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Befare on certain vendor

Discussion on Befare on certain vendor within the Lost Ark forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old   #1
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Befare on certain vendor

Hi, just wanted to post this so it could help some people. Already read a similar story on this forum, and it happened to me too. Just avoid buying from hellenwong on g2g, lack of proffesionalism, bought 200k 1 day before reset, didnt deliver on 48 hours, and she simply does that because the price in the few next days for currencies is going to be higher. At the end, had to cancel, got charged total fee from the purchase that didnt got refund, and to the seller happens nothing because g2g support doesnt do ****.
mtsrncb is offline  
Old 07/28/2022, 13:19   #2
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 41
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Originally Posted by mtsrncb View Post
Hi, just wanted to post this so it could help some people. Already read a similar story on this forum, and it happened to me too. Just avoid buying from hellenwong on g2g, lack of proffesionalism, bought 200k 1 day before reset, didnt deliver on 48 hours, and she simply does that because the price in the few next days for currencies is going to be higher. At the end, had to cancel, got charged total fee from the purchase that didnt got refund, and to the seller happens nothing because g2g support doesnt do ****.
I've learned this back when i was reselling new world gold, unfortunately most chinese botters there have very little care for their customer. They will list coins when they don't have it, don't even know how long it will take, and if you ask any related questions before purchases they'll just tell you to "place and order and cancel if needed".

They probably see every foreigner as a ******* idiot and thats why there is no respect or care for a proper service.

Regarding your refund, you absolutely should be getting that money back as soon as the seller accepts your refund request (given they haven't delivered anything yet), if they absolutely didn't give you a single gold coin and haven't accepted your refund, it happens automatically. Despite having a few bad experiences as a buyer, not getting my money back was not one of them.
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