Currently for a real farmer it is more difficult to produce gold. With the reduction of gold that they did a few weeks ago, it is more difficult to farm gold. In addition to that, real farmers have to invest in their accounts and characters to produce. They have to decide whether to sell or invest in the characters to produce more gold in the long run.
They have also banned bots more often. and now they produce less gold than before.
and finally the new content of brel hard. now the whales seek to arm themselves 5x3+2 with the ancient accessories. Leveling up the sidereal weapon is a very large waste of gold.
For me all these factors have made the gold of Lost ark at this moment very high. but in turn the items and materials have dropped in price.
If anyone is interested in buying legal gold you can send a msg.
Currently I am the leader of a guild from Venezuela in the us east region. And we are looking for real buyers to farm gold for you weekly.
My team is made up of 12 players and we can produce around 1000K weekly between all of us.
We farm our gold by doing all the raids such as: Valtan H / Vykas H / Kakul / Brel N or H
We only use the auction house to transfer the gold. with accessories relics t3. We cover the commission of pheons.
We can only use cryptocurrencies as a payment method:
You can also contact me on my discord: