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OCE Gold II - Championship Riven + lots of other nice things!

Discussion on OCE Gold II - Championship Riven + lots of other nice things! within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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OCE Gold II - Championship Riven + lots of other nice things!

Great account up for sale with over 2 and 1/2 years of effort poured into it. I'm quitting for university and other IRL commitments because I can't seem to resist the urge to accept people's game invites.

Has lots of nice skins, a few rune pages and everything needed to get started and into ranked (no elo hell, yay)
Account is currently located on OCE server but has the RP needed for server transfer to anywhere.

Games won - 1304
RP - 2782
IP - 3353

Gold II 75 LP (was Gold I)
High gold - mid platinum MMR in ranked

NOTABLE SKINS ~~ Championship Riven, Dark Candy Fiddlesticks, Riot Graves, Arcade Hecarim, Slaybelle Katarina, Underworld Twisted Fate

Ahri - Popstar, Foxfire
Akali - Bloodmoon, Crimson
Alistar - Infernal, Unchained
Amumu - Sad Robot, Pharaoh
Annie - Reverse
Ashe - Woad
Blitzcrank - Definitely Not, iBlitzcrank
Caitlyn - Arctic Warfare, Sheriff
Cassiopeia - Mythic
Cho'gath - Nightmare, Loch Ness
Corki - Urfrider
Darius - Woad King
Diana - Dark Valkyrie
Mundo - Mundoverse
Draven - Gladiator
Elise - Death Blossom
Evelynn - Shadow, Masquerade
Ezreal - Frosted, Nottingham
Fiddlesticks - Dark Candy
Fiora - Nightraven
Fizz - Tundra, Fishermen
Gangplank - Spooky
Garen - Dreadknight
Gragas - Esq
Graves - Riot
Hecarim - Arcade
Irelia - Frostblade
Janna - Hextech
Jarvan IV - Dragon Slayer
Jax - Nemesis, Jaximus
Jayce - Full Metal
Jinx - Mafia
Karma - Sakura
Karthus - Pentakill
Kassadin -
Katarina - Mercenary, High Command, Slaybelle
Kayle - Aether Wing, Unmasked
Kennen - Karate
Kha'zix - Mecha
Kog'maw -
LeBlanc - Prestigious, Wicked
Lee Sin - Muay Thai, Acolyte
Leona - Iron Solari
Lucian -
Lulu - Dragon Trainer
Lux - Sorceress
Malphite - Obsidian
Master Yi - Assassin, Ionia
Miss Fortune - Road Warrior
Mordekaiser -
Morgana - Blackthorn
Nasus - Galactic
Nidalee - Headhunter, French Maid, Bewitched
Nunu - Grungy, Sasquatch
Olaf - Brolaf
Orianna - Bladecraft
Pantheon - Perseus
Poppy - Battle Regalia
Rammus - Full Metal
Renekton - Bloodfury, Scorched Earth
Rengar - Headhunter
Riven - Dragonblade, Battle Bunny, Crimson Elite, Redeemed, Championship
Rumble - Bilgerat
Ryze - Uncle
Shaco - Asylum
Shen - Blood Moon
Shyvana - Ice Drake, Ironscale
Singed - Augmented
Sivir - Spectacular
Sona - Arcade
Soraka - Dryad
Swain -
Taric - Bloodstone, Emerald
Teemo - Panda, Super
Thresh - Deep Terror
Tristana - Rocket Girl
Tryndamere - Viking
Twisted Fate - Underworld
Twitch - Gangster
Udyr - Black Belt
Urgot -
Varus - Arclight
Vayne - Heartseeker, Dragonslayer, Vindicator, Aristocrat
Veigar -
Vi - Neon Strike
Viktor -
Vladimir -
Volibear - Runeguard
Wukong - Jade Dragon
Xin Zhao - Commando
Yasuo - High Noon
Zed - Shockblade
Ziggs - Pool Party
Zilean - Groovy

Missing champions - Vel'koz, Lissandra, Zac, Quinn, Nami, Syndra, Zyra, Nautilus, Sejuani, Zerath, Talon, Skarner, Yorick, Brand, Nocturne, Maokai, Trundle, Malzahar, Heimerdinger, Galio, Anivia

5 x Rune Pages

Red -
9 x Armor
9 x Armor Pen
9 x Physical Dmg
9 x Attack Speed
9 x Crit Chance
9 x Hybrid Pen
9 x Magic Pen

Yellow -
9 x Energy Regen
9 x Mana Regen
9 x Armor
9 x Health Per Lvl

Blue -
9 x Ability Power
9 x Attack Speed
9 x Cooldown
6 x Crit Chance
9 x Mana
4 x Mana Regen (ADCs)
9 x Scaling Ability Power
1 x Scaling Cooldown
9 x Scaling Magic Resist
9 x Magic Resist

Quint -
3 x Ability Power
3 x Armor Pen
3 x Attack Speed
3 x GP10
3 x Health
3 x Lifesteal
3 x Magic Pen
3 x Magic Resist
3 x Move Speed
3 x Spellvamp
Yumisan is offline  

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