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WTS Gold V! All Pax Skins! (Yes pax TF) Human Ryze! Silver kayle! 100+ SKINS! CHEAP!

Discussion on WTS Gold V! All Pax Skins! (Yes pax TF) Human Ryze! Silver kayle! 100+ SKINS! CHEAP! within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
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WTS Gold V! All Pax Skins! (Yes pax TF) Human Ryze! Silver kayle! 100+ SKINS! CHEAP!

Alright guys, I want you to know that I WILL and can provide pictures upon request or Via screen share.. but for security purposes I'll provide a list on skins and other important information!
To start off I want everyone to know that I am the original Owner and can provide the original email to the buyer so there is 0% chance of the account getting recalled. The account is currently Gold V in solo/Duo que with about 700 wins. It has 9 runepages with almost full runes and a pretty cool name! So since it is Gold V it has Victorious Elise, Victorious Ward Skin, Gold border/icon. I am in no hurry to sell the account and will consider most offers. PLEASE post before contacting or risk being ignored.

---------------Rare Skins--------------------------------------------
Skins: Pax Twisted Fate (valued on ebay for about 400$USD)
Pax Jax (valued at 50$)
Pax Sivir(valued at 25$)
Human Ryze (Valued at 100$)
Silver Kayle (Valued at 100$)

Grey Warwick
Midevil Twitch
Dark Candy Fiddlestick
Zombie Brand
Bewitching Nidalee
Kitty Cat Katrina
Underworld TF
Zombie Brand
Haunted Maokai
Haunted Zyra

----------------Legendary Skins--------------------------------
Pulsefire Ezreal
Eternum Nocturne
Demon Blade Tryndamere
Battle Casteprime chogath
Forecast Janna
Warring Kingdom J4
Headhunter Rengar
Soul Reaver Draven
Mecha Kha Zix
Wildfire Zyra
Arcade Hecarim

------------------------------Normal Skins------------------------------
Wicked Leblanc
Assasin Master Yi
Longhorn Alistar
Firefang warwick
Riot girl Tristana
Mafia Miss Fourtune
Demolisher Nunu
Viking Tryndamere
Woad Ashe
Ghost Bride Morgona
Justicar Aatrox
Mad Scientist singed
Groovy Zilean
Vandal Twitch
Tango Evelyn
Pentakill Karthus
Asylum Shaco
Full Metal Rammus
Deep one kassadin
Bloodstone taeric
Superb Vilan veigar
Officer Caitlyn
Tryant Swain
Mercenary Katarina
Boom Boom Blitzcrank
Tometic Maokai
Vandal Brand
Cycrore brand
General Woukong
Swen CHaos Oriana
Death Blossom Elise
Siren Casseiopia
Muay thai Lee Sin
Heartseeker vayne
Dragonslayer vayne
Pharo Nidalee
Headhunter nidalee
Glatic Nasus
Kennen M.D
Blood Moon akali
Steel legion garren
full metal mantheon
Battle Bunny Riven
Foxfire Ahri
Dynasty Ahri
Bloodmoon shen
Sorceress Lux
Pool Party Graves
Gladiator Draven
Full metal Jayce
Debonair Jayce
Woadking darius
Deep terror thresh
Valkrye diana
Pheonix Quinn
Justicar Syndra
Special Weapon Zac
Shockblade Zed
Hired gun Lucian
Neon Strike Vi!
Oktoberfest Gragas
Reverse Annie
Fisherman Fizz
Mafia Jinx
championship thresh
Pentakill Sona
Veigar Greybeard

Anyquestions feel free to ask by either adding my skype... zach.augeson or post below!!

dreamkilla12 is offline  
Old 01/11/2014, 19:10   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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The only skins that are legendary are those that cost 1820 RP that means: Eternum Noc, Demon Blade Trynda, Battlecast Prime Cho, Forecast Janna and Brolaf. The rest are considered normal skins (with the exception of Pulsefire Ezreal which along with Spirit Guard Udyr are Ultimate skins ) .

Originally Posted by dreamkilla12 View Post
So since it is Gold V it will receive Victorious Elise, Victorious Ward Skin, Gold border/icon.
Plus the gold rewards should already have been added to the account by now the preseason is here for 7 weeks.

Other than that good luck selling your account / free bump
k1sSm3plZ is offline  
Old 01/11/2014, 19:58   #3
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oh thanks man!
dreamkilla12 is offline  
Old 01/11/2014, 20:04   #4 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Old 01/11/2014, 21:30   #5
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Talking to you now!

dreamkilla12 is offline  

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