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Discussion on [WTT] EUW ACC with RARE skins, LEGENDARY skins!!! 1564 ELO, NUTCRACKO, 4 RUNE PAGES! within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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I want to trade account:

86 champs (without: Blitz, Galio, Haricam, Karma, Lulu, Maokai, Nautilus, Sejuani, Varus, Viktor, Volibear, Darius, Draven)

Server: EU West
Elo: 1564


1. Crimson Akali
2. Matador Alistar
3. Unchained Alistar
4. Pharaon Amumu
5. Sad robot amumu
6. Annie in Wondreland
7. Freljord Ashe
8. Cryocore Brand
9. Resistance Caitlyn
10. Desperada Cassiopeia
11. Nightmare Cho`Gath
12. Gentelman Cho`Gath
13. Urfrider Corki
14. Corporate Mundo
15. Masquerade Evelynn
16. Frosted Ezreal
17. Explorer Ezreal
18. Minuteman Gangplank
19. Sanguine Garen
20. Graves (with sunglasses)
21. Blast Zone Heimerdinger
22. Aviator Irelia
23. Grim Reaper Karthus
24. Pre-Void Kassadin
25. Silver Kayle
26. Judgment Kayle
27. Monarch Kog'Maw
28. Coral Reef Malphitte
29. Vizier Malzahar
30. Assassin Master YI
31. Cowgirl Miss Fortune
32. Pentakill Mordekaiser
33. Sinful Succulence Morgana
34. Galacyic Nasus
35. Leopard Nidalee
36. Pharaoh Nidalee
37 Haunting Nocturne
38. Brolaf
39. Battle Regalia Poppy
40. Royal Shaco
41. Nutcracko
42. Asylum Shaco
43. Royal Shaco
44. Mad Hatter Shaco
45. Yellow Jacket shen
46. Surgeon Shen
47. Surfer Singed
48. Lumberjack Sion
49. Pentakill sona
50. Divine soraka
51. Bilgewater Swain
52. Emerland Taric
53. Astronaut Teemo
54. Riot girl tristana
55. Firefighter Tristana
56. Highland Tryndamere
57. The Magnificent Twisted Fate
58. Gangster Twitch
59. Primal Udyr
60. Dragonslayer Vayne
61. Big Bad warwick
62. Hyena warwick
63. Commando Xin Zhao
64. Imperial Xin Zhao
65. Winged Hussar Xin Zhao
66. Shurima desert zilean
67. Butcher urgot

I want a EUW Account with Nutcracko and Worshop Shaco, and some halloween skins.

More question HERE or on PW.

NFSDriftKing is offline  

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