Millionaire City - Commerce Timer + Area Cheat 02/16/2011 - Facebook - 4 Replies Hi all !
I'm sorry to post in english but I don't know german and still want to share cheats...
Here is the new cheat :
- Increase Area of your Commerces
- Reduce collecting time of your commerces
Updated with working values...
Millionaire City - Commerce Area cheat 02/15/2011 - Facebook - 12 Replies Hi All,
Here is a cheat for millionaire city that will allow you to increase the collecting area of your commerces. Be sure to follow every steps of the tutorial so it will work.
There is another cheat around that works the same way for coffee shops, but everytime you restart the game you have to destroy your commerces and build it again.
Now just download this simple HTML file, everything is explained.
It does contain javascript for the step 2. You can check what it does, it's only...
Anti Recall/Moongate Script 04/17/2004 - General Gaming Discussion - 0 Replies sub interrupt()
If UO.Injournal("Kal Ort Por") Then
UO.Exec ("cast 'Harm' LastTarget")
End If
If UO.Injournal("Vas Rel Por") Then
UO.Exec ("cast 'Harm' LastTarget")
End If