SMS Verifizierung » Super Preise, Super Service, Einfach Super! 01/12/2013 - elite*gold Trading - 38 Replies g
Ihr habt kein Handy zur Hand? Wollt eure Handy Nummer nicht preisgeben? Kein Problem!
Ich nehme für euch die SMS gerne entgegen.
20 e*Gold
Steam Store » Super Preise, Super Service, Einfach Super! 01/12/2013 - elite*gold Trading - 43 Replies png
Zurzeit sind keine Accounts Verfügbar!
Kontaktmöglichkeiten tp://
To all Users using my Botting Service ...(For the users using PBDO) 01/02/2013 - DarkOrbit - 1 Replies Hey all .... I have bad news to the guys who are using my Free botting service via PBDO(without license) ...
I can't bot you anymore on my PC. Its too much for my baby. <3
So change your data's , disconect the account from bigpoint and everything.
I'll be able to bot u later on the VPS.^^
To the Kbot/Ibot users:
A Bot: From epvp users for epvp users 07/11/2012 - DarkOrbit - 126 Replies Hello, people!
I would like to hear your opinion if we should make a bot just for us. PLEASE VOTE!
all people they want to help me (desinger, programmer, co.):
ADD ME ON SKYPE : Castelbuilder123!!!
Bot is tatacking super super super slow 05/23/2007 - Silkroad Online - 5 Replies Okay, there is a prolbem. my bot is attacking so slow!!! i am hunting those turtles behind jangan, and it's insane.... i've gotten 5 percent in the last 20 minutes.. he's only lvl 5 too... he attacks a monster every minute or something.. anyone nkow why?