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I have the gold method used for gold shops and resellers can I sell it here? (Legal)
Discussion on I have the gold method used for gold shops and resellers can I sell it here? (Legal) within the Lost Ark forum part of the Popular Games category.
04/30/2022, 01:08
elite*gold: 62
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You could not sell guides, your post like you said got blocked in the black market, and now you come to sell to the general topic? saying you have a gold mine and you wanna sell the gold mine for few $$$ to all and link your discord. If you wanna sell something you post in black market, if you wanna share some information with all you can do it here yes. If you don't share nothing and just leave your discord to "sell" something and speak about getting resellers. I guess mods should again delete this post and recommend nobody to buy nothing that looks so shady without doing any TBM.
You wanna sell directly on discord without doing any trade request here via the forum.
The 10 people you say bought why they didn't made a TBM and give the feedback here in the forum? I see 0 feedback for yoru user and fresh acc of april 2022.
Once more:
Don't try to sell stuff on this part of the forum sell stuff it's in the blackmarket.
To all:
Be carefull have all red flags of a scam, he got already post deleted, he got a fresh acc and 0 feedbacks and he says he will make you rich for few $$.
His words: "1 million every week per account"
That's 1000k = 1500$-1800$ with 1 account and you say you wanna sell a way to win that money for 30$, how generous from you. If you can win 1500-1800$ in one week why you wanna 30$ from us? You say you don't have time? You have time to open two posts to try to sell something for 30$ but for winning 1500$ you don't have time
Originally Posted by CorinthESC
I bought this method and ran it for 1 hour.
It's highly dependent on server population and the region itself.
Due to the nature of my region with bots etc, my overall yield after 1 hour was 1.2k gold.
Is this worth it? Yes if you have the time to do it. Obvisouly I didn't make the advertised amount but it's still decent for farming it manually without scripts/bots.
If I were to compare the amount of gold I could get off currency exchange for how much I spent to get this method, I could make that gold after 6 hours of running this method.
funny the owner of the topic speaks about 1000k per week, you speak 1.2k per hour what makes 200k per week if you would do 24h/7. First mistake already caught.
To all say it's collectives farm, the numbers don't match I've already run 24h bot doing collectives farm the RNG it's real you get like 4k top if you are lucky per 24h. And remember there is a thing called reports/bans, spotting bots farming collectives it's very easy.
04/30/2022, 06:04
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 25
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Originally Posted by nhcoohrh
You could not sell guides, your post like you said got blocked in the black market, and now you come to sell to the general topic? saying you have a gold mine and you wanna sell the gold mine for few $$$ to all and link your discord. If you wanna sell something you post in black market, if you wanna share some information with all you can do it here yes. If you don't share nothing and just leave your discord to "sell" something and speak about getting resellers. I guess mods should again delete this post and recommend nobody to buy nothing that looks so shady without doing any TBM.
You wanna sell directly on discord without doing any trade request here via the forum.
The 10 people you say bought why they didn't made a TBM and give the feedback here in the forum? I see 0 feedback for yoru user and fresh acc of april 2022.
Once more:
Don't try to sell stuff on this part of the forum sell stuff it's in the blackmarket.
To all:
Be carefull have all red flags of a scam, he got already post deleted, he got a fresh acc and 0 feedbacks and he says he will make you rich for few $$.
His words: "1 million every week per account"
That's 1000k = 1500$-1800$ with 1 account and you say you wanna sell a way to win that money for 30$, how generous from you. If you can win 1500-1800$ in one week why you wanna 30$ from us? You say you don't have time? You have time to open two posts to try to sell something for 30$ but for winning 1500$ you don't have time
funny the owner of the topic speaks about 1000k per week, you speak 1.2k per hour what makes 200k per week if you would do 24h/7. First mistake already caught.
To all say it's collectives farm, the numbers don't match I've already run 24h bot doing collectives farm the RNG it's real you get like 4k top if you are lucky per 24h. And remember there is a thing called reports/bans, spotting bots farming collectives it's very easy.
Your argument is so poor that it destroys itself, and I invited the admins to review my argument, let me explain why.
Point 1- I specifically said that I am new to this page, that's why I gave my discord in case I don't answer here, just pm to my discord, is this something bad?.
Point 2- I have 3 reviews and I think 2 are positive and 1 neutral, I understand your point about the accounts created in April, but what about that review of the account created in 2012? also from the review that says it does 1.2 per hour? am I sabotaging myself? you contradict yourself in that part (I specifically said from 1k to 7k per hour) also the review was made 1 hour after he bought the method so without having much experience with the method he was able to achieve 1.2k, imagine after a few hours/days when he improves the mech.
Point 3-.1 million per week, it seems that you did not read the part that says (obviously scripted), my average that I get farming is 5k per hour and my maximum has been 7k per hour, assuming that I play 8 hours a day, the range is 5x8= 40k gold daily, but it's not always 5k, there may be hours when I make 3k or 2k, so instead of 40k let's say I make 30k, even if I make 20k it's already profit, but of course you only look at what you want, not the real information.
point 4--I have all the receipts and photos of the transactions made since I opened the post (more than 10) if there is a mod, you can contact me, I'll send you the proof you need, I'm even inviting a mod to write to me and I'll tell you the method so that you personally give your honest opinion.
Point 5- I study and I have work, I have about 2 hours a day to play Lost ark, and the method is a task that you have to be focused on, so I don't like to spend all day doing it, that's why I sell it..
last point about bots, currently there are bots farming almost 24/7, they only stop for a few minutes to simulate human behavior but still, farming 23 hours a day in the correct way as I explain it and assuming that the profit is 6k per hour gives around 1 million, also keep in mind that the bots are more efficient and faster. (23x6=138 x 7 = 966k) although the gain is lower, it is still quite close to a million.
I invite you to answer me if you have something to call me a scammer. but surely you will not answer because that is what those who only speak without knowing do.
Edit 1: Oh I had not noticed, what a surprise, you call me scammer but look at your profile, a few ppl calling you scammer, Now everything makes sense
04/30/2022, 10:23
elite*gold: 62
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 458
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Originally Posted by Nashkka
point 4--I have all the receipts and photos of the transactions made since I opened the post (more than 10) if there is a mod, you can contact me, I'll send you the proof you need, I'm even inviting a mod to write to me and I'll tell you the method so that you personally give your honest opinion.
Receipts are great, but your discord trades dont give you any credibility on here. You have 0/0/0 TBM rating so you are just another random with a week old account trying to sell a magic farming method.
Originally Posted by nhcoohrh
Once more:
Don't try to sell stuff on this part of the forum sell stuff it's in the blackmarket.
Like nhcoohrh already said, if you want to sell something do it on the Lost Ark Black Market, not the general one.
04/30/2022, 11:12
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 25
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Originally Posted by johny524
Receipts are great, but your discord trades dont give you any credibility on here. You have 0/0/0 TBM rating so you are just another random with a week old account trying to sell a magic farming method.
Like nhcoohrh already said, if you want to sell something do it on the Lost Ark Black Market, not the general one.
I already tried to sell it on the lost ark black market but the post was closed because the rules say that I am not allowed to sell guides, that Is why I came here asking if I can sell it, I am giving the method for free to an admin and willing to share all the transactions/info that I have proving everything that I say As long as they let me sell this method on the black market. I am still waiting to see.
Originally Posted by johny524
Receipts are great, but your discord trades dont give you any credibility on here. You have 0/0/0 TBM rating so you are just another random with a week old account trying to sell a magic farming method.
The people who have seen the post have been more than 1200, statistically it is obvious to know that quite a few people have already contacted me, this is a fact of common sense. I have 2 positive reviews but you still don't believe me because they are April accounts. I also have another one that is from an old account created by 2012 saying that I am also legit, but you don't believe me either (?).
I'm saying that I give the method for free to admins and with a 60% discount to large elitepvp accounts in exchange for an honest review, but they still don't believe me either.
Do you think I would do this to steal 30 dollars from a person? It is common sense to think that if I had already scammed someone, this person would have written and reported immediately, but oh surprise, NOT A SINGLE PERSON.
You guys call me a scammer without arguments, and the few you have I have already answered with facts and evidence if you ask for it.
I don't know what else you want from me.
05/01/2022, 00:33
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 27
Received Thanks: 5
Originally Posted by Nashkka
I already tried to sell it on the lost ark black market but the post was closed because the rules say that I am not allowed to sell guides, that Is why I came here asking if I can sell it, I am giving the method for free to an admin and willing to share all the transactions/info that I have proving everything that I say As long as they let me sell this method on the black market. I am still waiting to see.
The people who have seen the post have been more than 1200, statistically it is obvious to know that quite a few people have already contacted me, this is a fact of common sense. I have 2 positive reviews but you still don't believe me because they are April accounts. I also have another one that is from an old account created by 2012 saying that I am also legit, but you don't believe me either (?).
I'm saying that I give the method for free to admins and with a 60% discount to large elitepvp accounts in exchange for an honest review, but they still don't believe me either.
Do you think I would do this to steal 30 dollars from a person? It is common sense to think that if I had already scammed someone, this person would have written and reported immediately, but oh surprise, NOT A SINGLE PERSON.
You guys call me a scammer without arguments, and the few you have I have already answered with facts and evidence if you ask for it.
I don't know what else you want from me.
Statistically 1200+ people have seen the post and statistically ( as you say ) If you still only have 2 people leaving a review out of 1200+ views then that should tell you something. Statistically speaking that is. You kind of hurt your own credibility throwing statistics out there like that.
05/01/2022, 00:38
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 25
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Originally Posted by thehumanclone
Statistically 1200+ people have seen the post and statistically ( as you say ) If you still only have 2 people leaving a review out of 1200+ views then that should tell you something. Statistically speaking that is. You kind of hurt your own credibility throwing statistics out there like that.
Bro I am literally saying that I will give this method for free to any mod with proofs of the chats and the transactions I made since I oppened the post, do you need proofs? I can screen share with you all the transactions aswell, you guys don't have anything to call me a scammer, You are just complaining because You are bored nothing more.
Also If you want to know I have around 12 sales atm, which means 3 reviews is also great number (Only with this, your "stadistic" argument is easy to answer). You need to try harder, not a kids argument.
05/01/2022, 01:11
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 27
Received Thanks: 5
Originally Posted by Nashkka
Bro I am literally saying that I will give this method for free to any mod with proofs of the chats and the transactions I made since I oppened the post, do you need proofs? I can screen share with you all the transactions aswell, you guys don't have anything to call me a scammer, You are just complaining because You are bored nothing more.
Also If you want to know I have around 12 sales atm, which means 3 reviews is also great number (Only with this, your "stadistic" argument is easy to answer). You need to try harder, not a kids argument.
1200 views and 12 sales? 12 Sales 3 reviews? i mean? Do you know math?
Me personally im not saying you are a scammer. The people buying it are probably not speaking up because how dumb they feel with the info you gave them. But the fact you are selling it for cheap its w.e for someone /paying to cheat/.
05/01/2022, 01:22
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 25
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Originally Posted by thehumanclone
1200 views and 12 sales? 12 Sales 3 reviews? i mean? Do you know math?
Me personally im not saying you are a scammer. The people buying it are probably not speaking up because how dumb they feel with the info you gave them. But the fact you are selling it for cheap its w.e for someone /paying to cheat/.
I have in total around 50 chats and almost half don't even write to me after saying hello. (XD) some people trying to get the method for free, others just asking information and a few sold.
I do not see it as strange since here I see posts with thousands of visits and without reviews of anything or conversations.
I can feel that you are still here because you wanna try the method but you don't trust me (I have no other explanation and because I have seen you since the beginning of the post)
If you wanna give it a try pm me here or discord I give you some hints, tips and all the necessary information, do you really think I am going to scamm $30, that would be a nonsense, what am I going to buy with $30, a tesla?
Even if you don't buy the method, I almost always say to my costumers why they should NOT purchase this method and that they have to think about it before any transaction. Then if they say they wanna still buy the method, we continue with the transaction. Simple as that.
05/01/2022, 05:49
elite*gold: 62
Join Date: Apr 2012
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First of all sorry for using the word scammer, maybe I was too harsh but maybe It's because i'm tired of see such topics of fresh accounts trying to sell something that's not allowed to "sell" in this forum or simple scamming people.
In your case it's the first.
You are not allowed to sell "guides" and the link above explains why, well you can sell it however not here in this forum if we read the rules. You got your post deleted because of that and now you are trying to "circulate" the rules by creating a topic on a different section that have rules like "you should not promote your discord to sell stuff".
But again you simple decided to ignore that rules till an admin just delete the post, but that's OK.
And it's funny what prevents of someone joining your discord get your method and coming here just paste the full info? Guess nothing.
The forum idea it's people to share info, if you don't wanna share just go away, don't try to "scam"/"grief" people $ for free stuff.
Finally you didn't understood how the TBM works to call me "scammer", guess it's because you did 0 trades till now in this forum. When you do a trade each person have right to give his feedback. Including scammers, so it's not a surprise for a person did more than 500 TBMs here over 10 years to get some scammers that gave me bad TBM and I simple didn't wanna waste egold to clean them (since you need to pay egold to clean unjustify tbms).
Note I wonder if this is one of your customers:
05/03/2022, 21:08
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 25
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If any of you need information about this, just let me know here or discord.
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