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Rare LoL Skins (Human Ryze, Silver Kayle etc)

Discussion on Rare LoL Skins (Human Ryze, Silver Kayle etc) within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 18
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Rare LoL Skins (Human Ryze, Silver Kayle etc)


Got a stock list of EUW skins:

Pax Sivir $30
Riot Nasus $35
Riot Singed $50
Pax Jax $60
Human Ryze $120
Silver Kayle $140

If you're interested in a purchase or just have a general enquiry please don't hesitate to contact me via this thread or in PM.

Payments will be done through PayPal & willing to use services such as eBay however this will incur seller fees and thus prices may increase.

kpark is offline  

human ryze, pax codes, riot codes, silver kayle, skins league of legends

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