05/10/2023 |
19:55 - Deleted Posts |
19:02 - Deleted Posts |
02/17/2019 |
03:55 - snork84 quoted Necro19 in post AionBot.net [NA & EU] Can any1 share pls a working custom.cs (any Class)
So i have a solid base file that i can edit for my need's.
Here's my songweaver custom script. It's not perfe... |
07/30/2017 |
20:32 - jotd quoted Necro19 in post [Howto] Demonbuddy Deutschland bekomme ständig
This is usually an indication of the order being marked as a fraudulent.
If you have used a VPN or a proxy connection while placing your order, please try placing a... |
03/22/2017 |
19:59 - |
03/12/2017 |
15:41 - |
13:10 - |
01/02/2017 |
10:57 - |
12/19/2016 |
11:52 - |
12/15/2016 |
10:39 - Deleted Posts |
10:39 - MysticalFrame2 quoted Necro19 in post D2Bot# mit Kolbot RELEASE - Ein neuer Bot für D2BS 29
NTIPAliasClassID["crs"] = 29; NTIPAliasClassID["crystalsword"] = 29;
danke aber da das nur ein beispiel war ^^ weiß ich nun woher ich die antwort bekomme steht ja alles i... |
11/26/2016 |
00:16 - Bobo quoted Necro19 in post WoW Gold An- & Verkauf [450+ TBM] [Trusted] [Fast] [Cheap] [ Resell von '~BuFu_-©
http://gerhardt-bauberatung.de/images/hacken-rot.pngID Verified
http://gerhardt-bauberatung.de/images/hacken-rot.pngMit zwei Numme... |
11/19/2016 |
14:12 - '~BuFu_-© quoted Necro19 in post ►►WoW EU Gold An & Verkauf◄◄ http://i.epvpimg.com/GM1afab.jpg
Der Handel erfolgt ausschließlich über das Forum, Kontakt per Skype, Discord oder sonstwas wird nicht stattfinden.
Bezahlmethoden sind PayPal F&F u... |
09/01/2016 |
04:40 - cloudleon quoted Necro19 in post AionScript Here it's the standard file inside of Aionscript from page one of this Thread.
I modified it a little to my need's
File-Upload.net - Sorcerer.lua
hai, how to use this? im pl... |
06/15/2016 |
23:05 - Laudel quoted Necro19 in post Gladi ftw :P No one has a working Glad,Bard or Cleric Script :/ ?
I'am working since Day's on it go get it done... but it's to hard to get a Perfect Script that works for Trash/Bosses.. The Bes... |
06/06/2016 |
12:34 - Locatelli1 quoted Necro19 in post AionScript No one has a working Glad,Bard or Cleric Script :/ ?
I'am working since Day's on it go get it done... but it's to hard to get a Perfect Script that works for Trash/Bosses.. The Best ... |
05/14/2016 |
12:58 - xmast quoted Necro19 in post AionSpot - Free Bot for EU/NA 1 License=1x start Aion? Or is multiple use Supported?
With 1 Licence you can start as many clients as you want. Multiple use is supported :). Just create for each client an own fo... |
05/07/2016 |
23:09 - Der Wandale quoted Necro19 in post ---> Grafik Shop (Push-Puttons, Banners, Avatare, Webdesign,...) <--- Könnte deine Hilfe gebrauchen für ein Threaddesign und diverse andere Sachen. Pm mich mal
Skype added |
05/02/2016 |
16:09 - alexis6166 quoted Necro19 in post General shop hack! (GAMEFORGE) Its working nicely here. Don't know whats your problem is?
do u play on eu? i've the x_data file as always in the pathway 'l10n -> ENG -> data" - it is changed maybe?
http://i.i... |
04/09/2016 |
19:21 - 0x00 quoted Necro19 in post Bot zu verkaufen deleted |