08/20/2019 |
19:25 - 911sky mentioned .Kai in post ZygorGuide ...d one deleted first?
If not try deleting the saved variables
.Kai I am fullly supporting the developer.
But many feel that if they updated it more frequently it would be worth the cost. As it is nearly the cost of the Wow monthly sub. |
08/07/2019 |
22:35 - 911sky mentioned .Kai in post ZygorGuide .Kai They are doing a guide for the Release of Classic. Not fully sure until the first release is out, what will happen. |
07/09/2021 |
13:05 - Wekks quoted .Kai in post Zygor Classic | Retail & Other Addons. Great job as always! What you shouldn't forget that thanks to sky we also have access to BilisOnyxia's TSM 4.1 profile, which is the best profile for me!
Where Is possibile to f... |
09/27/2019 |
07:30 - tirkalirk quoted .Kai in post ZygorGuide Do you put the "ZygorGuidesViewerClassic" folder there or only the files?
Try to delete old Zygor folders and copy the newest in there.
I deleted both Zygor folders and replace... |
09/20/2019 |
07:19 - KINDREDSHOP quoted .Kai in post Kindred Shop | Accounts with Instant Delivery | Rare Skins | Gifting Center | PBE Hey.
How long does it take after a purchase on your website until you add me?
Hello! Depends on Gifting Center's worker online time.
They dont add any1, you get email which ... |
07:12 - BenQ00 quoted .Kai in post Kindred Shop | Accounts with Instant Delivery | Rare Skins | Gifting Center | PBE Hey.
How long does it take after a purchase on your website until you add me?
They dont add any1, you get email which redirects you to Oopla where you find your log in info |
08/26/2019 |
21:10 - DarkOPM quoted .Kai in post World of Warcraft Chit-Chat Stimmt eigentlich.
Die Frage ist halt ob die Punkt 12 nochmal 'n "Kick" für alle raushauen, sodass jeder die gleichen Chancen hat.
Nein gibt es nicht. Der Welt betreten Button ... |
21:02 - DarkOPM quoted .Kai in post World of Warcraft Chit-Chat Jup, ist mir grad schon aufgefallen.
Heißt um 23.30 direkt einloggen bzw. reloggen.
Eher 23:32 oder so, wenn die Server nicht Punkt 0 Uhr starten hast du die Arschkarte |
20:39 - StridingGiant quoted .Kai in post World of Warcraft Chit-Chat Deshalb ja jetzt schon einloggen, möglicherweise rebooten sie die Server nicht mehr. Ansonsten frühzeitig da sein und probieren instant wieder einzuloggen. :D
Du wirst nach 30 M... |
16:48 - Obilee quoted .Kai in post World of Warcraft Chit-Chat Does anyone know if Blizzard will reboot the servers shortly before release, or is it theoretically possible to start Classic in the morning and camp in the login?
they said the... |
08/24/2019 |
18:26 - Zathan quoted .Kai in post ZygorGuide I do not understand your question. Zygor will be there for Classic. (In my opinion the most effective addon)
I was just wondering if there was something better since people ofte... |
08/20/2019 |
18:30 - 911sky quoted .Kai in post ZygorGuide Can you recommend an alternative addon that makes leveling "effective"?
I mean if we don't get Zygor for the classic release.I hear questie is good. Then you have the paid add on ... |
07/19/2018 |
14:05 - DutchMTCgames quoted .Kai in post HOW TO: Purchase cheaper VBUCKS Too bad, unfortunately I do not have a credit card. But still a nice "tutorial"!
Use Wirex or Yandex for a free virtual creditcard |
07/08/2018 |
17:22 - Syntis quoted .Kai in post 🌈 🍀 CHEAPER V-BUCKS -50% !!! 13500-40€ 🍀 🌈 Verstehe ich das also richtig, würde auf meinem PC Account der mit meiner Ps4 gelinked ist (aber noch nicht Ps4 bespielt) nicht funktionieren?
Vielen Dank für die Antwort. :)
B... |
06/07/2018 |
22:38 - Bench quoted .Kai in post Neues Handy Hat schon jemand Erfahrungen mit dem Honor 10 bezüglich Leistung, Rucklern, Schnelligkeit gemacht?
Habe es nur kurz anschauen können und soweit nur sagen, dass es wie fast jedes... |
05/07/2018 |
21:06 - moga4400 quoted .Kai in post Remove from the match! Try it in the Discord. There, the moderators help you faster than the meaningless support function. I'm still waiting for an answer to my ticket 6 weeks ago.
Idid still no answe... |
04/30/2018 |
15:15 - Selfo# quoted .Kai in post Fortnite - General Talk Jemand 'ne Ahnung wielange der Brite Gunner (Farbenkanonier) Skin im Shop sein wird?
Mir wird aktuell noch "1 Tag" angezeigt, bei meinem Freund werden "2 Tage" angezeigt. :D
No... |
04/28/2018 |
18:57 - Deleted Posts |
18:57 - lucasking123 quoted .Kai in post HOW TO: Purchase cheaper VBUCKS Kaged what's your discord ?
You need to use a VPN.
I am on a vpn.
Argentian VPN and its still in USD.
Will a laptop with a built in wifi card work ? |
18:56 - Kaged quoted .Kai in post HOW TO: Purchase cheaper VBUCKS Once you buy V-Bucks from your home country your account will be assigned to this region.
This is why you need the xbox store to bypass the region lock for the purchase. |
17:53 - Weedfotze quoted .Kai in post HOW TO: Purchase cheaper VBUCKS Too bad, unfortunately I do not have a credit card. But still a nice "tutorial"!
You can kinda get yourself credit cards easily on sites like: |
17:43 - Kaged quoted .Kai in post HOW TO: Purchase cheaper VBUCKS Would it be possible that Paypal also works?
How safe is the method (bans)?
No, credit card is required. Paypal will show your billing address which will link to your correct coun... |