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how to gain trust?
Discussion on how to gain trust? within the Main forum part of the General category.
10/09/2013, 13:50
elite*gold: 0
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how to gain trust?
Hi, i've been around elitepvpers for a while but recently want to go into trading, but every1 is requesting "trusted" people. what does that mean and how do i become trusted?
sorry if im posting in wrong section
10/09/2013, 13:51
elite*gold: 0
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You get trusted if you have a high activity and Many positive trades
10/09/2013, 13:59
elite*gold: 257
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There is no clearly definition for being 'trusted'. Just try you're best, be friendly and don't do anything bad. Someday you'll be trusted enough
10/09/2013, 15:25
elite*gold: 0
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There's nothing like 'gaining trust'.
As said above, be friendly, don't argue or make a mess.
And you'll be trusted enough.
If you have time, search for the thread "Tip's for safe trading" in case, you won't get scammed.
10/09/2013, 17:58
elite*gold: 99
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Do it like me, then you trusted.
+ only positive
+ lot of rates
+ id verified
+ middleman
10/09/2013, 18:30
elite*gold: 60
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Get all Stuff, wich u can get, to be "Trusted"
I think the art of + TBM is the thing..
E*Gold TBM isnt very "Trustful", because you cant scam e*gold.
10/09/2013, 18:46
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by looneytune
Do it like me, then you trusted.
+ only positive
+ lot of rates
+ id verified
+ middleman
There is no trusted member in this forum, you cant give yourself the title "trusted"
10/09/2013, 18:49
elite*gold: 27
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The best start is to get an ID verification for 120 eGold. After that you have to be very active and get positive TBM ratings.
10/12/2013, 18:33
elite*gold: 10
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Most new users only take looks in the TBM score and the post count. But in general you should never trust anybody. If a user asks for so-called trusted users, they most likely mean users who have high numbers in their profile.
10/23/2013, 22:56
elite*gold: 0
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good tips here, was going to post the same :P
10/24/2013, 14:43
elite*gold: 0
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Well, considering the fact that we use the Internet, I can tell you there is absolutely no one who's trusted (In real life it's the same, only that you probably know the real identity). Having more posts, thanks, +TBMs just makes you look better to other users so they may trust you more than a regular, new member.
10/24/2013, 15:49
elite*gold: 5
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As Daarmy said, there's no real definition of trust on the internet. Look at some people with 600+ TBM, you might look at them and think that they're trusted, your best bet is to just trust no-one
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