Missverständnis-Posts/Lustige Posts (Zitate) 11/10/2010 - Off Topic - 2 Replies Kp, obs das schon gibt, aber hatte mal die Idee, son Thread aufzumachen, wo Lustige Zitate, wie zB das von mir:
rein kommen. Wenns euch gefällt postet und wenn ihr wollt gebt mir ein THX für die Idee ;) (wenns den Fred noch nich gibt :D)
upon reading.... 07/01/2009 - Grand Chase - 23 Replies upon reading this forum.
i noticed that majority
is blaming the cheater
for being patch
well guys i want you
to under stand that
game guard will always be updated
every two or three weeks...
Reading HP 12/27/2008 - CO2 Programming - 7 Replies NOTE* Addresses change at almost every update on the Conquer.exe, These addresses might not work on the new patch. This code is written for 5068 patch.
I know some people have had trouble reading HP from Conquers memory so, here's a little "tutorial" how to save the real hp value to a static location. I'm not going much to depth how I found the places I'm using in this tutorial.
First of all, you need a OllyDBG. (Well that's what this tutorial is written for) Next thing we do is, open...