Some suggestions? 03/27/2013 - Shaiya Private Server - 0 Replies Hello everyone.
Im making a offline server , im not a good adm so i wanna make offline sv to test myself xd.
erm , if someone wanna gimme suggestions about server?
Like sets , capes ,accs , interface etc.
btw , sorry if i posted on wrong section , I throught this section will be good.
Suggestions and Polls Thread. Post your suggestions and polls here 02/04/2013 - SRO Private Server - 5 Replies Hello everybody
For sometime the users of this section(s) have complained about several aspects of the SRO section. This includes the Foreign, Private and International Sub-Sections
Due to this, i have this new thread for adding the new polls and suggestions posted on Polls and Suggestions
In that section, you are open to ask for features for the sections/forum
Of course, you are not going to ask for impossibles like giving certain features that are restricted for the Staff members
suggestions?/Help 11/27/2010 - 9Dragons - 9 Replies i know sum pple have done it o.o but would making a nuker be a good idea at all? with little ways to make money and get items that a nuker might need and at the same time have no prem....wouldnt it be alittle tough? i love nukers and i HATE GRINDING WARRIORS, hybs are ok...and i just dnt like healers cause so menny buffs to train >_> So what should i do o.o
Suggestions? 03/10/2009 - Silkroad Online - 4 Replies So I'm back to Silkroad.. And I was looking for a fun, active, strong build, which won't have problems with botting.. I'm up for any build as long as it ain't Euro int. (:
Leave suggestions!
I need suggestions for my web 02/21/2009 - Conquer Online 2 - 0 Replies I am creating a website for conquer to release, i was wondering if anyone has any ideas for it. Such as what things to put into the control panel for admins/gms etc.