[Question] if some one know how to add or remove GM command 03/24/2010 - Metin2 Private Server - 0 Replies Gretings i dont speack Germany but i understand :P
so my questsion is if some one know how to set he GM command so we can change the powers of the GM´s or add some commands for the single player i will give a exemple for what we all can use that
for exp if we set the command /poly 30000 to the single player and config the uishop and uishoping to polyform always they open a private shop we will resolve the problem for the Private shops
at the moment only the gms can open private...
[QUESTION]how to remove the trial version of nod32 12/30/2009 - Grand Chase - 7 Replies ..I download some editor files and I can't remove the virus.. my nod32 is only a trial version..
this is not related to GC
LF a good overlay map 11/16/2009 - Conquer Online 2 - 0 Replies as title says looking for a good overlay map so i can see all types of gear on ground RUES
link me lol
thanks in advance
[QUESTION] On Lotf how to remove 06/29/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 6 Replies Ok im useing 5017 source and u know how you type commands how can i remove it from other players seeing that?
question: remove HP limit bug 02/28/2009 - Dekaron Private Server - 4 Replies When your hp goes above 65.536 it jumps back to 1. so if you have 70.000hp max and use a skill it goes back to 4.464 (=70.000-65536)
Is there a way to remove this hp limit?
(and dont reply with "dont go above 65.536 then")
thanks in advance