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EUNE | S3 Silver 1, S4 Unranked, 41 Champions, 16 Skins, 2 Rune pages
Discussion on EUNE | S3 Silver 1, S4 Unranked, 41 Champions, 16 Skins, 2 Rune pages within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.
05/25/2014, 22:39
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Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 8
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EUNE | S3 Silver 1, S4 Unranked, 41 Champions, 16 Skins, 2 Rune pages
Hey guys, I've found a smurf account from S3 that I forgot that it exists.
Here are some pictures and details about the account.
- Nice name
- 7 bonus icons (4 rare)
- S3 - silver 1, S4 - Unranked
- Has silver 1-2 MMR
- 41 champions
- 16 skins
- Some decent runes
I'm the original account owner.
Here are the pictures:
skype: leeleesf
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551 Normal Wins
Region: EUNE
All champions, all rune pages (20), a lot of icons
RP: 838
IP: 172871
39 following skins:
Goth Annie
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10/04/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies
Hey everyone! I'm selling this LoL account for 5€ via PayPal.
I'm going first, if you're trusted member.
Add skype : narupgm
RP: 453
IP: 12501 ( 0 IP Boosts )
Season 1 - Unranked, Season 2 - Unranked, Season 3 - Unranked!
Account is inactive from Season 1.
Champions: http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/6008/vkq3.png
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08/19/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies
I got bored of LoL and decided to sell this account.
The account is mine I created it on 2010.
Also I won't go first as I am not obliged to show you anything you just have to believe me. I am a trusted member (Check Kiritoo on EpicNpc) and I will use a MM too.
So scammers please don't bother to contact me.
My skype is geo.lamperouge
The account has all the champions until Aatrox and +8K IP so you will be able to buy Lucian.
It doesn't have free transfer or anything.
[Selling] NA, 70 champions, 11 skins, 6 rune pages, Unranked
07/13/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 9 Replies
Want to sell account on North America it has 70 champions, 11 skins, 6 rune pages (a lot of runes), Unranked ( 5 games played: 2 win 3 loss), 877 normal wins.
Account has 167 rp, 5770 IP left, and 4 ip boost wins.
Skins: Ironscale Shyvana, Earthrune Skarner, Traditional Lee Sin, Commando Jarvan IV, Nurse Akali, Primal Udyr, Nightblade Irelia, Ionia Master Yi, Mad Hatter Shaco, Boom Boom Blitzcrank, Black Belt Udyr.
Contact me for screenshots
Skype: freakzor5
Payment: Paypal
[Selling] NA- 41 champions, unranked, 6 skins, 2 rune pages. 35$
05/01/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies
Champions - Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Anivia, Annie, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Corki, Dr. Mundo, Evelynn, Gangplank, Garen, Heimerdinger, Jax, Karthus, Kassadin, Katarina, Kayle, Kennen, Malphite, Master Yi, Nasus, Nocturne, Nunu, Poppy, Ryze, Shaco, Singed, Sion, Sivir, Soraka, Talon, Taric, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Vladimir, Wukong, Zed
Skins - Frostfire Annie, Medieval Twitch, Uncle Ryze, Corporate Mundo
Full AD Runpage and Full AP runpage
find me on skype: reatek_
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