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marcelian marcelian is offline

// digger //

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  1. linksus
    05/31/2016 18:08 - permalink
    nice profil-pic ;D
  2. lovewwe94
    02/27/2014 20:31 - permalink
    no help bro u must share Dat bug for [Free]
  3. lolly09
    03/11/2012 10:56 - permalink
  4. invulnerabilul1
    09/10/2011 18:54 - permalink
    la fel si eu am avut cateva conturi cu mbot, dar mi-au banat doar unul.
    Mebius a facut botul, si e de incredere pe zhyk.
    are acu un site privat, dar n-am reusit sa intru acolo, poate a mai facut ceva bot pe care-l tine secret, cine stie?
  5. marcelian
    08/24/2011 09:23 - permalink
    i played on east3... my acc got hacked
  6. darkorbits
    08/24/2011 00:39 - permalink
    you play on east3 server? :O i do too!
    i noticed from your picture of you killing eraxis xD
  7. marcelian
    08/23/2011 15:46 - permalink

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  • Last Activity: 11/07/2020 15:05
  • Join Date: 08/17/2010


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08:49 - n0bdy quoted marcelian in post Darkorbit Talk II
Can cubikons get diminishing rewards? Yeah, after some time. Nope cubes never give diminishing rewards, only if you shoot other NPCs while cubing
11:46 - SirΒasti quoted marcelian in post Darkorbit Talk II
Can cubikons get diminishing rewards? Yeah, after some time.
08:20 - bigpointisnoob quoted marcelian in post DarkOrbit BUG CRAFT/SEPROM/UPGRADDE/HONOR....
I dont understand why so much time for BP to fix it I understand that you are the person who posted this bug on the official game forum. Traitor.
22:02 - SirΒasti quoted marcelian in post DarkOrbit BUG CRAFT/SEPROM/UPGRADDE/HONOR....
I feel banwaves incoming Nope, it will only be patched like previous bug that got removed. Such as old turk payment bug. ^^
12:25 - 》LUL《 quoted marcelian in post Darkorbit Talk II
Best ship for general purpose is Cyborg Fastest ship is Pusat Solace is much better than cyborg lmao. Now with module its even faster than cyborg.
19:19 - Abyss Man quoted marcelian in post Darkorbit Talk II
Any autolocker around? Toshi is gone now.. use vertex tool, works very smooth tho it's a bit expensive 10€ - 30days (at least not many people use it)
10:06 - Breuli quoted marcelian in post Darkorbit Talk II
I no longer get penaliazation after 3 hrs of botting on x-8 Is the anti bot system removed? sometime u get it, sometime not :confused:
19:36 - Eatforyou quoted marcelian in post Darkorbit Talk II
I no longer get penaliazation after 3 hrs of botting on x-8 Is the anti bot system removed? Nope, but they changed it, for me it began with -20% less rewards on x-7 map after 4-5 hours...
07:41 - pisi.pasz quoted marcelian in post New upgrades
What is the best Config with Which ammo ship etc To bot in bl map? As far as i know most of the botters are using 5 shields and 10 speed gens in ships with 15 generator spaces... in C...
06:13 - pisi.pasz quoted marcelian in post New upgrades
So the only relevant way to get ABR is QZ right? Damn i always hated QZ.. I dont think so... since with weekend rebate and 1,5 million of uridium in your packet you are able to spam...
15:42 - pisi.pasz quoted marcelian in post New upgrades
Info about ABR? Its droped from alien as chromin or its end reward like schism? Its affected by sunday doubler or box doubler? How much each gates drop? Hades Gate - 1 Per ...
06:20 - lollo900 quoted marcelian in post Darkorbit Talk II
I cannot send resources from skylab, i got error "not enough cargo space" But i have 13k cargo space, and i cannot send even 10 seprom.. Should i contact bugpoint? Same here!
16:36 - oliveri20 quoted marcelian in post Help bug disappear under attack
Maybe is emp+cloack Only admins can force log off, and those who have admin consols :) No because it not use emp and in the minimap also the red dot disappears and the ship is not th...
16:26 - skeith_sk8 quoted marcelian in post [Release] Daily Login Collector
srry for push but this is a very usefull prog :D i got error "check your credentials" its only me or need a fix? have you completed the calendar already on such account? The first pos...
14:32 - 72747024 quoted marcelian in post Quest 27: "Heard it Before" - Terbium
20k cargo? how? Pet with full Cargoprotocols equals probably 19,8k, you can put PP's to increase the cargospace even more. Best Regards, 72747024
21:03 - IcePunchz quoted marcelian in post [Release] Galaxy Gate Generator Tool
About gg spin error? Many ppl have it? Any fix? It's a problem with darkorbit's server and only happens on a few accounts/servers. It has nothing to do with this tool, try to spin m...
11:19 - skeith_sk8 quoted marcelian in post DarkBOT - Bonus Box Bot
Works smooth as a packet bot but does not require as much maintenance since is not usually affected by BP updates, ingenious, i am not a dev but how no one made one in all those years o...
16:18 - picasso34 quoted marcelian in post Darkorbit Talk II
Annoying bug! On 2-BL, all the Impulse npc goes in the radiation zone and become unreacheable few hours after server restart We need to kill thousands of them for the rinusk and is ea...
19:28 - mchqeen12 quoted marcelian in post [Release] Galaxy Gate Generator Tool
Works with username and pass Fake Can you send me screenshots,
13:31 - Surreal. quoted marcelian in post [Release] Galaxy Gate Generator Tool
Works with username and pass I get Logginerror=99.

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