Doing draft normals need help! 03/06/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 8 Replies I don't need actually help with this but if someone is doing draft normals aswell u can play with me if u want to. Im busy doing this job for my costumer. 30 games left i main ADC would be best if u main Jungle/Support.
Contact me.
[Stream] [GER] Normals & Ranked 5's 01/02/2015 - League of Legends - 0 Replies Hey,
ich poste unseren Streamlink hier rein wenn wir anfangen zu streamen.
Wir bestehen aus 3 Gold V spielern, aus einem Silber II Spieler und einem Silber IV Spieler. Wenn ihr Bock habt könnt ihr ja mal vorbeischauen und evtl. ein Follow da lassen.
Chatroom (im Client): Ducknitas
Looking for someone who play 35 Normals 12/21/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 13 Replies Hello guys, i got a ranked game restrict for 35 games! So who can play normal draft games on my account? For free or for money, just make me an offer here
[Buying] Boost - normals wins [10e psc] 08/12/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 6 Replies Hi, post me how many WINS on NORMALS you can do for 10 euro psc!
can go 1st with trusted members :)