Yang (Only Trusted Seller)
Versani Bin ich trusted ? gebe nicht first.


12:39 - MilenYang quoted Versani in post SELL • ZEYA 8kkk == 10€• BEST PRICE
Join Date Apr 2023, 0 TBM's, first post. 0% Risk :kappa: Good luck my friend. Does every newcomer to this business have to be a scammer? Or didn't you start with 0 TMB when you fi...
18:45 - Sprinten quoted Versani in post RUBINUM - 'Legacy of Meley' | International | Server start 22.05.2020
grad sehr guter zeitpunkt anzufangen actually. Gut zu wissen danke dir :) spielst du schon auf dem Server?
21:10 - -Aries quoted Versani in post RUBINUM - 'Legacy of Meley' | International | Server start 22.05.2020
game balance is pretty good rn Thank you. We worked on improving low-level and make life easier for new-comers. Also, for the high-levels/end-level, me and my Community Manager hav...
06:42 - Aze /.. quoted Versani in post RUBINUM - 'Legacy of Meley' | International | Server start 22.05.2020
m2bober i assume psc is not an option because with recent changes to paysafecard system its not 100% anonymous anymore, also what do you wanna do with thousands of paysafecards? An...
01:39 - yanglegit quoted Versani in post «Aeldra Yang Store» + Accounts.
how much for sura and how to contact you? discord: aeldrayang#2239
20:01 - radu145 quoted Versani in post EVION YANG 20kkk
"Not giving anything first" nice, account created today (or smth like that) 0 tbms but i don't give anything first. Kappa I am willing to take a middle man I didnt say that you givin...
17:32 - Jisoo. quoted Versani in post WOM3 - Lvl 55 Aura P - 220k+ Yin | Lvl10 Aggressor Lion Mount
45 euros for the 220k yin too low
17:34 - loganstick quoted Versani in post Wom3 55kk / 10eu rate . Paypal , Paysafecards.
bist du bei guten tbms bereit first zu geben? dann hätte ich interesse Add me on skype or discord
16:27 - Omni quoted Versani in post S17 Boost Saturday morning
hi guys, looking for season 17 boost saturday morning (5-6am cet) and for a few rifts for a little bit of gear. Basically someone who grinds all night and then boosts me. offer:...
18:10 - Sura´ quoted Versani in post ♦ Shirana Online - A new era ♦ [Newschool]
Der Server sah so geil aus.. habs geahnt das es einfach komplett überlastet sein wird und Start verschoben wird.. Noch ist nicht 20 Uhr abwarten wie es sich entwickelt ;)
14:07 - #FlyBoy quoted Versani in post Sk1/sk2/ge3
price? Offer
09:49 - Damian Stefan quoted Versani in post Hi
Ist zufällig schon einer von den vielen Yangsellern heute früh on? I'm selling 45kk on titania, 30e paypal,add skype bignorisor
13:15 - OemG quoted Versani in post ★Titania★ Accounts + EQ
Falls du dich dazu entscheidest doch Sachen einzelnd zu verkaufen sag bescheid. Nein sorry nur alles gemeinsam für 250€
19:21 - SirEscanor quoted Versani in post Titania Anfänger Item-Bundle Codes
PN Nehme einen, bei deinen Bewertungen müsstest du aber first geben (Für n 6 Euro trade macht ein MM keinen Sinn). Würde gleich 2 nehmen wenn du 2 hast Noch Interesse?
19:21 - Deleted Posts
19:16 - OemG quoted Versani in post ★Titania★ Accounts + EQ
16:23 - .Roronoa quoted Versani in post 【►】 Metin TITANIA YANG-Shop 【►】
Wie viel Yang is da? Hast 'ne PN. :)
17:32 - BlackTher quoted Versani in post Leya2 Yang First Delivery 10Eur = 12kkk
Contact me here on epvp with private message i am interested I send you a private message.
20:42 - .McSilver quoted Versani in post Leya2 Schulterbänder(25%) LvL 200er EQ uvm.
Preis für die Nephritenflügel mit Boni pls per PN Hast eine PN
16:47 - UFC™ quoted Versani in post Rubinum Yang für PP
Hast ne PN Kaufst du auch an ?

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