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qoaway qoaway is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. denise456
    09/23/2021 01:17 - permalink
    bro u are admin f8filter??
  2. dangermetal
    09/01/2018 15:29 - permalink
    fix the server buddy
  3. [T]akla
    03/14/2018 18:52 - permalink
    check you skype buddy , -.-'
  4. asksro
    06/17/2017 11:13 - permalink
    Hello, I need OLDSRO server file + DB.【Old Silkroad Online // 80 Cap】。Can you sell me?
    Or I can use my SRO-guards to exchange with you 【SRO guards developed more than 20 modules】 mail:

    【SRO-guards JPG】
  5. reey123
    11/08/2016 18:21 - permalink
    item mall is full of traps
  6. reey123
    11/08/2016 18:01 - permalink
    wtf is going on why there is no descriptio in IM about difrence and price of premum and premium plus????? i bought prem and lost 300silk instead 200 and there is 5% only but prem plus 10% how the fack i suppose to know that ???? ifthere is nothing metioned about it ????? plz turns back my purchased wasted 300SILK!!! for prem simply 5%
  7. abriim
    11/08/2016 15:47 - permalink
    Hey can you please help me? can i get your skype or any other way to chatt?
  8. GrannPa
    11/06/2016 10:53 - permalink
  9. teka12
    06/22/2013 20:32 - permalink
    hey i need ur email
  10. psro123
    03/03/2012 22:52 - permalink
    hi bro can u help me plz


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  • Last Activity: 12/17/2024 13:58
  • Join Date: 05/03/2009


20:47 - Sharptron mentioned qoaway in post [C# & CPP] Emulator for Open Beta Client
Is there anyone who can re-upload those files? I would like to learn programming and this would be great ;) qoaway
17:32 - Deleted Posts
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19:34 - mo0a17 mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
qoaway Fix it or bye bye game. Gm RollBack Hahaha :D all have suns for free :D fixed or what ?? rollback gm
19:00 - mo0a17 mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
qoaway When this unqs appear ?! and what is names ? and where is Suns !? with Point here nothing in it !
15:08 - mo0a17 mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
qoaway Bro First Fix This Reset Password this is 3rd update and not fixed . 2nd fix Achievement screen !! .. 3rd .. my Friend has been hacked .. from someone in game .. and he stole...
08:31 - __JR mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
qoaway can you please add the union chatting with 32 allowed authorities, 'd be great of you. Also, you said nothing about the website in the change log, i hope you give it some magi...
13:09 - Speedy_Famous mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
qoaway why you ignoring me ? 1 - is there a new client or its still the same one 2 - can you add the client on torrent link !
09:36 - abriim mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
oprey qoaway Please help me! I cant still not log in 24 hours later!
01:19 - Speedy_Famous mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
oprey qoaway 1 - there is new client to download or its still the same ? 2 - Please can you add torrent link for low speed connection players to download the game it will help me a lot ...
00:08 - Speedy_Famous mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
oprey qoaway 1 - there is new client to download or its still the same ? 2 - Please can you add torrent link for low speed connection players to download the game it will help me a lot an...
12:56 - __JR mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
qoaway what about the egy silk seller ? we can't donate!! Deal with some other company, sroworld maybe!
01:39 - TysonII mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
... " Warlock Diseases now costs 10% of total HP to cast " 10% of total HP is too much , u killing int warlock too ,maybe 5% is enough ! qoaway
00:43 - zehN* mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
qoaway , i've search on your server how to have Point to buy Sun item but i dont have see anythings can you tell me ? And for make some gold its better to grid or job ? WTS: Staff S...
22:45 - silkroadbotter mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
This looks fucking amazing.. Edit: qoaway Found an issue already. When registering an account you allow symbols in your password. but when you try to login it says you must use english characters in your password.
19:16 - Speedy_Famous mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
can someone please tell me here how much time left for the next update or makes for me :It's Almost qoaway oprey please make for me It's Almost cuz i will join after this update.
17:55 - Speedy_Famous mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
qoaway how much time left to update ? please can u add Server time at website ?
12:59 - Speedy_Famous mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
05:12 - fadekz mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
when will the server re-open? any updates? Answer: The server is in Check status, Manually or due to an Error, just wait the VPS Owner or Highlight the thread Writer: qoaway
21:19 - mo0a17 mentioned qoaway in post Amethyst Silkroad | 90 Cap | EU & CH | Old School | New features & VoIP
qoaway oprey i get Full D.C Please Fix it Character name is AhmedHamdYie


00:07 - T0o0P quoted qoaway in post Asking about remainstatpoint Packet
you must get player ptr (in this case local player) which is stored at 0x00EEF5EC than remaining stat points is on offset 0x884 (2 bytes) add handlers to 0xB050 and 0xB051 (str/i...
05:16 - Maxi, quoted qoaway in post SPARTA | CAP 110 | 2X SILK/H | GRAND OPENING 05.04.2024 | ENTIRE NEW | HIGH QUALITY
well, nice logo you got xD thanks for stealing "Royale" lul i'm not, also i have paid for it to the designer!
22:32 - Deleted Posts
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01:21 - Dizzy© quoted qoaway in post STOP PROVING YOURSELF TO BE A DUMB HUMAN BEING.
well, if epvp adds a rule for that we are happy to implement this certificate kind of service as f8games Make this happen please Devsome
01:56 - #HB quoted qoaway in post Demo: Autowalk
best strategy to autowalk is always execute A* in parts, so as a result you wont have to load the whole map and solves packet loss and server lagging problem I see, so his way wil...
18:35 - romio33 quoted qoaway in post [C# & CPP] Emulator for Open Beta Client
sure i will reupload after I find the files on my old drive I am waiting, thank you for your great effort
19:30 - brs544 quoted qoaway in post Plus / Damage Formula
check a random vsro database you can find them in _RefObjItem (which is linked to _RefObjCommon) i was expecting a mathematical formula, calculating the next plus from the given +...
05:37 - B1Q quoted qoaway in post Plus / Damage Formula
so what is the difference except unnecessary parentheses mathematically correct
05:40 - B1Q quoted qoaway in post Plus / Damage Formula
there are columns called PAttackInc and MAttackInc so you can formulate as below new phy atk = base phy atk + PAttackInc * plus base atk + (PAttackInc * plus)
13:34 - vasdcia quoted qoaway in post ArkSolid | ONLY CH | EU RACE | ENTIRE NEW | 100 CAP | DUNGEON BASED
No we aren't.It's about your location (actually about your location<->server location). We are going to move server to different location until this weekend. You are a failure so ...

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