Hey Community
I will determine the value of my Account , can someone tell me how much is it worth ?
#Some Details
Gold V EUW
Normal 4XX Wins
72 Champions
10 Rune Pages
32 Skins included Legacy & Legendary Skins
Season 1 Bronze Icon
The Magnificent Twisted Fate
Blood Lord Vladimir
Firefighter Tristana
Pentakill Sona
Highland Tryndamare
Kingpink Twitch
Scuba Gragas
Hextech Sion
Muse Sona
Prestigious LeBlanc
Unmasked Kayle
Royal Guard Fiora
Major Ziggs
BloodStone Taric
Dragonslayer Vayne
Wicked LeBlanc
Sorceress Lux
Spellthief Lux
Divine Soraka
Gangster Twitch
Northern Front Swain
Frosted Ezreal
Commando Garen
Cowgirl Miss FOrtune
Waterloo Miss Fortune
Groovy Zilean
Guerilla Tristana
Commando Xin Zhao
Black Belt Udyr
Hot Rod Corki
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
Spooky Gangplank
It would be nice if someone could help me to find out the value of my Account