WTT my used eu Pax sivir Skin for a used NA Pax Jay or Pax TF
Discussion on WTT my used eu Pax sivir Skin for a used NA Pax Jay or Pax TF within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
PAX-Sivir Skin 11/09/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 8 Replies Hallo elitepvpers,
da ich mir bei eBay 2 anstatt 1 PAX-Sivir Skin gekauft hab und nur 1 benötige, verkaufe ich hier den anderen da ein Freund mir gesagt hat, hier kann man sowas verkaufen.
Auf US & EU Servern einlösbar, Code wird per E-Mail, PM oder wie auch immer ihr wünscht verschickt.
Hätte dafür gern um die 15€ Paysafecard
meldet euch einfach bei mir per PM :)
Pax Sivir Skin [NA/US] 04/09/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 9 Replies Hallo com,
i want to sell my Pax sivir skin here.
This code is only at US server available.
i accept Paypal and paysafe cards.
i want to get 15 Euros.
Short and scarce ;)
[WTB] PAX SIVIR SKIN | RIOT SINGED SKIN 04/09/2012 - League of Legends Trading - 4 Replies Hey,
ich kaufe folgende 2 Skins:
Pax Sivir Skin - 10€
Riot Singed Skin - 13€
Ich zahle per PayPal.
[WTB] Sivir PAX skin 12/31/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies I'm interested in the Sivir PAX skin. Just the skin, not some account with the skin or anything, since I want it on my own account.
I'm on the following server: EU WEST
IF we're going WITHOUT a middleman, i will NOT go first. Because: Usually the scammer is the seller and not the buyer. I do know that trust is hard to gain around here, but that's my rules if it has to be without a middleman.
If you're interested in selling, leave a message here or send me a private message.
- Voopz
Wtb Pax Sivir Skin 12/30/2011 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hey, im looking for a Pax Sivir Skin. Pm me if u got one and with the price.