[Question] Super gears changed to Elite gears 03/14/2010 - EO PServer Hosting - 8 Replies Alright quick question. I'm using the candy db/client. With in the shopping mall are three different type of noobie packs you could say. +30, +60, +155. When you open the pack they come out as super. Could someone please tell me how to change them to Elite. So it will be easier to add stats to users by name once they upgrade the quality.
nickname 03/01/2010 - PW Hacks, Bots, Cheats, Exploits - 0 Replies Schreib einfach irgend was. Keine Ahnung was. Eine Geschichte, ein Text, eine Interpretation. Hauptsache du schreibst! Dieser Text handelt von einer Geschichte die ich nie gelesen habe. Sie ist der Anfang vom Ende und das Ende vom Anfang. Sie ist nicht real und doch wirklich. Nicht hier, nicht dort aber genau an dieser Stelle. Das muss nicht so sein kann aber. Ich werde nur das schreiben was meine Finger zulassen. Und so schnell sie können. Ich werde solange schreiben bis ich keine Lust mehr...
nickname? 07/03/2009 - Shaiya - 0 Replies hello i was jst wondering whether there is a link that shows your nickname,and level for shaiya.
in other words i am looking for a link like rev6.com
do u know anywebsite that i can reach...?
[Question] How can I do when a packet has changed??? 06/11/2009 - General Coding - 10 Replies - I'm playing a game in my country. So 3 month ago, i used WPEPRO hack this game. A packet has always changed but it worked.
- Exp: When i buy an item in my game.
Firsts,a packet was: 00 13 56 54 (*)
But the second I did it again, a packet was:00 67 56 54
It changed 13 to 67. I hacked an another item, i replaced a packet (*) to: 00 12 68 64 :
Offset. 01 02 03 04
Search 00 space56 54
Modify 00 12 68 64
Summons changed 1-3,Potions changed 4-9 06/28/2008 - General Gaming Discussion - 11 Replies hello ever tired of pressing multiple keys to summon cell and sick of it? now here`s the all in one solution. Go to =C:\Program Files\Softnyx\Rakion\ControlsSV and replace the file. the original one is the change back if u dont like it. thanks will be apprreciated.:)